The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1279 Replacement

Chapter 1279 Replacement
"Did the inheritance acquired by your family be transcribed in this book from the very beginning?" Zhang Beihai asked.

"Yes." Taohua said.

Actually not.She also obtained the small spells of the Chu family in a ruin.But it was not copied from the book of inheritance made of immortal roots.Instead, she fell asleep after entering a stone room in the ruins.

When you wake up, you will get a set of inheritance.

Although this set of small spells seems to have a lot of levels.But it is obviously easy to get on, and there are special ones.

So Taohua decided to make a copy of them and put them inside her Taiyin Stone Pagoda.

"Then your family's inheritance may be very old." Zhang Beihai flipped through the inheritance book again and said.

This book of inheritance was also made by her long ago to serve as a shield for her Qi Tianjian.That's right, it was Qi Tianjian who she used to mess with that black thing just now.After she broke through the golden core, the projections of Qi Tianjian and Taiyin Stone Pagoda could be removed from her mind by her.

Of course, the main body is still in its own sea of ​​consciousness space.

But even if it's just the projection of Chongbao, the effect is very useful.At least I smashed that thing, and I was stunned.

The thing rushed towards Peach Blossom as soon as the bottle broke, which brought her a great sense of crisis.Subconsciously, she took out the Qi Tianjian projector and threw it at it.

Great results.

"It turned out to be Mu Xin from Immortal Root. I wondered why that spirit was so effective. I lost my mind when I smashed it." Zhang Beihai touched the green book with envy on his face.

"Hurry up and give the book to the children. It's just a book of inheritance made by Xiangen Muxin. You don't look like you have any knowledge." Old man Hang complained to Zhang Beihai angrily. "Among us, you are the richest. Why do you still act like you are reluctant to let go of a small book?"

"You ignorant people. It was made by Mu Xin of Xiangen." Zhang Beihai looked at them with contempt. "Our sect only has nine pieces in total, inherited treasures made of immortal roots. Have you ever thought about how many years our Absolute Beginning Sword Sect has been established? There are only a few pieces.

But the young couple already have one. "

Popular people, angry people.

Look at what other young couples can come up with.

Zhang Beihai deeply felt that his life was in vain.

"You should hurry up and take advantage of the calmness during this period, and ask your parents to protect you, and quickly promote to the seventh level." Old man Hang said, "After you have been promoted to the seventh level, our combat power will be stronger. Only then can we protect Baidou well Realm. I think that Moon Lord and that Blue Moon may have died down temporarily, and it may not take long for them to make a comeback in favor again."

"Is it promoted in the Baidou world?"

"Will you be promoted after you go back? That younger brother of yours won't allow you to advance safely." Chen Min said.

These words were so true that Zhang Beihai was speechless.

"Okay, let me shake the elders."

When Taohua and the others left, the angry customs chief promised to take good care of Luo Wei.

Six months later, Grand Priest Zhang Beihai was indeed promoted to the seventh rank.

As for where to get promoted, everyone can't stop knowing.Anyway, they have advanced.

After Zhang Beihai advanced, he sent a superstitious letter to Taohua and the others.

It was introduced above that he absorbed that spirit, promoted to the seventh level, and also gained some memories of that spirit.

Sure enough, the Baidou Realm has experienced the Great Realm. There is a monster who claims to be the Taiyin Immortal Lord, who constantly devours their spirits, as well as various heaven and earth spirits.

In the end, even the living things began to devour.

The Mu barbarians didn't survive either. The Taiyin Immortal Lord was too strong, and no grass grew anywhere he passed.Everything was eaten up.No one can defeat her and stop her devouring everything.

The world is starting to become more and more barren.

The last coalition forces of the wood barbarians and other creatures were also captured by her, and Xuanbing completely sealed them up.The last memory of that spirit is this scene.

"It is certain that the barrenness of the Baidou Realm today is caused by the Taiyin Immortal. Then is the Moon Lord the Taiyin Immortal?" Taohua guessed.

"I don't know, there is too little evidence." Chu Shinian shook his head.

"It's a bit difficult. By the way, have you chosen a place for the Baidoujian sect's mountain gate?" Taohua asked. "If you don't believe me, just build one yourself. Our family has cultivated three other small spirit veins."

After hearing Tao Hua's words, Chu Shinian thought for a moment.Cai said, "There is a place that is more suitable. But there is also a problem with that place."


"I'll take you to see it, and you'll know."

Chu Shinian took Peach Blossom with him and flew directly to the mainland.Then, after several days of twisting and turning, they arrived at a large crack in the rock, which led directly to the ground.

The two of them walked for half a month and went thousands of feet underground.Only then did I see a huge underground river with a particularly abundant amount of water.

"There is no toxin in this dark river? No, the toxin from the outside world disappears below three thousand feet above the surface." Tao Hua said again in surprise.

Chu Shinian thought it was a matter of course, it was poisonous, and those polluted by the immortal master were replaced by the moon white unicorn out of the Baidou world.

I don't know what Yuebai Qilin's talent is.Chu Shinian felt that it was like building blocks. Wherever he wanted to replace, he could replace the world, rivers, mountains and rivers.

It seems that nothing can be done.

It's just that the things that have been replaced have to use the original sacrifice again.

Millions of miles away, among the wreckage of a broken world, a mountain disappeared for a while, and a huge river that was suspended in the air disappeared for a while.After a while, several inconspicuous and irregular mounds disappeared, or several mineral veins suspended in the void were missing.

Where there is disappearance, there will be appearance.

A wave of large and small world wreckages disappeared, and a black hole appeared out of thin air in the other direction of the world wreckage. A large pile of tattered air, water and soil with a huge amount of toxins were all spewed out.Casually, they thought about wandering in an empty space with nothing.

A will that is still persisting in the center of the broken world: "..."

Is this trash?
The point is, did you get my consent for swallowing so many of my world fragments?

But Yuebai Qilin doesn't care if it agrees or not.

Anyway, just treat it as dead and non-existent.Every day, the will of the moon-white unicorn runs to pick up junk.As long as he thinks it's okay, he will go home to pick it up, and then throw out the polluted fragments of the world that he doesn't want.

Although re-refining world fragments and merging one's own affairs is a waste of origin.But in fact, he does not lack the origin, hehehe.

Just the corpse of a Taiyin Immortal Lord has the ability to sneak attack.

If he hadn't been defenseless, he wouldn't have been allowed to succeed.

(End of this chapter)

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