The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1282 Suicide

Chapter 1282 Suicide
"Ordinary spiritual plants will definitely not be able to survive if they are moved here. But spiritual plants above the fourth level can already form their own domains. Why can't they be moved here? Besides, the spiritual energy here is even more violent than the inside of your spiritual mountain.

It doesn't look very good, but the quality is high.But also contains many other substances.

There's definitely no problem putting them over. "Taohua continued to complain while talking, "Before, with the aura inside your Lingshan, you raised too many fourth- and fifth-level spiritual plants, and at most you couldn't raise them to death.It is impossible to advance them on a large scale.

Because it is impossible for you to climb from the sixth level to the seventh level in a short time.So you can't provide higher-quality aura, not only the aura is not good, but after you become a world, you will have level suppression on the spiritual plants in the world.

As a result, they have no way to break through the sixth order. "

Xiaopang immediately became unhappy when he heard this.

"In order to make it easier for them to break through and understand, I plan to move some spiritual plants above the fifth level to a large piece of land here. As long as they arrange more protective formations, they will be able to break through to the sixth level in a few hundred years. Wait until there are more spiritual plants that have broken through the sixth level, and then transplant them back again.

At that time, you can easily break through the seventh step. "

"Don't think that you are the only one who knows many inheritances. I also have inheritances. I am the master of Yimu, the inheritance of Chunlong. How can it be so easy for Lingzhi to break through the sixth level. Human races who break through the sixth level are almost dead, and they need a lot of special skills. resources to get away with a breakthrough.

It is a thousand deaths for a fifth-level Lingzhi to be promoted to a sixth-level.

Ninety-nine percent of the fifth-level spiritual plants can be blocked just by crossing the catastrophe.

Ling Zhi, who has no heels, dares to advance to the sixth level. "

Xiaopang talked to Taohua plausibly.

"The important spiritual plants in our family don't follow suit? Are they all from top-grade spiritual roots?" Tao Hua said. "The grass root that really has no heels is the snake saliva. Although the snake saliva has mutated a lot, the tallest one has cultivated a third-level spiritual plant.

The one that competes with it is the golden sunflower.

Both are easy to mutate, but progress slowly.

The golden sunflower is also the highest and only the third rank. "Peach Blossom said with a sigh.

"Even if there is a heel, it may not be able to withstand the thunder disaster. You have the time to support them to overcome the calamity and advance to the sixth level. It is better to let them die safely at the peak of the fifth level. Lingzhi has a long life span, and the peak of the fifth level is also It can live for tens of thousands of years. It is absolutely unmatched by the human race.

Instead of letting them commit suicide and become benevolent under the thunder disaster, you might as well leave it to the descendants of the Chu family as their heritage. "

Xiaopang complained.

"I said, why do you become so irritating when you talk?" Tao Hua scolded Xiaopang angrily. "Why just commit suicide and become benevolent? Don't worry, it's just a catastrophe. I have a way."

"What can you do, tell me," Xiaopang asked suspiciously.

"Both of us watched these spiritual plants grow up with our own eyes. I also know that you stopped me entirely because our family's spiritual roots are relatively weak. Even after a hundred years or so, they will be too young and have too little background And fell under the thunder.

Don't worry, I have plans. "Peach Blossom said.

"What's the plan?" Fatty asked again.

"You send the Qingyang spirit peaches, the sixty oldest ones first." Tao Hua said.The sixty ancestors of Qingyang Spirit Peach are all at the lowest level five.

After Xiaopang stabilized the terrain again, he scattered them around his main peak.

It doesn't hurt to experiment first.Keep them if you can, or move them back if you can't.

These sixty old trees occupy a large area, and they are all sunny hillsides.As soon as these old trees fell to the ground, they spontaneously activated the domain.After taking root, it used the roots to firmly grasp the ground.

The light clusters of sixty domains collided with each other.The violent spiritual wind around the old Qingyang spiritual peach tree was completely blocked.

Sometimes there is a breeze outside the domain, and sometimes the wind is strong.

The interior of the domain is quiet and peaceful.

Cough, cough, the violent spiritual wind here has sent a large amount of high-quality spiritual energy and special substances to them, and the original environment is indeed more suitable for their growth.The aura here is too strong, and it seems more suitable for their future advancement.

Looking at the sixty old trees, sixty green masks were propped up in the violent spiritual wind.

Taohua is satisfied.

Sure enough, this kind of place is suitable for high-level spiritual plants to survive.

"How many Qingyang spirit peaches outside Xianyang City have been promoted to the fourth rank?" Tao Hua asked again.

"940 a fourth-tier tree." Xiaopang answered her immediately.

"I thought it would be tens of thousands. Recently, the family has been planting a lot of Qingyang spiritual peaches."

"Later, a lot of peaches were planted, but they were still in the first, second, and third ranks. The batches of peaches planted earlier were also lost when they were promoted to the fourth rank. The breakthrough failed, and most of the spirit peach trees were about to fall directly. gray.

Even if their ancestors are all top-grade spiritual roots.There is no guarantee that each of them can be promoted to Tier [-].

You have to thank me for being able to have so many fourth steps.

If I hadn't been taking special care of them, how could you see so many fourth-orders now. "

"Yes, yes, yes, it's all thanks to Xiaopang." Taohua laughed.

In fact, if Xiaopang didn't take too much care of the various spiritual plants with heels in Lingshan, protecting them from promotion.Taohua would not realize that the high-level spiritual plants all over the mountains and plains were actually holding Xiaopang back.They will cause Xiaopang to postpone his promotion to the seventh rank indefinitely.

"Hurry up and move them out. Be stable first, and wait for your area to expand again in a few years. I will move all the fifth-level spiritual plants to the outside land for planting. Don't worry, I will Let people set up a protective formation."

After hearing Taohua's words, Xiaopang still felt a little unsafe, and felt a little uneasy.

"Don't be reckless. Take it easy."

"Don't worry, don't worry, you don't have to worry about my work." Taohua said, "I'm the one who raised Xiaopang."

Fatty: "..."

Because there are more than 1 Qingyang spirit peaches, and they are all of the fourth rank.You can't just put them indiscriminately, let them take root.

So Xiaopang directly surrounded the ancestors of the sixty peach trees, and opened up many peach orchards, large and small, on the mountain and under the mountain around them.Divided according to talent potential, almost all aptitudes were grouped together.

The closer to the ancestors of the spirit peach tree, the better the talent.

Xiaopang was slow to divide by himself, and the peach blossoms simply merged with Xiaopang to help him divide the peach trees.

The two were busy for a total of three months before they divided up the batch of spirit peach trees and placed them in the entire peach orchard.

Today, Lingshan Mountain, which covers an area of ​​about [-] li, is once again covered with peach trees.There are also patches of green light curtains outside each peach tree.

(End of this chapter)

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