The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1283 Move the tree

Chapter 1283 Move the tree
It's just that the species are all big trees this time, and the distance is far away.

So the light curtain is not very dense.Even so, it looks like green light clusters, which is really beautiful.

After Taohua returned, she was immediately called by her mother to reprimand her.

Said she didn't take care of her little girl.

With the help of her mother and sister, and Chu Shinian taking care of the baby, she is not afraid that her daughter will be left alone.

The little girl is not afraid of life, and she has a good temper, anyone can take care of her.I don't want her brother to talk too much when he was a child, and he had a sour face.

Get angry when you do it.

How nice is this little girl in my family, whoever catches her will kiss whomever she catches.

"Your daughter is also very easy to take care of. Be careful when you grow up, which kid will fool your daughter away with a sweet talk." Chu Qi said.

When Tao Hua thought about it, it was indeed the truth.

In the future, when her daughter is older, she plans to tell her daughter stories about the scumbags who should be dealt with.

Although the scumbag has deep routines and can deceive people.But who is she? In the future, she will talk about it every day, every year, and when the little girl grows up, will she not be able to see the tricks of those bastards?
No one should try to lie to her daughter.

"By the way, your sister wants to assign your daughter to her second boy, what do you think?" Chu Qi asked.

"The blood relationship is too close." Taohua shook her head. "It will be okay in a few more generations. I heard that the blood is too close, and it is easy to give birth to stupid children. My sister and I are so smart, if there is a stupid offspring, wouldn't it be a big joke?"

After hearing this, Chu Qi immediately said in awe, "There is indeed such a saying."

"Aniang, you can secretly investigate the marriages of close relatives in our clan. I didn't believe this statement at first, but after I investigated it, it did happen. Some are weak and sick, and some are barren. Some To be born is to be stupid.

This is too pitiful.

In fact, when the third brother and his wife insisted on keeping the little niece, I secretly sighed for them.Why bother, a child is born to suffer. "

"Don't worry about it, it's his own business." Chu Qi said unexpectedly, "I don't care if you don't have my own mother."

Taohua smiled directly. "Then you tell the second sister, or I tell the second sister."

"I'll tell you, but I'll wait until I check."

"Then I'll ask someone to send you the results of my investigation. You can refer to it."

"That's fine, it can save me a lot of time." Chu Qi nodded.And by saying this, it was actually telling her that she didn't do it on a whim, nor did she reject her sister after hearing the rumors.People have discovered the abnormality long ago and investigated it early.

Chu Qi was very satisfied, her daughter is indeed a good one.Do things carefully and rigorously.


The little girl ran out from Peach Blossom's arms, and threw branches on the green ground, as if practicing kung fu.I don't know who I learned from.

But what do you mean by pointing the branch directly?
Seeing that the branches were on fire, not only was the little girl not frightened, but she laughed out loud.Like a little fool.

"Is this kid a fool?"

When Chu Qi heard this, he immediately slapped the two daughters angrily. "What are you talking about? If you dare to call my granddaughter stupid in the future, it will make her really stupid when she grows up. Let's see how I deal with you."

Chu Qi's vicious look not only did not scare Taohua, but also made her run away.

Her mother probably suspected that her own daughter was a fool a long time ago, right?
Back at home, Tao Hua quickly went to Chu Shinian to deal with the official documents, and told the man her guess by the way.

Chu Shinian laughed out loud.

"Jun Lan is not stupid, on the contrary, that girl is treacherous. She likes to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, and she has been fooled several times."

"Huh?" Taohua stared, "No way."

"Really, you'll know if you secretly hide and observe her in the dark."

"Jun Shu is always thoughtful, yet he was deceived by his sister?" Tao Hua asked with a smile.

"Yes, Jun Shu didn't guard against her. But after being cheated, he came to the screening. Now the brothers and sisters are all good actors, acting against each other. Let's see who can act the other."

Peach Blossom: "..."

"Don't worry about them. Now that you have learned how to deceive your brothers and sisters, you will continue to deceive others when you go out." Chu Shinian was very impressed. "At least they can finish their studies early on the deception of the hidden guards."

"Jun Shu has changed his face when he mentions Dark Guard in recent years. When he thinks of going to Zhuangzi to study, his head hurts, his butt hurts, his arms hurt and his legs hurt. I can't wait to be sick all year round and can't move, so I don't have to go." Taohua smiled while smiling. .

"Don't worry, he won't be able to escape." Chu Shinian said confidently.

He can't handle a little kid.

Besides, he is Lao Tzu, that brat can't fly out of his palm.

"By the way, Fatty said, you moved all the Qingyang spiritual peach trees above the fourth level in your home? Is it done? Did anyone die?" Chu Shinian asked again.

"It's done, there is nothing wrong with anyone. After all, it is a fourth-order spiritual plant, and it has already been born in the domain." Taohua said. "After the fourth-order Lingzhi's domain is expanded, the area is not small. It can cover at least three acres of land near the Lingzhi body.

I was wondering whether it is necessary to send those second- and third-tier small trees there, and just plant them directly within their domain. "

"It's better not to, you take away so many Qingyang spirit peaches above the fourth rank. Near Xianyang, where we live, there have been many spirit trees and grasses at the peak of the third rank that have broken through the fourth rank for a month." Chu Shinian road. "I haven't seen such a large-scale collective breakthrough of Lingzhi other than the Great Spiritual Tide and Lingmai Reverse Lingzhi's collective promotion.

Maybe you are right.I'm afraid our Xiaolingshan can't afford so many high-level spiritual plants.On the contrary, that place may be more suitable for planting and cultivating high-level spiritual plants. "

"How can our Little Spirit Mountain compare with the world? It's like when we were still gnawing on the old age of the world, the spiritual plants grew slowly and broke through quickly, and they were all collective breakthroughs. But since we left the world , Xiaoling Mountain couldn't move anymore.

Many of our spiritual plants soon fell into a growth bottleneck.

If I can't remove them in time.

They are suffocated and unable to break through, and sooner or later they will have to fight to the death.If it is really pushed to that point, the probability of falling into ashes is even greater.

I don't want to see a large number of spiritual plants fall into ashes in large numbers because they failed to break through the realm.

Anyway, it was all thanks to the cultivation. "

If she really wanted a blockbuster film to die because of breaking through, then she would lose too much money.

Of course, when the time comes for the Lingzhis to make a decisive breakthrough, it will be at least a few hundred years later.

But Taohua didn't have the idea of ​​holding back Lingzhi until that time.

Since Chu Shinian provided such a good place, it would be a failure if she didn't make use of it.

(End of this chapter)

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