Chapter 1284
"By the way, is there a fourth-order Qingyang spiritual peach for the spiritual root of this breakthrough?" Tao Hua asked again.

"There are some, but not many, only more than 100."

After hearing Chu Shinian's words, Tao Hua thought for a while and said, "I will send them away in two days. When they are sent away, there will be another batch at most, and the number should be considered large. The Qingyang Spirit Peach Tree can Those who have grown to the fourth level are basically gone."

Chu Shinian nodded, "I don't understand these things. If you say yes, then it should be like this. Apart from Xianyang, there are also some transplanted Qingyang spirit peach trees in other places in the family. You plan to plant them all. Will it be transplanted?"

Peach nodded.

"First transplant Qingyang spiritual peaches, and then send away the spiritual roots above the fourth level in batches. In the Lingshan area here, I will let Xiaopang re-temper. From now on, only the influent and the first to third level will be cultivated. spiritual roots."

"If the consumption of spiritual energy by a large number of high-level spiritual roots is removed, the intensity of the spiritual energy in the Lingshan Mountain will probably be several steps higher. For the mortals and monks living in the Lingshan Mountain today, they are considered happy." Chu Shinian smiled. road.

"The Chu family still has few monks. I heard that in Hongjun Mountain, there are 500 million monks in the Yang family alone." Although Hongjun Mountain is a family power, it is only in the hands of the Yang family. There are no monks with other surnames in Hongjun Mountain.

The main family has a total of 500 million monks, which is enough for the Hongjunshan Yang family to control the entire family power.

"Our Chu family has a total of less than 100 million members. The monks are even more pitiful with only 31." Tao Hua said very sighingly.

Chu Shinian's eyes widened! !
No, their family is not pitiful at all.

If other big powers know about the Chu family, they will be blown away that there are such monks.

On average, three out of ten people are monks.What are you going to do?

Besides, their family members have grown from 80 million to 100 million in just ten years since their family came to Baidoujie, and this growth rate will continue to increase.Chu Shinian said in his heart, what you should worry about now is that there are too many family members, how will you take care of them in the future.

Cough cough, it's really frustrating. At the beginning, I wanted to trick some people into leaving the family, but not many people left the family in the end.

"I heard that my master's original family, the Tong family, only has more than 100 million monks. Their Guanghan Sword Sect is already a second-rate family that can be counted as a famous name." Chu Shinian said.

"It turns out that the Tong family only has more than 100 million monks, so we will be able to catch up with them in less than 100 years." Tao Hua was shocked.I thought to myself that the monk family of Guanghan Sword Sect is so small?

In fact, it is not small. The Guanghan Sword Sect is large, and there are not many small families like the Tong family.

There are more than 100 million monks in one, what is missing together?
I'm afraid it's not that there are more than [-] million monks.

Although Wuyuan Lingshan has only come to Baidou Realm for ten years.But due to sufficient aura and underlying resources.

Especially Lingzhi is particularly abundant.

Therefore, almost all the new-generation babies of the Chu family have spiritual roots.At worst, there will be a wood spirit root.

This is the effect of Qi Tianjian helping her to bless the whole family when the family is getting bigger and luck is getting stronger.

Although Mu Linggen doesn't have to be a Lingzhi husband.

But the people of the Chu family have always been recognized that Lingzhi's talent is beyond ordinary people.

In addition, planting spiritual roots is really profitable.Even if you plant some in front of and behind the house, the annual expenses will be paid out.

The key is that you have to have a wood-type spiritual root, and then go to test the brand of Ling Zhifu.

Even if you are an apprentice of Lingzhifu, you can get a lot of qualifications to buy Lingzhi seeds.

If you don't even have an apprentice's brand, generally speaking, even if you get the seeds, you can't learn the various spells that Ling Zhifu should learn without learning the secrets of planting various seeds.Your chances of finally being able to germinate the seeds will be very gratifying.

The kind that makes you want to cry.

It is not cheap to know that spiritual plant seeds are circulating in Chu's Lingshan.

For a hundred seeds, if your germination rate is only a few percent, then you will really lose money.

You will be in tears by then.

This is the most common unpopular spirit grass seed.

If you switch to more valuable spirit ginseng, ganoderma lucidum and other high-value spiritual root seeds, you will lose everything completely.

Chu's land has recruited many mortals.But people have Ling Zhifu to take charge of the control.A lingzhi husband with more than 100 young and strong mortals can take care of a thousand acres of elixir fields.

The more powerful Ling Zhifu, the second-tier, third-tier, and fourth-tier Lingzhi husbands, they simply take apprentices and manage Ling Zhifu.

The elixir field managed by a fourth-rank lingzhi husband is likely to exceed [-] mu.

It's just that the Chu family has a large territory, and the spiritual fields that have been opened up now exceed [-] million mu.There are also many Lingzhi husbands who would rather plant less than ten acres or tens of acres, but they insist on planting their own land.

He wholeheartedly pursues the leisure life of land, teapot, wife and children and dogs.

That can't be helped!
You can't have to force people to work for the Chu family.

Besides, under the rule of the Chu family, there are still many small forces, such as small families.They also need a lot of Ling Zhifu.

Therefore, no matter how much the Chu family cultivated Ling Zhifu, it was not enough.

There was never enough manpower.

They are always poached by subordinate small forces and some powerful elders, stewards, secret guards, and generals within the family.

No way, people also have Zhuangzi and land.

If you want to grow something, you can't do without Ling Zhifu.

Therefore, when most of the children of the Chu family grow up, they are recommended by their families and clan to learn from Ling Zhifu.

The ones that have grown are not enough to divide, so let’s stock up more seedlings.

Speaking of the Chu family these years, more and more children have wood-type spiritual roots.

Other adults and children without spiritual roots are not afraid, they have accumulated enough family contribution points.It can be exchanged for the treasures of those artificial spiritual roots.

Thinking about blood spirit dew or something.All price cuts now.

Basically, one thousand spirit stones can be exchanged for one bottle.Many people who exchanged Xue Linglu exchanged three or five bottles at a time, or directly bought ten bottles.Let's get rid of the spiritual roots first.Anyway, ten bottles are basically packaged.

Nine out of ten blood roots will be born.

Blood Spirit Root specializes in producing martial arts monks who can fight.

Loose practitioners especially like it.

There are a lot of casual cultivators under Chu's rule, although Chu once encouraged everyone to leave Lingshan and go to Baihai Realm to develop.

But in fact, unless you are particularly bold and extremely ambitious.Many people did not leave Lingshan.

The Lingshan of the Chu family is indeed much better than the conditions outside.

There are a lot of casual cultivators who are only in the Tongmai Realm, and the Divine Platform Realm doesn't even have the Purple Mansion Realm, so why go out and do it?Do you send food and baby to others?

It's better to lie down under Papa Chu's wings with peace of mind.

It can also shelter from wind and rain, and can also prevent disasters.

(End of this chapter)

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