The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1285 Water Soul Pill and Sect Master

Chapter 1285 Water Soul Pill and Sect Master
However, casual cultivators do not have the Qi Tianjian bonus of members of the Chu family.

Therefore, their descendants will not have so many spiritual roots.Giving birth to a child with spiritual roots is like hitting luck.

You can only rely on the large number of wives and concubines to hit your luck.If you meet that child you like very much, but the child grows up and doesn't have spiritual roots, that would be really bad.

Fortunately, the Chu family has come up with several methods of artificial spiritual roots.

Among them, the most famous and cheapest is Xuelinglu.

The 1000 yuan Lingshi gritted his teeth and squeezed it out.

Therefore, Xuelinglu can bring back a large amount of spirit stones for the Chu family every year.

This means that the world they are in is the Baidou Realm, if this is the Baihai Realm.The Chu family can sell Xuelinglu all over the world.


In another three years, a group of Jindan monks of the Baidoujian Sect who were angry and went to the Baihai Realm to be happy opened a branch of the Baidoujian Sect in the Baihai Realm.And three of them were opened, and they received a warm welcome from the local small families and loose cultivators.

All kinds of excellent local resources also entered Nuguan Customs as a matter of course.

Various special products from Nu Customs have also flowed into Baidou Realm, and there are three relatively prosperous areas.

A few months after the opening of the three branches, in less than half a year, six more branches opened successively.At that time, no matter whether it was Jindan, Zifu, Shentai, or Tongmai, the casual cultivators at that time.Everyone cheered.

Some simply joined the Baidou Sword Sect and made the Sword Sect their own.

Cough cough, but the newly opened branches are relatively simple, if you want to build it like the headquarters of Baidoujie, you have to borrow money.

When returning, you need to return a large amount of minerals and the like.

However, the Baihai area is rich in resources, and there were generally many special products at that time.

For example, the new Qixinghai branch was newly opened, and within three months after opening, a unique local resource was discovered.Sky Star Water Soul Seahorse.This little seahorse can actually create a water-type spiritual root.However, the locals just eat desperately, and they only eat big ones. The more they eat, the more likely they will be born with water spirit roots.

But after Taohua found out about this star water soul seahorse, she simply asked the casual cultivators in the local branch to find someone to collect a batch of small seahorses and big seahorses, and then brought them back to her home in the sea outside the Lingshan Mountain. shallow coral seabed area.

Then it prevented the super-large formation protection net, and there were many small nets in the large net.

Finally, the Tianxing Water Soul Seahorse was put in.

Then find a group of beast masters to be responsible for the reproduction and increase of seahorses.

On the other side, the small seahorses were also sent to the doctors and alchemists, who were in charge of researching the potions, to see if you could make a potion that would directly give birth to water-type spirit roots.

Because of the research and development experience of Xuelinglu, it didn't take long for the new Water Soul Pill to be born.

This watery and transparent jelly-like pill.An adult water soul seahorse can refine a furnace of six pills.The more seahorse star patterns are refined from the pill, the better the quality of the pill.The higher the chance of birthing a water-type spiritual root.

This kind of water soul pill is the same as the blood spirit dew, and the public models are all first-order pills.It is also divided into low-grade, medium-grade, high-grade and super-grade.

After feeding a large amount of various aquatic spirits, the water soul seahorse has accelerated its growth rate. The beast master predicts that the annual seahorse can be used to refine water soul pills.Ten-year-old seahorses should be used to refine top-grade and top-grade first-grade water soul pills.

If some seahorses are talented enough to transform into a second-order seahorse early, then they can directly refine the second-order water soul pill.

In this way, the Chu family has two kinds of spiritual things that can be manufactured in large quantities.

One is the Blood Spirit Flower, and the other is the Sky Star Water Soul Seahorse.

The news that a special spiritual creature, the Sky Star Water Soul Seahorse, appeared in the Seven Star Sea area of ​​​​the White Sea Realm spread quickly.

As a result, all major forces ran to catch Haima.

Soon the hippocampus was snatched up.

Coral reefs in local seahorse birth areas have been bulldozed away.It is simply a destructive excavation.

Directly excavated the roots of the water soul seahorse.

Oh my god, the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect didn't even care about it this time.This matter is going to completely abandon Bai Haijie.

For a while, the people in the Baihai community were full of resentment.

The Absolute Beginning Sword Sect is so indulgent that others come to the Baihai Realm to root out the species. Is it because they don’t intend to take the White Sea Realm, or the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect has declined to the point where people come to your house to fight the autumn wind, but you dare not say anything in your life.

The head of the Taichu Sword Sect had nothing to do with his face, and directly sprayed several of his confidants.

"How on earth do you guys do things? And is that idiot in Bai Haijie just patronizing eating, drinking and having fun all day long? Go and ask them if they can still do it? If you can't do it, get the hell out of me." The head snarled.

Speaking of which, he has been the leader for more than 300 years, almost 400 years, and in two hundred years, he will face the dilemma of being re-elected as the leader.If the Elder, the Supreme Elder, the Palace Master and the ancestors all dislike him, then he must resign.

He doesn't want to step down, he wants to continue.He still has a lot of ideas that haven't started yet.

But these idiots knew how to make trouble for him.He shouldn't have softened his heart and accepted them back then.Well now, I have been criticized by more and more Supreme Elders, Palace Masters and Patriarchs because of these idiots who are not good at doing things.

"Where's Zhang Beihe?" Seeing that Zhang Beihe didn't come, the sect master asked with a frown.Not to mention that Zhang Beihe is quite talented in conspiracies and tricks.

"Zhang Beihe has gone back to the Zhang family. His direct brother Zhang Beihai has suddenly broken through to the seventh level."

"What?" The headmaster was astonished. "Didn't that Zhang Beihai say that there are at least a hundred or two hundred years before breaking through the seventh step?"

"We don't really know. I heard that I got a chance suddenly in the Baidou Realm, and then asked the elders of the Zhang family to help protect the law. As a result, I successfully broke through the seventh step."

"Sixth level Yan Dao, seventh level Tongyou, eighth level Dongzheng, ninth level Yin Yang, tenth level Dao Yijing. After Dao Yijing, it is time to cross the tribulation and ascend.

I don't understand. Didn't the old guys of the Zongmen say that starting from the sixth level, every big level after that is very difficult to pass?How could Zhang Beihai have been promoted to a great realm in less than 700 years? "The master said angrily.

He also wanted to quickly improve his cultivation and make himself more stable.

As a result, the old guy said that he should be more stable, don't increase the speed of cultivation too much, and on the one hand, his foundation is not stable.But Zhang Beihai broke through to the sixth level more than 100 years later than him.

But he is now an old monster of the seventh level of the Netherworld.

Did those old guys take him seriously?

Is it because he is not the ancestor of a certain Absolute Sword Sect, so he is not taken seriously?
(End of this chapter)

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