The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1286 I just don't go into the wild

Chapter 1286 I just don't go into the wild
"I heard that I obtained extraordinary resources in the Baidou world. Then I suddenly broke through to the seventh level." My confidant reported.

A certain leader is so angry.

"What kind of shit luck is this.

Why is Zhang Beihe's life so bad? "

"That's right, I don't know why my life has declined like this." Zhang Beihe, who was not there before, also appeared now.However, there was a dejected look on his face, and the loss between his brows and eyes could not even be concealed.

A certain leader who got it was embarrassed to be sad.He quickly comforted him and said, "Forget it, since this is the case, don't feel too uncomfortable. I don't think the Zhang family has any part for you. You should find a way to set up another Xiaozong. Your father loves you so much, why don't you I can support you."

Zhang Beihe felt even more sad when he heard this.

"My father has already said publicly that Zhang Beihai's lineage is his heir. He also privately warned not to make small moves to stumbling Zhang Beihai. It was possible before, but because we are still at the sixth level.

Both of us brothers are worthy of his patriarchship.

But Zhang Beihai is at the seventh level.

The old man said, I am good at everything, but I am not lucky enough.Unable to grasp the critical timing to break through.again and again.He was completely disappointed in me.He felt that if the family fell into Zhang Beihai's hands, it might be able to continue to develop under the care of the ancestors.But if it falls into my hands, I'm afraid it will decline again and again.Always miss a good time to rise.

Because I'm out of luck. "

Zhang Beihe said that his eyes were red with anger.

Can a word of bad luck negate all his hard work?
This is too annoying.

When a certain leader heard this, he also fell into deep thought.

He reigned for more than 300 years.Several times I wanted to follow my own ideas and reform.As a result, I failed several times, maybe I am also unlucky.

People say that things are divided into categories, and people are divided into groups.

I have such a good relationship with Zhang Beihe, and there are always endless topics to talk about. Is it because the two of them are unlucky.

"Beihe, do you know? There is something wrong with the Baihai world."

"What happened to Tianxing Water Soul and Seahorse?" Although Zhang Beihe was frustrated, he still didn't even know that such a big thing happened to the outside world.What's more, he came back this time for this matter. "I heard that the person in charge that you put in the White Sea Realm sold the water soul seahorse to many forces because of bribery, which led to the root of the water soul seahorse being dug out?"

The head twitched his lips and nodded in recognition.

"What do you think those idiots are still alive for? There are so many water soul seahorses, you can sell them as much as you want, what else can I say about them? But you should pay more attention. You can't wipe out all water soul seahorses up.

Now the water soul seahorse is gone, and the coral seabed that the water soul seahorse used to live on has been dug up.

They made me lose face.

Now the heads, heads, and suzerains of all major forces are secretly laughing at me.The elders inside the sect, the Supreme Elders are also secretly estimating when I will leave the field.

Do you think they are wicked or not? "

Zhang Beihe: "..."

"I just don't want to go down. Everyone expects me to go down, but I just don't like them." The head said.

"Actually, as long as the ancestors value you more..." Zhang Beihai hadn't finished speaking when he saw the face of the sect leader turn black.He understood immediately.The ancestors of the Taichu Sword Sect were probably also disappointed in the head.

If they lost even their patience, the head of the sect might be resigned in no time.

"Master, do you know that you offended the ancestors?" Zhang Beihe asked in confusion. "Who's gossips behind your back and falsely accused you?"

"Will the ancestors hate me because of the false accusation?" The head of the sect sighed helplessly.

In fact, he doesn't really know what he did wrong, why is his attitude towards him so different?

Obviously the two hundred years he just took office have been doing well, why have they gone downhill in the past 100 years?

When Zhang Beihe heard it, he understood.

In the first one or two hundred years, the head of the house was strict, and everyone behaved with their tails between their legs.In the past 100 years, the head of the sect has not been as diligent as before, and many people's fox tails have been exposed.They caused complaints in the sect, and naturally the good reputation of the sect leader was completely lost.

Alas...he dare not pierce such a big mine.It can only be realized by the master himself.

If the head can't find out all the time, then he won't be able to find out.

Anyway, it's better for a head to take the blame and go to the field than to find out what they did and directly deal with them.And they also included Zhang Beihe himself.

Seeing that Zhang Beihe hesitated and couldn't say anything, the sect leader sighed resentfully.

"It's useless for me to ask you. I don't even know. How could you know?"

Zhang Beihe said in his heart that I knew it, but I dare not say it, I still want to live on.

"Okay, tell me, what should I do to restore my prestige and reputation?"

"The Haima family has taken them away. Now if we want to punish them, if all the major powers say that we let them do this, we won't be able to take advantage of it at all, and it will cause even more ridicule." Zhang Beihe analyzed.

"Then what do you think we should do?"

"It's best to punish those who took bribes."

"Okay, then dismiss them and let them go home and meditate on the past."

Hearing what the master said, Zhang Beihe didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

If it were someone else who made such a mistake, he would have been punished by the ruthless and ruthless Sect Leader long ago.

But the head of the family only punished his own people to think about their mistakes.

The head treats them so well, he really can't imagine that the future head knows how he and others will repay him, and whether he and others can survive.

Zhang Beihe felt bitter in his heart.

"Since the leader has dealt with it, I think the limelight will pass after a few days. No one cares about it."

"Let's hope." The sect leader was not at all optimistic about Zhang Beihe's good expectations.But I can't bear to say that he is wrong, so I can only acquiesce.

Anyway, hope is good anyway.

On the other hand, Zhang Beihai returned to his family to participate in his seventh-level celebration. After the celebration, he should return to the Baidou world.After all, he also has official duties.As a result, before he could go out, he was blocked by his father.

"What do you say about Beihe?"

"What's the matter with Zhang Beihe?" Zhang Beihai was puzzled.

"It means that you have become the heir of the family, can you not take action against him?"

When Zhang Beihai heard this, he immediately became angry, "Zhang Jingzhou, why didn't you say that when Zhang Beihe dealt with me in private before?"

"Then... are you okay?"

"I don't think you are suitable to continue to be the patriarch of the Zhang family at all. I will propose to grandpa that the fourth uncle should be the patriarch. I think he is more suitable than you."

(End of this chapter)

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