The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1287 Zhang Yanren

Chapter 1287 Zhang Yanren

"Are you crazy?" Zhang Jingzhou roared angrily. "If I am not the patriarch, can you still be the heir of the family? Can you still take the position of the patriarch?"

"I'm already at the seventh level, and I'm going to be the eighth level soon. I'm going to be the patriarch. Who else is the patriarch like you?" Zhang Beihai spoke in an unusually irritating manner.

"You are dreaming, just you, you can break through the eighth level and become an ancestor?" Zhang Jingzhou angrily wished that he had never given birth to this son.

"That's really a good word from you. At the beginning you said I couldn't break through the sixth level, but I broke through quickly. You said I couldn't break through the seventh level, but I broke through quickly again. Now you say I can't break through the eighth level Tier, I guess I'm going too."

His words almost pissed off his father Zhang Jingzhou to death.

But the second and fourth uncles who came outside the door because they were worried that he would be bullied, made their stomachs burst out of laughter.

Second Uncle Zhang immediately sent a sound transmission to his fourth brother, "This kid has a sharp mouth since he was a child, and he is especially good at choking people, especially his own father."

The fourth brother Zhang is the old son of a certain seventh-rank elder patriarch of the Zhang family.

He is not half as old as his elder nephew.However, the cultivation base is already in the late stage of Nascent Soul.

In fact, the patriarch Zhang Jingzhou is only in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

He asked himself that he didn't have the confidence to break through the sixth level, so he gave up early.Focused on family affairs.

Although Zhang Jingzhou always blamed his eldest son for all kinds of bad things, but he also knew in his heart that if it weren't for the eldest son Zhang Beihai and the second son Zhang Beihe were both amazingly talented.Keep breaking through.It looks like a later generation of the family.It is also impossible for him to surpass his other brothers and secure the position of patriarch.

So Zhang Beihai actually said that he would be pushed down from the position of patriarch, Zhang Jingzhou was really scared.

He was really afraid of Zhang Beihai's proposal that the old man agreed to.

Because there is a saying that not only Zhang Beihai thinks like this, but even other people think like this.That's what Zhang Beihai said, he's already at the seventh level, and the eighth level is already close at hand, why should he be a patriarch?
"Zhang Beihai, you also have descendants, you also have children and grandchildren, and you also have children you prefer. I don't believe you don't understand. If I go down, your branch will not be able to keep the position of patriarch."

"My branch is all top-ranked in cultivation, idiots in clan affairs, just practice, and management positions become more idiots. The sons are like that, and the grandsons are even worse. I think in order for the family to continue to live, it is better to choose someone else to be the patriarch. .”

Uncle Zhang smiled even more happily outside.

He is also a top-ranked practitioner and an idiot in family affairs.Otherwise, he wouldn't have rejected his father several times to let him assist his elder brother in family affairs.

First, the elder brother took the patriarch very seriously, and even his own brother was not willing to be touched by others.At that time, he was actually about the same age as Zhang Beihai.He is only one year younger than Zhang Beihai.

That's a bad thing.

So he is Zhang Beihai's uncle in name, but in fact he is no different from his brother.

Back then, when he avoided clan affairs, it was actually to keep Zhang Beihai.Because Zhang Beihai is valued in the eyes of his grandfather and second uncle, he has been able to maintain the superiority of his son and the inclination in resources.

If he became the patriarch, Zhang Beihai designated that he would not have so many resources for cultivation.

You must know that a son is different from a grandson. Even an old man will inevitably be more affectionate to his son than to his grandson.All kinds of precious spiritual objects have been given to him from their private houses.

However, Zhang Beihai was also very upbeat, this time he broke through to the seventh step ahead of him.

I also know that although his old man doesn't say anything, he is afraid that he will go crazy with joy.The Zhang family has another seventh step.

It's just that Xiaosi's face at this time is very responsible.


Although Xiao Si is in the late stage of Nascent Soul, his cultivation is actually mostly due to the accumulation of resources.Xiaosi probably didn't have the idea of ​​breaking through to the sixth level.Since you can't break through, it's better to take advantage of the accumulated lifespan and manage it well.Plan for your offspring.

Many monks in the family are like this.

"Stinky boy, if you say something to make your grandfather abolish my position as patriarch, I will show you to death. Let me see your reputation of staring at your own father, what good can you do in the future?"

"I said it's too shameless for you to play like this. It is obvious that you are doing things unfairly, and it is likely to bring trouble to the family in the future. You still don't want me to tell my grandpa what kind of bastard you are.

If you lie in the position of the patriarch, if you lie down for one more day, the family will lose one day. "Zhang Beihai's angry voice sounded again.

Uncle Zhang outside laughed out loud when he heard it.

As a result, Zhang Jingzhou heard it.

"Second, is it you? Get the hell out of me, Zhang Beihai, that stinky brat, is definitely under your influence."

Upon hearing this, Second Uncle Zhang immediately led his fourth brother into the courtyard.

"Brother, who are you? You are Zhang Beihai's father. My father and yours are the same person. If you want to be my father, do you ask the old man? Did he agree?"

Zhang Jingzhou: "..."

Uncle Zhang's sixth-rank monk's aura was fully open, and Zhang Jingzhou was speechless when he was questioned.

Even though the two brothers live in the same father and mother, but Zhang Jingzhou is a fifth-level poor boy, and Zhang Ershu is a sixth-level big monk, can it be the same?

"Little four is here too?" Zhang Jingzhou found out that his fourth brother and his second child had come.

There are four brothers in my family.They are all descendants.

The bastards separated and went out early, and they all took their own aunts away.It won't work if you don't take them away, you can't let your old man see his concubines die of old age one by one.

If you are really filial, you will take your own mother away, and let your mother live a good life for a few years as a secular official and eunuch.

The third child of the Zhang family died in a secret place in his early years.

Only three exist.

The eldest, the second and the fourth.

Because the qualifications of the eldest and the fourth child are not good, so the old man and the old lady have a little more preference for the two who are not qualified.Thinking of making them rich and happy until they die.Anyway, always go ahead of the two of them.

There is no way for a white-haired person to send a black-haired person, although these two are not born well.

Qualifications are too poor.

However, although both the eldest and the fourth child have some preferences, the old man and the old lady value the second child and the eldest grandson who are equal in luck and strength.

Although Zhang Beihe's aptitude is not bad, it's just a little bit worse than his eldest grandson.

But he is a commoner, so if you dote on him, it will be against the will of the family.

The two of them have also come from controlling the family and leading the family.It's not good to get old and get a stain on the masks of the old couple.

That's so embarrassing, it won't be guaranteed at the end of the festival.

So Zhang Beihe's best ending is to go out and make a living by himself.Can a sixth-level monk still deal with a small family?

Besides, as long as he is alive, can the family really ignore him completely?

(End of this chapter)

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