The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1288 The sect is not a toy

Chapter 1288 The sect is not a toy
But looking at the things the boss did later, he blindly felt that Zhang Beihe had suffered and felt wronged.

He is a concubine, and his biological mother has no merits in the family, so why should he compare everything to his eldest brother?
"Brother." Zhang Xiaosi saluted his elder brother respectfully.

Zhang Jingzhou nodded and accepted his gift calmly.

"Pretending to be a fake, my brother is too embarrassed to be fully respected by others. I will tell my grandfather later that I recommend my fourth uncle as the patriarch of the family." Zhang Beihai sneered.

"Zhang Beihai, you scoundrel, if you really dare to do this, I will die for you. My path has long been interrupted, and this is all I have thought about in this life. If you insist on forcing me to die, I will die now. Just go and kill yourself." Zhang Jingzhou said angrily.

Zhang Beihai still wanted to speak, but Uncle Zhang gave him a hard look.

"Brother, if Xiaohai wanted to get you down, he would have pushed you down a long time ago. Do you still have to wait until now? You don't have any points in your heart when he says this now. Where is Zhang Beihe? Did he go to the head of the house?" Where?" Second Uncle Zhang asked angrily.

Zhang Jingzhou: "..."

"You know that Zhang Beihe and the others are fooling the head of the sect, why the head of the sect has only been in office for more than 300 years, and is ignored by so many elders, the grand elders?

In case one day he wakes up, Zhang Beihe and the others have played tricks on him.How do you think he will deal with the Zhang family? "

Zhang Jingzhou's face turned pale instantly. "You clearly know that the furious leader may do something. The ancestors of the sect will not stop him from setting off a family of enemies who killed his enemies in order to give the leader another chance to correct himself.

The ancestors will give him a chance to settle his mistakes.And within the sect, someone must sacrifice for him.

Do you want our Zhang family to be a stepping stone for him to vent his anger?
Or do you think that when the time comes, you will apologize with death, give up the dignity of my Zhang family, beg him to let Zhang Beihe go, and beg him not to kill your son? "

Cold sweat dripped down Zhang Jingzhou's cheeks.

"Now you have two methods. First, you continue to be the patriarch. But you remove Zhang Beihe from the clan, or transfer him to a remote subsidiary world, where he establishes a clan, spreads out his branches, and never comes back.

The other is that you step down as patriarch.As long as you are no longer the patriarch, it doesn't matter where Zhang Beihe goes.If something really happened, the sect would deal with him.If he really died under the revenge of the leader, that's what he deserved. "

"Second brother, is there really no other way?" Zhang Jingzhou asked with a pale face.

"At the beginning, we warned you not to let Zhang Beihe mix with the sect leader and that group of people. What did you say? While you quickly responded, you continued to encourage Zhang Beihe to make friends with him, and the mingling became deeper and deeper. .

If you say [-] to [-], you cheated him.Everyone's son cheats his father, and you are his father cheating his son. "

"I...I don't want to give up the position of patriarch."

"Then you give up Zhang Beihe." Second Uncle Zhang said contemptuously.In fact, that kid Zhang Beihe looked gentle and polite on the surface, but his character was actually worse than his elder brother.Selfish and vicious, he just talked the most, coaxing his elder brother to be happy all day long.

"The Zhang family really can't keep Zhang Beihe?" Zhang Jingzhou asked bitterly.

"What do you mean, the Zhang family is not your own Zhang family, and the sect is not your own sect. Whether the head of the sect will go down or not is the decision of the ancestors, not a group of chicken thieves who just rely on deception. It will work.

They broke the taboo.

Zongmen is not their toy. "

Uncle Zhang said.

Now many people in the sect are beginning to see this situation clearly.

He is the's a pity.

After all, he is not from a serious family background, and his knowledge of people is extremely poor, so it is difficult for him to take on the big responsibility.

Even if he is talented, the ancestors will not give him another chance to be the head.But the deputy head, or the hall masters of each hall still have a chance.

It all depends on how the head of Zi's final truth responds.

As long as he's not too stupid! !
There should still be a chance.

After hearing what the second child said, Zhang Jingzhou suddenly sat down on the ground, and then began to cry loudly. "My son, it's all because of Zhang Beihai. If he hadn't been forced by you to be overwhelmed, he wouldn't have embarked on that dead end."

"Besides, I'm not good. I'll have someone lock you up directly, and I'll announce that you've been locked up for four times. You just wait to squat in that small cave for the rest of your life." Zhang Beihai said in a cold and sinister voice.

Whoever is always blamed so innocently will go mad with anger after a long time.

Zhang Jingzhou was simply trying to die repeatedly.

"Aren't you my seventh rank? One word can decide how you will live the rest of your life. So you'd better be polite and don't force me to take coercive measures against you."

"You..." Zhang Jingzhou frightened everyone into a panic. "You are too rebellious, you actually want to imprison your father?"

"So don't force me, you are forcing me, and I don't know what I can do."

" still dare to kill your father?"

"Do you know why I don't want to be the patriarch? Because when I become the patriarch, I can take the overall situation of the clan as the first criterion. I can't imprison you as I want. Believe it or not, if I imprison you, grandpa will not I'm interceding with you." Zhang Beihai smiled wickedly.

It really pissed him off. What outrageous things did he do? Could the clan still punish him for being a seventh-rank senior because of a Nascent Soul piled up from a pill?
Zhang Jingzhou's face turned green and his lips turned pale from his fright, and he didn't dare to speak at all.

"Xiao Hai." Uncle Zhang frowned.

"I'm fine, I'm just bored. It's really annoying." Zhang Beihai looked at Zhang Jingzhou with disgust.

"Second Uncle, you should let my father step down. Let Fourth Uncle do it. In case the head of the sect is missed in a day, even the patriarch of our line will be punished, and the head of the sect wants to go crazy with us. We can come forward as much as possible."

"But in this way, it will be unfair to your lineage, especially you and your children and grandchildren." Uncle Zhang said.

"There will always be a day when something happens to Zhang Beihe. It is impossible not to be affected at all. I will transfer a few boys from my family out of the sect for hundreds of years. After a few hundred years, this matter will have faded away. Even if there is The impact will not affect us as much."

What Zhang Beihai said made sense, but Second Uncle Zhang was not willing to agree easily.After all, he designed his elder brother, who is the first child of his parents.As long as the first child is alive, it will be different.

"I'll go back and discuss it with your grandpa, your great-grandpa."

"You guys should make a decision as soon as possible. I think the attitude of the leader may not last long."

(End of this chapter)

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