The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1289 The Little Sword Sect Called Bai Dou

Chapter 1289 The Little Sword Sect Called Bai Dou
"Don't think too much about the head of the sect, and don't say anything against the head of the sect." Second Uncle Zhang glared at his nephew angrily and said. "Hurry up and go back to the Baidou world. By the way, there is an extra Baidou sword faction in your Baidou world, right?"

"What's the matter, it's just a small sword sect, second uncle, why are you paying attention?" Zhang Beihai asked suspiciously.

"I heard that this Baidou Sword Sect has set up branches everywhere, and now there are 70 disciples. The key is that the proportion of golden core sword cultivators is too large, and 30 sword cultivators have joined this small sect.

I just want to know why? " Uncle Zhang asked.

"Why?" Zhang Beihai didn't understand.

"I just want to know why there are so many casual cultivators of the Golden Core sect."

"Some members of my clan have joined the entire Baidou Sword Sect." Zhang Beihai said truthfully.

"What? You actually let our Zhang family join this little sword sect?" Uncle Zhang was really puzzled.

"This small faction is said to be a small sword faction, but it is actually a chamber of commerce." Zhang Beihai said. "This little sword sect was established by a cultivator family called the Chu family. They make money more in the name of swords.

The established sword faction, they can use the teleportation array to open up their own sixth-order spiritual veins into retreat training rooms, sword training grounds, auction houses and other facilities.Earn spirit stones.

It is also possible to let the sword cultivators help them collect all kinds of scarce things by issuing tasks, and they can also use the opportunity of the sword cultivators to establish branches to sell their various products.Many businessmen and family forces who saw business opportunities also added their own special products.

Therefore, the Chu family sells more kinds of goods.

In the end, it was enough for each branch to build a small square city.

These small squares look small, but they really earn spirit stones.Just last month alone, the tribe sent me a dividend of fifty spirit stones. "

"What? That's too much money, right?" Uncle Zhang said dumbfounded.

"Second Uncle, you can't imagine it, can you?" Zhang Beihai laughed loudly. "There are only [-] or [-] small shops in their small city. I didn't expect the monthly profit to be so high. I didn't believe it at first, but later the tribe gave me the account book, and it was confirmed to be true."

"They have Fangshi over there, do they need to pay to enter the market? How much do you pay for Lingshi?" Uncle Zhang asked puzzled.

"No need. You don't need to hand in a single spirit stone. But as long as the monks who enter it, there are few who don't spend money. There are many times waiting for the spirit rice on their side. The taste and quality are good. But because of the seeds, or planted Something is wrong.

Staying is second class.

A piece of Lingshi weighs five or six catties of Lingmi.Even Jindan cultivators can make do with food. "

"Ah?" Uncle Zhang's first reaction was that the other party had to pay for death.Then he asked in astonishment, "What kind of Mijindan can make do with food, but a spirit stone can weigh five or six catties."

"Green pearl rice." Zhang Hokkai said. "This is a kind of improved rice. It doesn't have as much aura as the high-grade spirit rice, but it has a very good taste. It's very chewy. Both spirit beasts and people love it."

Puff puff……

"Xiao Hai, isn't this kind of rice specially bred for feeding spirit beasts?" Second Uncle Zhang reacted immediately.

Zhang Beihai nodded helplessly.

"In the beginning, the Chu family sold it as animal food, but I didn't know that it was the golden core casual cultivator who took it back and cooked it for himself. As a result, he was quite satisfied with the food, and the price was even more satisfactory. So he So he told his casual cultivator friend, and his friend told his own friend.

Gradually, this kind of green bead rice spread.

Everyone came to buy green pearl rice, but they didn't dare to feed it to spirit beasts.Ordinary people can eat, and people can eat even more. "

Uncle Zhang was dumbfounded.

"From Tongmai to Jindan, everyone can eat green bead rice. Of course, for Jindan monks, green bead rice is at most revenge. Eating it will fill you up, but it has no effect on increasing your cultivation. If not, I'd better eat some blood bud rice, bijiao rice or something.

Eat a meal and wait for the top ten cultivation.

But none of these Lingmi belonged to the Chu family.It was some merchants who came to do business with the Chu family on their own initiative.

The Chu family only provides high-level spiritual fruits.

Spiritual food, their family is all low class.First order second order.Not even third-order spiritual food. "

"Their family has a lot of spiritual fruit trees. There are more than a dozen species of spiritual jujube trees of various grades alone. There are also various peach trees, green plum trees and so on.

But I think their family is most capable of cultivating various spiritual ginseng. "

"Spiritual ginseng?" Second Uncle Zhang asked hurriedly.

"Yeah, their family has a lot of commercial ginseng. And they are all high-level ginseng. I have seen their Jinyang ginseng medicine garden.

For an acre of land, at most one or two roots will be grown, for fear that the spiritual ginseng will not absorb enough spiritual energy and it will be difficult to mature.

When the Chu family is doing well, it's like raising radishes.

The spiritual ginseng was densely planted in the elixir garden.When the spirit ginseng had grown up and couldn't open it, they started to relocate the spirit ginseng.After they moved again, they also planted a hundred roots per mu.Others don't know about Jinyang ginseng, but among the recipes we have for refining bodiless pills, there are mainly Jinyang ginseng.

The kind of sea soul flower is a prescription made by the small sect to save costs. The bodiless pill refined is about [-]% less effective than the bodiless pill refined with Jinyang ginseng.Two successes can already determine the success or failure of being promoted to the altar. "

Uncle Zhang agreed with Zhang Beihai's words. "The bodiless pill that uses Jinyang ginseng as the main medicine is indeed more effective than the medicine that uses sea soul flower."

"I plan to send a copy of the bodiless pill formula using Jinyang ginseng to the Chu family. In the future, our family's bodiless pill won't need to be purchased from Baicao Pavilion. It will definitely be cheaper to buy directly from the Chu family."

"What do you say?"

"Because the Chu family grows a lot of golden yang ginseng, and they have their own alchemists, can the bodiless pills they refine be cheap?" Zhang Beihai asked rhetorically.

"Their family really planted a lot of golden sun ginseng."

"Second Uncle, let me tell you, the golden ginseng planted in their family is planted according to the mountains. There are mountain after mountain golden ginseng medicine gardens." Zhang Hokkaido said, "All the mountains and plains are full of high-level elixir The sight is really shocking.”

When the golden sunflower trees were planted all over the Nuguan Pass, Zhang Beihai was shocked by the golden color of the patches, but compared with the Chu family's Lingshan Spiritual Medicine Garden, the Chu family is really rich and powerful.

How much money does their family have to invest in cultivating so many high-level elixir?

I'm afraid I have to use spirit stones to build a huge mountain range.

The Chu family not only has many densely planted high-level elixir gardens, but also many free-range low-level elixir gardens.

(End of this chapter)

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