The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1290 Level 6, Level 7

Chapter 1290 Sixth Tier, Seventh Tier

"You actually value this little faction so much, I will go to your place to have a look when I have time."

"This is really the best." Zhang Hokkai said.

After the uncle and nephew said a few more words, Zhang Beihai decided to leave.

"If it wasn't for someone coming, I would have just said goodbye to you and left." Zhang Beihai gave his own father a bad look.

Uncle Zhang: "..."

My heart said that the father and son were really enemies.

It was rare for Zhang Jingzhou to just snort angrily.None of what he wanted to achieve was achieved.

He was also very angry.

As for whether to be the patriarch, he never thought about it.But if he was asked to expel Bei He from the family, he would find it difficult to do so. Wouldn't this cut his heart?

Zhang Beihai didn't want to pay any attention to his old man's thoughts.

Let grandpa take care of his affairs.

Anyway, there was nothing he could do.

Zhang Beihai bid farewell to everyone quickly, and then ran away without thinking.

"Hmph, I know how to fool around outside all day long." Zhang Jingzhou said contemptuously.

Uncle Zhang glanced at him, didn't bother to pay attention to him, and took his fourth brother away.

After walking a long way, Uncle Zhang stopped suddenly, "Did you see it?"

The fourth child was puzzled. "Second brother."

"Brother, it is really not suitable to lead the family anymore. I think you are suitable, what do you think?"

The fourth child was speechless, "Brother won't agree."

"When the patriarch is not here, big brother agrees or disagrees, but what our dad thinks. Dad loves the boss, and when the big brother keeps trying to die, dad won't suffer anymore. Just watch, big brother will soon put I did it myself."

The fourth brother said, is it really okay for you to say that, big brother?
"You don't have to be reconciled to Beihai, and you don't have to worry about me. Our family has a total of 24 houses. They are all descendants. Our house was not from the line of the patriarch before.

About 2000 years ago, the eldest son of our Zhang family abdicated for three generations in succession.Cough cough, the main reason is that the eldest son at that time was similar to me and Bei Hai, and they all quickly reached the sixth level, seventh level, and moved towards the eighth level.

The descendants are also mostly ascetic monks, who are unmarried and infertile, and are dedicated to pursuing longevity.

Cough cough cough, if it weren't for the loss of many direct monks from our family more than [-] years ago, you might be able to see the figures of those seniors now.

All in all, those born in our family's pursuit generally only like fighting and taking risks.

Cough cough, the rest of the offspring, the reproduction of the family and the handling of family chores are left to you. "

The fourth child wanted to say: I deserve you!

He finally understood why the eldest brother didn't like the second child.

If he was the eldest brother, he wouldn't like this younger brother either.

Lack of virtue!

If you want to be the one who throws away the shopkeeper, you don't care about anything, and you don't even actively reproduce.

With such a group of people, he will serve him like his ancestors in the future.Who is willing to be the logistics manager for them?
Fuck off.

"Second brother, thank you for thinking of me. Brother, after thinking about it, longevity is more attractive to me. How about I give it a try and see if I can break through to the sixth level. I suddenly feel that I can do it."

After talking about the fourth child, he left.

After returning home, the fourth child, who became more and more suffocated when he thought about it, ran to the family retreat by himself in a rage, and broke through directly.

Before he retreated, he received the breakthrough item at home.He took away the last luck crystal of the family, and also took away three innate spiritual objects.

The old man was so angry that he blew his beard and stared.

This fourth child is a prodigal son.

Doesn't he know what his own situation is?

Along the way, he never carefully polished the sword essence in his body.Breaking through to the fifth-order Nascent Soul Realm was achieved by taking the Poying Pill many times.

If you don't take the three-color barrier-breaking pill in the Nascent Soul Realm.He couldn't even break through the middle and late stages of Nascent Soul.

How can I break through the sixth-order Yan Dao realm now?

What are you dreaming about?

If he does not waste his own sixth-order breakthrough resources in this retreat, he may waste himself to death.

Ouch, it's so sad.

This old pimple, let me and his mother worry and worry more.

They are both the second child, what do you say you stimulated your younger brother?
What's so great about cultivation talent?

Just as everyone was anxiously waiting for Zhang Laosi to die quickly, half a step later, a vision shone through the entire Taichu Mountain Gate.

Zhang Laosi really broke through to the sixth level.

The jaws of Taichu Mountain Gate dropped in shock.

People were astonished.

How did this break through?
"When did the sixth-level master break through even the trash dim sum?" A sixth-level master in the sect asked in confusion.

A certain old man Zhang immediately said angrily, "Who are you calling trash dim sum?"

"I said I'm a waste of snacks." A certain little whip master who was caught hurriedly admitted his mistake and apologized, and by the way gave him a treasure as a justification.

Mr. Zhang's face was angry, but his mouth was already crooked.

He himself is also of the sixth order.

Breaking through the seventh step, ahem, is unlikely.

Of his four sons, except for the third who died young, who would have thought that the second and fourth both broke through to the sixth level.Alas, the third child was also a genius back then.

It's just that the boss can't do anything.

make him angry.

And the boss who was complained by him, after learning that the four younger brothers had broken through the sixth-order Yan Dao realm, hugged his son and cried loudly.

God is so unfair.

Obviously everyone is the same waste material, why do you have to let the fourth child also break through to the Dao of Evolution?

Yuanying is only three thousand years old.But Yan Dao Realm has a lifespan of [-].

He is more than 900 years old, and he will go more than half of his life before he finds out that his brothers are all at the sixth level.

Just leave him alone.

huh huh...

It also makes it impossible for people to live.

"Father, calm down, it's okay, you still have me." Zhang Beihe comforted his father.

"I will lose you in the future, and your grandfather will expel you from the Zhang family soon." Zhang Jing Zhou said.

Zhang Beihe was shocked, "What, why did you drive me out of the Zhang family?"

Fortunately, Zhang Jingzhou is still a little sensible, otherwise he would have told his son directly that the family is worried that if one day you miss the head of the head, the head will retaliate against you and hurt the Zhang family.

Zhang Jingzhou knew that if he said it out loud, the eighth-level ancestors in the family would definitely sense it and let him die.

As the patriarch, he still knows what he can't say.

"It's not your eldest brother... Sigh, Beihe, go out and establish a branch."

"No, I can't leave. I definitely won't leave. I can't leave the Zhang family in Zhang Beihai."

Hearing elder He's angry words, Zhang Jingzhou couldn't help feeling a little regretful, if only he didn't tell Zhang Beihe that he could compete for the patriarch.

The patriarch is so powerful that he has no bastards.

I shouldn't tell him that he can fight because of a momentary soft-heartedness, and I will help him fight.


"Beihe, Beihai is already at the seventh level." Zhang Jing said thoughtfully. "You have no chance."

Zhang Beihe's face was instantly ugly.

"Has it really come to this point? The family is going to give up on me? Just because he is at the seventh level and I am at the sixth level?"

(End of this chapter)

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