The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1294: Sea Clan's Destiny Crystallized Fossil Conch

Chapter 1294: Sea Clan's Destiny Crystallized Fossil Conch

"Will it be a disadvantage?" Chu Shinian asked with a frown.

"No, it takes a lot of money to raise a fourth-order spirit tree. Whether it's spiritual land, high-quality spiritual energy, or spiritual veins, it needs enough resources to ensure its survival and blossom and bear fruit.

With so much spiritual energy, the consumption of Lingshi and Lingzhifu, I can replant a few panlong peach trees.Why keep a group of spirit trees whose potential has been exhausted and never broke through to the fifth level of potential? "Peach Blossom said.

Furthermore, the Tier [-] Coiling Dragon Peach Spirit Tree is relatively common and can be planted by various factions.Only the Panlong Spirit Peach Tree that can break through to the sixth level is useful to her.

If the potential is exhausted, she doesn't intend to bother with them.

Moreover, the Panlong Peach Spirit Tree whose fourth-order potential has been exhausted, even if it has seeds, only one in a billion can break through to sixth-order.

She usually silently disposes of this kind of spirit peach tree whose potential is exhausted at a low level.Or sell them directly at their own auctions. Over the years, the family has often auctioned off first-tier, second-tier, and third-tier spirit fruit trees whose potential has been exhausted.Or trade it to someone in the family who likes to plant Panlong spirit peach trees and other spirit trees.

"Will people outside see that there is something wrong with these fourth-order spirit trees? Will they be able to see that the potential is exhausted?" Chu Shinian asked.

"I don't know either. Some people should be able to see it, and some people shouldn't be able to see it. I can see it because of the ability of Companion Chongbao. I'm not sure who else can see it." Tao Hua said.

Chu Shinian nodded, "Then what if someone finds out during the auction?"

"Hmph, we are selling the fourth-order spirit tree, not the breakthrough potential of the spirit tree. Who will auction off the spirit tree with the potential to break through the fifth order." Taohua said proudly.

Who can come up with so many good fourth-order spirit trees for auction, they must be eliminated.

"The re-planted Panlong peach trees may not be as easy to break through as the original old trees. It's only been a few years, and each of them has reached the fourth level. I'm afraid there will be no such programs in the future. After all, there are no big spirits and tides here. The spiritual pulse has been promoted and fed back." Chu Shinian sighed.

"The kind of back-feeding when Xiaopang advances from the sixth level to the seventh level is really amazing." Tao Hua said expectantly. "From the sixth-level spiritual mountain to the seventh-level spiritual realm, that kind of feedback is called Hongda, right? Maybe all kinds of spiritual plants and human beings in the spiritual realm will have great opportunities."

"Spiritual realm. After Xiaopang enters the spiritual realm, he doesn't need to absorb the power of the earth veins anymore?" Chu Shinian asked.

"Yes, yes. Then Xiaopang can directly absorb the void energy." Taohua smiled.How could the power of the earth veins have the high quality of void energy.

"Of course, we are dealing with this batch of spirit trees mainly because we can't afford them. There are still too many third-tier and second-tier small peach trees waiting to be broken through. Among them, the talent potential is astonishingly high. We can't delay them. "Peach Blossom said surprisingly.

She didn't dare to cultivate too much before.Now that the conditions are so good, why should so many talented spiritual roots be suppressed?
"Whether it is the Five Elements Spirit Mountain itself or Wuyuan Mountain, the area of ​​our family is fixed. But we have too many first-tier, second-tier, and third-tier little guys. They need a bigger place to grow into breakthroughs. , more aura.

Stronger spirit veins and more resources.

If there is no one who can only hold back and not break through, how can this be done?

The breakthrough still needs to let them break through.Let's choose the best among the best. If it doesn't work, those with poor potential and talent can simply be eliminated outside the spiritual mountain barrier over there. "

"I thought you planned to sell them all." Chu Shinian smiled.

"I'm not really stupid. I just think that there are too few spirit stones on the market in our family recently, and I plan to hoard some." Taohua said angrily.The first-tier, second-tier, and third-tier spirit trees can be sold for sale, so why sell so many fourth-tier spirit trees? Wait for the price of lower-tier spirit trees to drop.

I would rather watch them die in the violent spiritual wind than sell too many at once.

"Using the fourth-order spirit tree to hoard spirit stones, there is no one but you." Chu Shinian teased her.

Peach Blossom gave him a pair of big white eyes.


This is an auction for monks above the Golden Core level.

The auction hall is very large.

There are round tables at the bottom, and there are a fixed number of chairs around each round table.

Then there is the second, third, fourth, and fifth private rooms.

Nu Customs holds only one large auction every year.

So now the hall is full of people.It was almost bursting.

Even the private rooms on the upper floor were full of people.

The first lot is a half-step fourth-order elixir, the golden elixir.And there are five groups, a total of [-] groups will be shot.

I heard that these golden elixirs come from the great power of Shenting elixirs, Zijin Danmen.

Behind the Zijin Pill Gate is said to be a big world that is very suitable for cultivating various elixir.The native humans in the big world are all working for Zijin Danmen, responsible for planting and cultivating various elixir for them.

However, the reputation of this Zijin Pill Sect is not very good, and it must be mixed.About 500 years ago, someone broke out the immoral practice of using people to raise medicines in Zijin Danmen.

They use a secret technique to plant the seeds of a special elixir into living people.This living person must also be a young man or woman with outstanding talent who has just become a monk.

These men and women have grown up all the way, the altar, the purple mansion, and the golden core.When they conceive and break through, the medicine will generally develop.

In this way, the elixir that would take hundreds or thousands of years to mature could mature ahead of time because of the continuous cultivation and feedback of parasitic life forms.A Nascent Soul, if the practitioner has good talent, one can be achieved in about 500 years.

Then a great medicine is harvested.

What they did was actually sacrificing the natives of a big world.

They used all their talented juniors to raise medicine.It's just wicked and smoky.

No wonder Zijin Danmen never recruited monks from the big world they occupied to help them expand their territories.

How dare you?
How much the indigenous humans in that world hate the people of this sect.

After this sect reported such a thing, it was almost the same as those evil cultivators who refined human pills.

Almost everyone despises it.

As a result, Zijin Danmen's pill business became increasingly difficult.

Even the golden elixir can only be sold here.

In fact, as long as they sell it cheaply, many people still need the golden pill.No family has any relatives or friends.Zijin Pill Sect has indeed used people to raise big medicines, but what does this have to do with those who buy medicines like them.

As long as there is no problem with the elixir of Jiejindan.

In fact, many people think so.

Mingzhe also took advantage of this opportunity to come to Chu Shinian's private room.

Taohua took a closer look, and Mingzhe had reached the golden elixir Dzogchen in his entire body.Immediately ready to conceive a baby.

"Congratulations, are you going to have a baby soon?"

After Mingzhe heard this, he immediately smiled and said, "It was still discovered by you young couple. After this auction, I plan to go to conceive a baby. I also came here to buy some conjugal relics."

"What spiritual root are you?" Chu Shinian asked.

"Water and wood dual spiritual roots." Mingzhe said.

"Then the baby spirits you need are also these two types?" Chu Shinian asked.

Mingzhe nodded immediately.

"I think the same way. But my father is not a Nascent Soul. I am from a grassroots background. I don't have any experience in conceiving babies, and I don't know what kind of spiritual things to buy. I'd better go to see the head of Nuguan in advance, and he will give me Explained the key points of baby formation, saying that it is better to buy a broken baby pill, and then two pieces of congenital yin and yang purple jade to use together. He also gave me a jade cocoon from his own experience of baby formation. Let me go back and try to figure it out. I think that should be enough.”

"Master Guan is really nice." Chu Shinian said with emotion.

Mingzhe also nodded with a smile. "I feel the same way."

"You'd better buy two more luck crystals, and you also need a ten-thousand-year evil-proofing wood, preferably more than one.

It would be even better if you can weave a soul-sustaining grass mat with thousand-year-spirited grass. "Peach Blossom said suddenly.

"What? Why?" Mingzhe lost his voice.

"Why do you really not understand, or simply forget? Our situation is the same, that mark has never disappeared." Tao Hua said with a slightly serious expression.

"You mean that thing dares to come out?" Mingzhe said in astonishment.

"It doesn't need to deal with the Dao of Heaven, that is, the will of the world, but it is too easy to deal with us. As long as it comes out to move its hands and feet, we will fall. Besides, that thing has strong karma, which is probably rare in the world.

If our investigation is true, then the once-prosperous cultivation world and all races of life in this world are likely to be wiped out by it.

I'm afraid it can't bear this kind of karma, right?

Do you think it should know that it will not be able to pass the Heavenly Tribulation level in the end? "Peach Blossom asked back.

"You mean that thing, because of the imprint, will use us as a shield to share and consume its karma." Mingzhe's face turned black.

If so, they are in danger.

Nascent Soul is about to become everyone's death calamity.

Even Chu Shinian's face turned dark at this time.

No wonder Taohua refused to cross the catastrophe, it turned out that there was no way to cross it.

That thing is simply too deceitful.

"Yeah." Taohua nodded solemnly. "I've been wondering why it doesn't let us leave? On the one hand, our existence may be a resource for it. As long as it absorbs us when needed, it may be able to break through some major barriers.

On the other hand, it is very likely that we are the targets for it to share its own terrible karma.As long as it does not exceed the upper limit that our body can accept, it can pass on karma at any time.

Let us accept the catastrophe and liquidation for it.

Think about it, when you break through the Nascent Soul, you have to clear the karma of the first half of your life, and you still need to go through the catastrophe of the inner demon. What would happen if someone transferred the huge and terrifying karma to you at this time? "

"Death." Mingzhe gritted his teeth and spat out.

"That's why it's extremely difficult for us to break through the baby-making stage that others can easily break through. It can be said that we are close to death. In that life, it is because we are born with superhuman luck, and we can always make disasters auspicious and turn bad luck into good luck." Taohua said .

Mingzhe said in his heart: Others did not get through the Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation so easily.

"Then do I have to prepare some fifth-order treasures to resist the catastrophe?" Mingzhe asked again.

"It would be nice if you could get two more top-tier fourth-tier items. How much would it cost for fifth-tier ones. Why don't you ask Master Guan if you can borrow some?" Chu Shinian said.

"I feel that if Master Guan knew about my situation, I'm afraid he wouldn't lend me the fifth-level treasure." Mingzhe said bitterly.He is too unlucky, it is too difficult to cross the catastrophe and become a Nascent Soul.

"You have an extraordinary relationship with that moon master. I think you should be able to borrow the fifth-level treasure." Taohua said again.

Mingzhe: "..."

"Try it, tell the truth. I don't think Master Guan will watch you die," Chu Shinian said.

"What about you?" Mingzhe asked Taohua again.

"I have a baby." Taohua said. "It should be okay to resist the thunder calamity." The Taiyin Stone Pagoda in her house helped her resist the thunder calamity last time.

If it wasn't for her unwillingness to break through...

Forget it, she didn't have a choice at that time.

Either break through and become a great medicine for others, or don't break through and continue to the end.

She still wanted to persevere to the end and find a way to save herself.

Mingzhe had a look of envy, jealousy and hatred.

"My treasure, I can only use it myself. Otherwise, I will lend it to you." Taohua said in a dilemma.

"No, I'll borrow it from Master Guan." Mingzhe nodded, and asked which family had the most fifth-order spirit treasures. It goes without saying that it was Master Guan's family.I heard that Guan Zhu's grandfather, that old man Hang is still a sixth rank.

Especially powerful ones, so there should be no shortage of fifth-order spirit treasures, right?

"Hey, Mingzhe, your luck has come, hurry up and take pictures of the three large fossil conch shells." Taohua suddenly pointed to the auction table and said to Mingzhe.

It turned out that immediately after the auction of the golden elixir was completed, three more fossil conch shells were taken out.At this time, it was placed on the auction table.

Mingzhe looked at the three big snails and thought they were very extraordinary.Immediately began to bid.

But there are many people who look at the big conch.Surrounding quotations continue to grow high.

Originally, the starting price for the fossil conch was only 20 spirit stones, but in the end it rose to [-] spirit stones, [-] spirit stones, and millions of spirit stones in a short while.

It's just so ridiculously high.

Let everyone unexpected.

Even the Primordial Cultivator who was in charge of the auction had a stiff expression on his face. Obviously, he also noticed that his own treasure appraisers had gone astray.

"Hurry up, hurry up. They can't hold on any longer." Tao Hua kept urging. "There are five or six people who are still quoting."

"Only four fossil conch shells are worth 110 million spirit stones. Isn't that a bit more than their own value?" Mingzhe continued to bid while casting a puzzled look at Taohua.

"What kind of fossil conch is that, it is the luck crystallization of a certain huge sea race.

When this Sea Clan was still at its peak, it was slaughtered.The luck of the whole family finally condensed into three big snails.

It should be the fault of that thing again.

I don't know why this kind of thing appeared at the auction.

But definitely this time.

Increase the price quickly.Who can still look away. "Peach Blossom said.

Mingzhe immediately became excited.


As soon as he reported 130 million, someone followed him immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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