The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1295 It's Time

Chapter 1295 It's Time
"Two million." But after a few quotations, the price of the fossil conch skyrocketed to two million spirit stones.

This is a spirit stone, not a stone.

At this time, almost all the Jindan and Yuanying who were present sensed that something was wrong, and the number of bidders increased instead of decreasing.

After a few breaths, the price of the three big snails directly increased to 400 million spirit stones.

The auction venue was unbelievably enthusiastic. In private, countless people were talking about it, and everyone was guessing what those three petrified conchs were.

Some say it is the corpse of a divine beast.

Some people say it is an innate spirit.

And what rules secret treasure.

Anyway, guesswork...

"450 million." Mingzhe just quoted.The other side immediately shouted "470 million."




Bidders everywhere are shouting faster and faster, and the prices are getting higher and higher.

"700 million." Mingzhe gritted his teeth and offered another price.


780. "




When it reached 1000 million, I called twice in succession, but did not call the price again.

Mingzhe looked at Taohua and Chu Shinian, and immediately and decisively shouted, "One thousand and one million spirit stones."

This time, no one will argue with Mingzhe again.

Mingzhe finally got three large fossilized snails with an offer of 100 million spirit stones.

"I didn't bring that spirit stone..."

"I'll lend it to you." Chu Shinian borrowed 400 million spirit stones from Mingzhe without saying a word.

After paying off the spirit stones, the Jindan nun who was holding the large fossil conch pretended to be casual and asked, "Guys, what is so magical about this conch that made you buy it at such a high price."

"It looks pleasing to the eye." Mingzhe said immediately.

Jindan female cultivator: "..."

"Really, as soon as I saw them, I thought they should be mine." Mingzhe said seriously.

Each of these three large snails is a full foot long, as thick as an adult man's arm.

Such a large luck crystal is unheard of. If Chu Taohua hadn't seen through what they were at a glance, none of this kind of treasure would have fallen into his hands.The head of Nuguan might be willing to lend him a fifth-order spirit treasure to cross the catastrophe, but he would never be willing to give him the crystallization of luck that his own sect has very little.

With the three of them, even without the Poying Pill, he would fight for it.

What luck this time.

Jindan female cultivator left with a disgruntled expression.

Taohua hurried up to touch it.

It really is the crystallization of special luck.

"Mingzhe, you are so lucky, you really need something." Taohua laughed.

Chu Shinian also laughed.

Indeed, Mingzhe's luck is really good.

hey-hey.Mingzhe also felt that he was really lucky.

"I'm still missing a ten-thousand-year evil-proofing wood and a thousand-year soul-awakening grass mat."

"It's best to get one of the Poying Pill. Two pieces of Yinyang Purple Jade to help break through the Nascent Soul." Taohua said again.

"It's too difficult, I don't have that much money." Mingzhe said.

"You can owe it first," Chu Shinian said. "Anyway, I know you'll be able to pay me back soon."

Mingzhe was speechless, feeling as if he had been seen through.

"Well, anyway, one favor is owed, and a bunch of favors are also owed."

"Below is a ten-thousand-year Ziyang peach spirit tree, about sixteen square meters. The starting price is 500 million spirit stones."

As soon as Taohua heard it, she immediately added "600 million."



"700 million." Taohua raised the price again.

"800 million." Someone called again.

"900 million." Taohua raised the price again.

Then someone raised the price again, and Taohua directly raised the price to [-] million.

This price ended the auction of the twelve square ten thousand year mahogany.

Because there is an auction item, Taohua can get Wannian Taomu without paying the bill immediately.As soon as she got it, Taohua gave half of the twelve-square timber to Mingzhe.

"Can you carve evil talismans? Remember that you can only carve evil talismans by yourself. The more you carve, the higher the level, the better. Carve all the evil talismans you can carve on Wannian peach wood. This is Wannian evil wood gone."

Mingzhe took the wood with a very serious expression.

He must take care of this matter.

This auction has everything. Just in the middle of the auction, the originally very rare Millennium Soul-Reviving Grass appeared.Taohua and Mingzhe competed on the price, and bought enough soul-sustaining grass at a price that was two or three times the normal market price of the soul-soothing grass.

"Remember to weave the straw mats yourself," Tao Hua said.

"Do you have to do it yourself?" Mingzhe asked.

"When you are making it, you must remember to use your own soul power to temper the mat of the awakening grass." Tao Hua said.

Mingzhe was puzzled.

"You will understand after tempering it." Tao Hua said.

"If there are no accidents, I will break through in three months, and then I will ask you to help me." Mingzhe said.

"Okay. You'd better break through at the Master Nu Customs. Once there is a change in that thing, the Master Nu Customs is not a vegetarian." Tao Hua said.

Mingzhe nodded solemnly.

Three months later, Nu Passed abroad, somewhere in Hang Tai Shang Palace.

Mingzhe re-counted what should be prepared, and then looked at Guan Zhu, Hang Xinghe, Chu Shinian and others standing outside the main hall.

Nod solemnly.

He's about to start.

Mingzhe has just started to break through, there is no accident yet, everything is normal.But when he broke through to the middle and late stage and started to break through the pills and become babies, suddenly a foul-smelling cloud appeared in the sky.In the dark clouds, countless ghosts and unjust souls are writhing crazily.

Hang Xinghe's old face twisted for a while.

"Sure enough, Mingzhe and Chu Taohua did the right thing. That guy really let people share his karma."

The dark clouds kept lowering and seemed to be falling on Mingzhe.

Mingzhe very straightforwardly aroused all the Six Fang Wannian Evil Repelling Wood.

Six strong lights to ward off evil shine in the air.

Wu Yun was directly punched through six big holes.

After condensing again, it was leaked again.

The dark clouds are constantly being worn away, leaked, and then re-fused together.The evil spirit wood continuously stimulates the white strong light.

Dark clouds constantly attacking the sky.

Just don't let it fall.

Mingzhe ate two pieces of yin and yang purple jade, a broken baby pill, and a small nascent baby has come out of the golden pill, flew into Mingzhe's sea of ​​consciousness space, and sat directly on his sea of ​​consciousness space .

Mingzhe's Sea of ​​Consciousness space at this time is already full of huge waves.

A large number of invisible and formless whispers and chants are constantly floating in Mingzhe's sea of ​​consciousness space.

Comparable to the whisper of a demon.

Mingzhe was annoyed by them and his mind almost exploded.

Fortunately, the mat of the awakening grass that I sacrificed is closely connected with myself, and constantly transmits a wave of energy that cleanses the soul.

But the wake-up grass mat can't last long.

He has to break through fast.

bang bang...

Lei Jie finally transmitted his voice through the dark clouds.

Mingzhe knew it was time.

(End of this chapter)

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