The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1296 Peach Blossom Breaks Through Nascent Soul

Chapter 1296 Peach Blossom Breaks Through Nascent Soul
A large fossilized conch was immediately ignited by him with spiritual energy.

For a time, the world was filled with vast oceans.A huge conch appeared on the ocean.

The blue sea water and the powerful and peaceful halfling sea people.The strange singing of the Sea Clan spread throughout the Nuhai Pass along with the manifestation of heaven and earth.

"It's that fossilized conch, my God, it's a crystallization of luck. It's a crystallization of luck belonging to the sea clan." Someone immediately recognized the vision in the sky and exclaimed high.

"Big snail..."

"It's one of the three big snails. I said why they were sold at such a high price. It turned out to be the crystallization of luck. It's only [-] spirit stones, and three of them are crystallizations of luck."

"This time the Absolute Beginning Sword Faction Auction House suffered a terrible loss. They lost three luck crystals."

There are many theories out there.

The big conch suddenly burst into blue light.

Then a red humanoid monster appeared directly outside the main hall where Mingzhe retreated.Obviously this thing belonged to Mingzhe who planned to attack secretly.

But it was suddenly exposed because of the big conch.

Taohua didn't say anything else, and directly used black ice.

A certain red light figure was hit suddenly, and his whole body was immediately frozen into a piece of black ice.

Unwillingly, the red-light figure struggled and howled in the black ice.

It's a pity that Peach Blossom's black ice is not a spiritual technique, nor a magic spell, but a true supernatural power.After playing a supernatural power, Heibing Taohua continued to play a second supernatural power, Heibing.

Then came the third, fourth, and fifth supernatural powers.

The black ice was originally only light black.

After the five supernatural powers, it turned into black that swallowed all light.

And the black ice kept freezing into the red light.

At first it was the surface layer of red light, and gradually spread towards the middle layer and core layer of red light.

Not to be outdone, the big conch in the sky crashed towards the dark clouds that were still covering Mingzhe's head.

The dark cloud and the big conch collided together, constantly killing each other.Make a sizzling sound.

There are shadows on the sky for a while, and blue light for a while.

The two sides are like enemies of life and death, and they will fight to the death when they meet.

However, Blu-ray was strong at the beginning, but was gradually suppressed by the dark clouds because of lack of stamina.

Mingzhe suddenly raised his head and glanced at the sky, and Lei Jie hadn't come down yet.

Sure enough, it was the other party's hands and feet.

He gritted his teeth and simply threw the other two big conchs into the sky.

If he fails this time, he will not break through.

The three blue lights suddenly superimposed and merged together, and Wu Yun was no match at all this time.

It was completely ablated by the super strong blue light.

The dark clouds disappeared, and Lei Jie approved normally.

Neither long nor short, it was approved nine times in succession.

Mingzhe, who owns the fifth-order spirit treasure, blocked the thunder disaster without expending the spirituality of the fifth-order spirit treasure.

But at this moment, both the evil-proofing wood and the Xingshen grass mat beside him spontaneously ignited without wind.

Mingzhe's biggest crisis is coming.

The life and death of the biological mother is unknown, and the father died of hatred.The inner demon dared to take this opportunity to come and lead him astray, how could that be possible?

He must embark on a powerful path.Fulfill the expectations of parents.

With such a strong belief, Mingzhe broke through the illusion of the inner demon and killed the inner demon.Break through the heart demon robbery.

After the success and consummation, above Mingzhe's Nascent Soul, there was faint purple gleam and brighter Nascent Soul Colored Light.

Yuan Ying walked out of the sea of ​​consciousness again and fell into his dantian.Although the Yuanying fell into the dantian, but the seed of the Yuanshen in the future has already fallen into his Yuanying.The sixth-order Yan Dao Realm is already waving at him.

The powerful aura of Nascent Soul Great Cultivator rushed out of the hall in an instant, sweeping around.

"It's done." Taohua said happily.

"Prodigal son." The angry customs chief felt sorry for his three big conchs, who knew that they were the crystallization of luck from other races.

Hang Xinghe was happy.Anyway, it wasn't me who lost the big conch.

I don't have to regret it either.

Chen Min stood beside Hang Xinghe, "Although Mingzhe broke through the Nascent Soul this time, he also took the opportunity to attack that one. But it cost too much. Especially those three luck crystals."

After speaking, he glanced at Peach Blossom again.

"I don't need luck crystallization." Tao Hua hurriedly said.

"Then you can break through Yuanying Tribulation. Since that guy can attack Mingzhe, it may attack you."

When old lady Chen Min said it, Tao Hua naturally agreed.

"Actually, I really don't need luck crystallization. I have the luck of the Chu clan, and I am the head of the Chu clan. My family luck is not like those three big conchs, which are just dead objects, enemies that cannot take the initiative to attack. My family luck It has already become a spirit."

"How many clansmen are there in your Chu clan, can the luck of your clan help you break through the Nascent Soul Tribulation?" Chen Min felt that it was not reliable no matter how he thought about it.

"It's really not possible. Anyway, your Chu family is rich, so you should go to the black market to buy a luck crystal."

This is also a way.

Hang Xinghe also thought it was good.

Taohua sees that Chen Min cares about her, but her heart is very righteous.There was no intention of trying to take her Chu family away.

I think this little old man is really good.

"In half a year, I will break through the Nascent Soul. Everyone will know by then. I really don't need luck crystallization."

Everyone: "..."


Half a year later, within the Chu Family Lingshan.

The original Wuxingling Peak.

The top of the mountain here has been cut off manually.

It completely turned into a huge lotus seat.There are nine floors in total, and nine formations are arranged.

The formation materials are all above the fourth order.

The top [-]% of the formation materials are all mixed with fifth-grade materials and fourth-grade top-grade materials.The combinations of formations were gathered on a huge white jade round platform.

At this time, Taohua was standing on the lotus platform.

"Are you sure?" Chu Shinian finally asked.

"Don't worry. I'm ready. Xiaopang started to mobilize the spiritual energy."

Xiaopang immediately manifested a chubby little dragon shape.

"Don't worry, I have already arranged it. Taohua, when you need spiritual energy, I will provide you with whatever."

"Okay. Then I'm going to start." Tao Hua glanced at Chu Shinian.Chu Shinian quickly withdrew from the round stage.

Tao Hua glanced at the sky silently, and a slight mocking smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

I know you failed when Mingzhe broke through, so I accumulated experience and thought of more ways to deal with me, but you don't know, I am actually expecting you to make a move.

Come on, let's play against each other once.

Immortal Lord Taiyin...

The aura that had been polished long ago and continued to be suppressed began to soar wildly in an instant.

Like a sea tide, it rushed towards the Nascent Soul Realm.

The sky darkened in an instant.Day turned into night.

"Family luck!" Tao Hua shouted.


Over the entire Lingshan Mountain, a huge white lotus that seemed to be able to hold a world appeared in the sky above Lingshan in the blink of an eye.

It spins and rushes towards the black sky at high speed.

(End of this chapter)

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