The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1297 Yuanying Patriarch

Chapter 1297 Yuanying Patriarch
bang bang bang...

In mid-air, huge impact sounds continued to be heard, like thunderbolts.

The huge white lotus continued to crack, and the edges collapsed layer by layer.

And the night sky is still the same night sky, it's like two strong fights, one of them is in a weak position, and every time they fight, the weaker side becomes a little weaker.

Everyone immediately looked down on Bai Lianhua.

Just when everyone felt that the huge white lotus flower seemed unable to hit the night.Suddenly, there was a loud crack in the black night sky, and then the whole night sky shattered and burned.

The thick thunder streaked across the shattered gap in the night sky, and directly fell on the top of Taohua Noddle.

What's even more strange is that there is actually a slightly reddish strange power mixed in these thunders.

Taohua didn't intend to let those weird tribulation thunders hit her head.

She simply waved towards the sky, and the white lotus that shattered the night sky directly turned into a stream of white light and landed on top of Taohua's head again.

The black air around him suddenly burst out.

It seems that there is some black substance around the peach blossoms that is constantly agglomerating, and after dyeing, it is turned into a white lotus flower that is as big as a bowl to counteract and melt.

Another nine-fold stone pagoda was revealed to the world for the first time.

The stone tower Xuxu covered the peach blossoms.

Even the strange red thunder fell on the tower.

The thunder surged on the stone tower like a splash, and the stone tower remained motionless.Thunder spread all over the tower, but the energy of the thunder was continuously absorbed by the stone tower.That weird red energy was also absorbed and digested by the stone tower.

After digesting the entire thunderbolt, the stone pagoda made a bang sound as if it was still unfinished.

Taohua simply sat down cross-legged, continuously receiving the pure energy fed back by the stone tower after absorbing the thunder.

Her golden core cracked like a chicken out of its shell, a small person walked out of the broken golden core, and then sucked all the fragments of the golden core into his stomach with one mouthful.The little belly absorbed so many golden core fragments and it didn't grow long.

Afterwards, the villain flew into Peach Blossom's Sea of ​​Consciousness space and sat in the space.

Taohua's Sea of ​​Consciousness space also changed again, and the waves were monstrous.

On the sky in space, cracks were broken one after another.

Streams of black air continuously surged out of it.

Scenes of old scenes flashed in her eyes.There are those in this life and those in past lives.Some scenes tempted her to indulge in them, but Taohua easily avoided them.She is determined and strong.Not easily blinded by these illusions.

However, during this period, she also clearly felt the attack of the power of five powerful demon souls.

Five petals of the family's white lotus flower disappeared one after another.

This is a bit tricky, she just broke through the Nascent Soul, why are there so many powerful demon souls coming to attack her?
The white lotus of the family fortune is actually the glazed pagoda of the family fortune, which has nine layers in total.

In order not to let people know that it has become spiritual, Peach Blossom made it transform into a white lotus.

The nine-fold glazed pagoda is nine white lotus petals.

She has used up five of them, so she has to keep some property.

Taohua scolded some existences in her heart for being too wicked.

After sensing another demon soul approaching her, a completely golden star core came out from the inside of the stone tower without saying a word.She took the thumb-sized golden star core into her mouth.

A golden storm immediately blew up in the entire sea of ​​consciousness.

Countless black air was swept into the mouth of the villain sitting in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Including a certain demon soul...

The white lotus flower on the top of Peach Blossom's head spun rapidly like chicken blood. The more it spun, the more white lotus petals grew again.

At first it was just a small white bud, and after a few breaths it grew into a small petal, and gradually the small piece became a large piece, and the large piece became complete.

"I'll go, what is that little golden thing?" Hang Xinghe was taken aback.

"I don't know, it should be some kind of rare treasure." Chen Min said in astonishment.

"That little thing seems to be a rare treasure with added luck." Hang Xinghe said again.

"Nane, I feel it too. I think I seem to have found an opportunity to break through to the seventh level." Chen Min said immediately.

"No way." Hang Xinghe turned his head and stared in horror.

"The seventh level of Tongyou, I have never dared to break through, and now this opportunity has appeared." Chen Min stared at Taohua and said.

Boom boom boom, the thunder in the sky continued to strike down, and the original pitch-black sky was also constantly shattering and disappearing.

The strange thunder also fell on the stone pagoda, and the stone pagoda happily absorbed it.

No matter what kind of energy you come from, as long as it is energy, I can absorb it.

Then I ate half of it myself, and vomited the other half to Taohua.

As for whether it is true or not, Taohua doesn't mind, everyone, don't mind.

Under the stone pagoda, the family fortune Bailian has fully recovered.White light shone.

Taohua also survived the calamity of the heart demon safely. At the end of the calamity, she seemed to vaguely heard a shrill scream.

There was a click in the sky, as if something was broken.

Peach Blossom didn't care about anything else, the little man finally shone with purple light all over his body, and was covered with a layer of golden colored light.

In the end, the villain slowly fell into the dantian from the sea of ​​consciousness space.

The coercion of Yuanying swept out instantly.

Let everyone around clearly realize that Tao Hua is already a Nascent Soul cultivator.

Re-consolidated the cultivation base.

The peach blossoms call away the family luck and the white lotus.Put away the Taiyin Stone Pagoda again.

People also walked out of the stone platform where they retreated.

The surrounding Chu clan couldn't help cheering.

The patriarch is a Nascent Soul cultivator.

Their patriarch has become a Nascent Soul monk, a Nascent Soul monk in the fifth realm.

Taohua pursed her lips and smiled watching everyone cheer.

In the past, she thought about the scene of breaking through the Nascent Soul countless times, but she couldn't realize it.Now she has finally achieved it.It means that she has abandoned the past, abandoned her previous life, and embarked on a new path of her own.

The joyful atmosphere gradually spread from the top of Wuxingling Peak to Xianyang and then to the entire Wuyuan Mountain.

Many mortals don't know how powerful the Great Nascent Soul Realm Cultivator is, but they do know that it is definitely a great joy for the Chu clan that the head of the Chu clan becomes a Nascent Soul cultivator.

The Chu family has hundreds of thousands of monks.

But from the beginning of Jindan, it is not voluntary that can be piled up.

The monks in the Golden Core Realm also began to fall off a cliff.

However, the Chu family has a large base of monks, and there are now hundreds of thousands of golden elixirs.

But many people just broke the golden core.

Stuck stuck in the early stage of Jindan Realm, his potential has been exhausted.

There are also people who enter the golden core, and the speed of cultivation is slow to death.

I estimated that it would take at least 100 years to improve one level of cultivation.Although the golden elixir has a lifespan of thousands of years, the tenth layer of gold becomes more and more difficult to cultivate.I am almost at the middle stage of the golden core, and just after the late stage of the golden core, my lifespan is over.

Nascent Soul is simply nowhere in sight.

(End of this chapter)

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