The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1301 Occupy

Chapter 1301 Occupy

The White Sea Realm has fewer people and more animals.

Monster beasts go crazy when they have nothing to do, and when they go crazy, they will trigger a wave of beasts and cause a devastating blow to the human race's area.

As a result, the territory of the human race in the White Sea Realm has been repeatedly developed and regressed, and the population has also been greatly reduced after the expansion.

Faced with the attack of a massive wave of monsters, the three counties of Yunmu, where a large-scale beast swarm suddenly broke out, managed to defend the large cities and monk family residences in a surprisingly effervescent manner.It simply stunned the surrounding Linjun who saw the final result.

Everyone recounted the cause and effect of the outbreak of the monster beast tide, and then suddenly realized.

It turned out that the disciples of Taichu who were in charge of managing the three counties of Yunmu, Guan Hanting and the head of Nuguan were brothers.

Because of his protection, the business of the Chu family and the Taichu Sword Sect is doing very well in the three counties of Yunmu.

The same large number of bodiless pills were also bought.The same Xiaoyulong Dan, Huangling Dan, which broke through the third level of the Meridian Realm and broke through the fourth level, Yuzhi Dan and Xuanyu Dan, which broke through the sixth level of the Meridian Realm and broke through the seventh level, have registered in large numbers in the three counties of Yunmu.

As a result, there are many more monks in the middle stage of Tongmai, late stage of Tongmai, and even the monks in the altar realm in the three counties of Yunmu.

In fact, the main force of every beast tide is also this fineness.

But monsters don't know how to use all kinds of weapons, large war weapons, formations, talismans and so on.Therefore, when fighting, they are generally not human opponents.As soon as the monks at the bottom broke out, the danger of the beast horde was greatly weakened.

The top combat power of the human race, at this time, is looking for the high-level combat power of the monsters to fight against each other.

In the end, they counterattacked the beast tide.A large number of corpses of monsters were left behind.

Although the human race also won miserably, this was a big victory after all.

In the future, if there is one, there will be two, at least the determination of the beast tide in the human race area of ​​​​the White Sea Realm has been identified.

Of course, the Chu family's cheap pills have become popular since then.

The Chu family doesn't care how many pills you order, as long as you don't pay less, my pills will be designated, and the price will not increase.

Boxes and boxes of pills fell into the White Sea Realm, and they were directly digested by the bottom monks in the White Sea Realm without a splash.It can be seen that the pill market in the Baihai world is huge.In the past, there were relatively few alchemy monks in the main realm of the White Sea Realm.The low-level pills bought in large quantities from outside are prohibitively expensive.

Even the various barrier-breaking small pills in the middle and late stages of breaking through the meridians are all too expensive.

Xiaoyuwendan, which is similar to the Xiaoyulongdan and Huanglingdan sold by the Chu family, cost close to 400 yuan for a spirit stone.But Chu's Xiaoyulongdan and Huanglingdan only cost 40 yuan of spirit stones, and 60 yuan of spirit stones each.

The difference is obvious and clear at a glance.

All in all, the elixirs sold by the Chu family are cheap and in large quantities.

They also bought various elixir from the White Sea Realm.

The purchase prices are slightly higher than those offered by peers.It has actually built a good reputation in the Baihai community.

The eyes of the other pill colleagues were about to turn green.

The Chu family only has a low-end pill market in the Baihai world, and the materials are grown by themselves.The most important thing is that due to the large amount of refining various low-level elixirs, all kinds of low-level elixirs in Tongmai Realm are almost all refined by middle and high-level alchemist apprentices.

In order to improve their success rate and proficiency in refining a certain elixir, they are also more aggressive.

Although a lot of materials are wasted every day, the yield rate is also relatively high.

So the Chu family still made money.

Apprentices of low-level alchemists are responsible for processing various medicinal materials, as well as refining various low-level medicinal powders, large quantities of bigu pills and other low-level medicines for takeaway.

Intermediate and high-level alchemist apprentices have completely begun to refine various first-level elixir.

Improve your proficiency, success rate and pill quality.

If they want to be promoted to official alchemy masters, they must have a good level of alchemy.

Otherwise, the old alchemists would not let them pass the assessment.

The old alchemists of the Chu family are also refining various high-level and more difficult alchemy pills.

Nowadays, all kinds of alchemy experience in the alchemy branch of Chu family's internal library are almost all their experience summaries.There are also various usage tips above.

If they want to pass the upgrade assessment, the apprentices have to find ways to make their elixirs better and more perfect.

Because the cost of alchemy of the Chu family is lower than that of the peers, the main reason is that the cost of alchemists is low, the cost is relatively small, and the rate of alchemy is relatively high.So in a price war with them, whoever wins will suffer.Now there is only one Zijin Danmen who dares to compete with them in price.

Occupied a large alchemy market in the Baihai world.

However, Zijin Danmen can have the current market share because the Chu family never sells pills above the third rank.

Many third-tier pills need to be added with fourth-tier elixirs.

The Chu family's external caliber is unified, and there is no fourth-order spiritual plant in their own elixir garden.

In this way, the Chu family and Zijin Danmen each occupied [-]% of the elixir market in the Baihai world, and the remaining [-]% ​​were distributed to other elixir forces.

This is a bit of a pit.

It has attracted the dissatisfaction of many pill forces.The main reason is that Chu's and Zijin Danmen's shameless price cuts made their elixirs unsalable.

However, the white sea world's monsters come to fight frequently.

If more low-level monks cannot be cultivated, the human race will struggle in the White Sea Realm.

After all, as soon as there are more monsters, they will inevitably break out into a wave of beasts.

Many little monk families in the three counties of Yunmu in the Baihai Realm don't need pills above the third level at all.The monks with the highest cultivation level in their family are at most at the Divine Platform Realm, or at the beginning of the Purple Mansion Realm.

The annual income of such a small family is also relatively small.They accumulated spirit stones by hunting monsters and picking herbs, and then went to the Chu family's elixir shop to consume them.Every time I buy dozens of bottles, I buy hundreds of bottles.It is said that it is much more cost-effective than training alchemists by yourself.

"You can grow some elixir yourself, like wisteria, if you have roots, you can feed yourself with some elixir water every day. You don't need to pick the land. Every year in April, May and June, you can harvest a large number of wisteria branches, and you can prepare them later. , directly sold us a few lines.” The guys at Chu’s shop also recommended various good plantings, and the local climate is more suitable for the elixir.

Of course, the Chu family also bought some local places with spiritual veins, and opened up some spiritual medicine gardens themselves.Plant the panacea that suits the soil of the local climate.

Of course, the Chu family opened up the elixir garden by themselves, so it is impossible to just call their own people to plant elixir.In fact, the local Chu family also wanted to recruit some Ling Zhifu.It was later discovered that it was not possible.There is no systematic training institution in Ling Zhifu's local area.

Ling Zhifu who grew up by himself knows too little.There is no way to directly get started with various tasks in the elixir garden.

There is no other way, the people of the Chu family have to retrain the newly recruited husband Ling Zhi.

All kinds of headaches.

The husband Ling Zhi here even has various versions of the rain spell for Ling Zhi to rain.

A small cloud and rain technique that is not as strong as his own family inheritance.

(End of this chapter)

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