The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1302 Don't take it seriously

Chapter 1302 Don't take it seriously
What made the Lingzhi husbands of the Chu family even more troublesome was that it was difficult for the newly recruited Lingzhi husbands to learn even if they were taught their own little cloud and rain technique.

Some people even claim that it is difficult to learn it even after several years of study, let alone a few months.

The problem is a small spell, you think two or three months is not bad.Everyone can barely accept it, but if you study for eight or nine months, a year or something.Everyone who loves to learn.

The Lingzhi husbands of the Chu family had no choice but to report the situation here to the family.

Not long after, the family sent back a set of simplified spells.

The simplified version of Little Cloud and Rain Technique can also produce rain, but the aura in the rain cannot be compared with the original version.Realizing too much, the Lingzhi husbands of the Chu family all shut up.

The territory is also small, only one or two feet.

The problem is that your territory is so small, how many acres of land can you take care of by yourself?

Two or three acres at most.

In fact, the new regulations accompanying the new version of simplified spells also made it clear that the non-Chu family recruited Ling Zhifu, and one person was responsible for the cultivation of elixir on three acres of land.

A supporting group of their husband Ling Zhi of the Chu family can take care of thousands of acres of spiritual land with just a few people.

Obviously, in the elixir garden outside, the Chu family adopted a different strategy. Not to mention the low-level elixir planted, they also used a large number of low-level elixir husbands.Each person is only given 20 yuan of Lingshi per month.

A Lingzhi husband can take care of three acres of spiritual land, and the output of one mu of spiritual land is hundreds of spirit stones.

So the Chu family can afford to hire them.

As for Chu's own Lingzhi husband, that is another kind of treatment.

In the eyes of outsiders, the Chu family's own Lingzhi husbands are all powerful high-ranking Lingzhi husbands.Look at the random rain from others, not only the aura contained in the rain is rich, but also a mountain top when it rains.

It is simply incomparable with those who have learned the simplified small spell rain.

But no matter what, Chu's new elixir garden is still making money.But it certainly didn't make money by planting in the Chu family's own Lingshan.However, in the Chu family's own Lingshan, it is not cost-effective to plant such low-level herbs.

Wouldn't it be nice to have so many good places to plant more and better high-level elixir?

Many people are staring at the elixir garden opened by the Chu family.Seeing that it is similar to the elixir garden opened by other forces.

They are all in charge of three acres of land, and the small spells are just a few spells such as the little cloud rain technique, the little blessing land technique, and the Gengjin needle deworming technique.I don't pay much attention to it anymore.

Anyway, Chu's elixir garden only planted first- and second-tier elixir.

Moreover, the first-order elixir occupies the main body, and the second-order elixir is very rare.

Of course, the Chu family not only planted various spiritual plants locally, but also collected a lot of special local spiritual plant seeds and sent them back to their own Lingshan.

Peach blossoms made people cultivate a batch of Huangling peach trees.

This variant of yellow peach has an excellent taste.But it did mutate from the common tree, only the first-rank low-grade spirit tree.The upper limit is too low.The potential doesn't even have a top-tier one.

The seeds of this kind of peach tree were obtained by the Chu family from a local casual cultivator. It is said that he found a yellow peach tree in a valley.As a result, two of the yellow peach trees mutated into first-order low-grade spirit peach trees.

He left the core of the spirit peach.

In the end, they were sold to the Chu family.

Taohua likes to eat this kind of small yellow peach with excellent taste.

"This kind of small yellow peach is delicious, and it can also be used to brew spirit wine in the future. The only trouble is that its upper limit is too low. It is only a low-grade one. It only benefits monks in the first three levels of Tongmai Realm .

Such a pity. "

"I heard from the master Ling Zhifu who is responsible for cultivating this kind of spiritual fruit that the upper limit of this kind of spiritual peach is indeed too low. But their branches can be grafted to other spiritual peach trees. I think Panlong peach It's not bad."

"You can also let them try it." Tao Hua thought for a while, "Try it with a Tier [-] Panlong peach tree. It really won't work, and it won't hurt much if it dies. If it succeeds, it can make the Panlong peach have more flavors."

"Well, yes. By the way, there are new results from the water soul seahorse. Sure enough, a new water soul pill can be refined, allowing mortals to have water-type spiritual roots. It's just that our number of water soul seahorses is a bit small. For the time being It is not suitable for large-scale sales of water soul pills."

"You can let them sell water soul pills within the family.

Anyway, there are more mortals in the family, and more people with spiritual roots are of great benefit to the family. "

The more monks in the Chu family, the greater the benefits to the family.

"Why do I feel that the terrain of our family's Lingshan Mountain seems to have changed a bit recently?" Chu Shinian asked with some doubts.

"When Little Fatty ascended to the upper realm, the process was too hasty, and he didn't completely temper the entire land of Lingshan. Now it is tempering the main body over there, and at the same time tempering the terrain of the avatar here.

The main reason is that I want to know what things were given to us in our original world when we were leaving under this land. "

Taohua Road.

"It's true that Xiaopang should be in control." Chu Shinian also agreed. "If it's just some resource veins, we'll collect them. If there are any messy things, let Xiaopang send them to the ground, and let the people of the Chu family dig them out."

"I think so too." Taohua said.


In a hidden courtyard somewhere in Nuguan Pass, several people were sitting together, all frowning.

"What the hell is going on with the whole Chu family? How could they be so lucky that they can find asylum wherever they go? They had Tong Tianxing in our sect, but now that Tong Tianxing is gone, they are relying on Nuguan again host?"

"If they don't have any skills, how could they be the first to forge a sixth-order spirit mountain, and then ascend to the Great World of God's Court?"

"Brother, what you said is too arousing to others."

"Junior Brother Wang, I'm just telling the truth. Is it against your ears? You are too quick to act. If not, when they are fully integrated into the sect, where else can this Lingshan be moved?"

"Hmph, it seems like none of you are thinking about it. The Lingshan of the Chu family should have special attributes, which can increase the growth of spiritual plants. Otherwise, why should the Chu family plant a large amount of medicinal materials, and why rely on pills to make a fortune?

Relying on large quantities of cheap bodiless pills, they all got in touch with the famous Zhang family of the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect.

I only hate that we were slow to start, and Ying Si noticed the abnormality.Otherwise, we can't lose this Lingshan. "The young man known as Wang Shidi said out loud.

"Are you guys slow in attacking? It is obviously estimated that Chu Shinian's Dao body. Speaking of which, if the head said that there is no shortage of Dao body in the sect, you would not dare to attack other people's Lingshan blatantly. It's a pity to steal If the chicken is not enough to lose the rice, it's fun."

"I said Senior Brother Le, don't think I'm afraid of you because your master is the head of the first department."


Brother Le laughed out loud. "I'm just saying it for fun, don't take it seriously."

 The Internet was suddenly disconnected at home last night, so the second update was not uploaded. I got up early this morning to check, and it turned out to be connected again, so I uploaded it quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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