The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1303 Variation

Chapter 1303 Variation
Wang Yi was angry.

But Le Miao not only has a high level of cultivation, but is also a member of the sect leader.The status in the sect is at least higher than him.

Yang Ruzhuo watched Le Miao making Wang Yi happy with a smile, but didn't make a sound.

In fact, all three of them came here with the mission of the sect, and the goal of the mission was Chu's Lingshan.Their goal was to take Lingshan away from the Chu family, and it would be best to kill Chu Shinian again.But you can't do it yourself.

The body of the Dao is not to be killed if you want to.Whoever kills bears the cause and effect.

If you don't want to die, you don't want to do it yourself.

"I heard that the three junior brothers of the head family have all broken through to the altar realm?" Yang Ruzhuo asked afterward.

"Yes, the children are too impatient. The head of the sect means to suppress it, hire a good foundation and then break through the altar realm, but the junior juniors are not willing to suppress the cultivation. They have broken through." Le Miaoyi said Seeing his family's junior junior brothers with a great physique, their expressions were so proud and complacent.It's as if the three junior brothers are their own sons.

In fact, the three children who are only in their teens are indeed the treasures of the family.

Who doesn't like it, who doesn't love it.

That's tighter than the eyes can see.

"I heard that the luck of our Guanghan Sword Sect suddenly dropped by [-]% for some reason." Wang Yi said intentionally after hearing what they said.

When Le Miao heard this, she immediately became unhappy.

As soon as my three juniors broke through to the altar realm, the sect's prosperity dropped by [-]%.What else could be going on?

It's not that they want to say that their sect can't support the body of the three avenues.

Not that lucky.

"What do you want to say? If it weren't for your faction insisting on recruiting Chu Shinian, a great body, would the luck of our sect's prosperity be lowered?"

What Le Miao said almost shocked Wang Yi out of breath.

"Chu Shinian was clearly not officially included in the sect. Even Tong Tianxing helped him make the soul lamp." Wang Yi said, "He has nothing to do with our Guanghan Sword Sect. It will not affect the luck of the sect at all. Speaking of it That half-disabled Dao body seems to be the sect that you designed to leave. Did you say that the luck of the sect has decreased? Did you do it? Do you want to bite us back?"

"Junior Brother Wang." Yang Ruzhuo said sternly. "There are things inside the sect, Junior Brother Wang, don't pretend to understand."

Wang Yi: "..." He was obviously not too stupid. After Le Miao directly changed his face and turned gloomy, he also knew that he probably made a mistake.

But he didn't want to admit his mistake, so he snorted coldly and left.

As soon as he leaves.

Le Miao immediately said in a negative voice, "That means you have a good grandfather."

"It's better to have no brains than too much brains." Yang Ruzhuo said. "You'd better hurry up and think about how we can get Lingshan. If it doesn't work, I'm going to give up."

"Give up, why give up? Such a big spiritual mountain, I heard that there is a seventh-level posture, why not. You are not good, I still want it." Le Miao said immediately.

"Why, this is the territory of Taichu Sword Sect." Yang Ruzhuo said.

"...Let me think about it, you let me think about it." Le Miao said sharply as she said, "Actually, I won't get it, and I won't leave it to the Chu family. I don't believe that the Taichu Sword Party is not interested in that Lingshan. How many elixir gardens have been opened up in Lingshan.

Even if it's just a elixir garden below the third level, it's still a mountain and a sea, and it's a spiritual stone that keeps making money. "

Le Miao said greedily.

When Chu Taohua gave birth, they all went in to see it.

Even the Guanghan Sword Sect doesn't have such a large spiritual mountain.

Guanghan Jianzong has a cave and a subsidiary world.But there is no such a big Lingshan.


When they were thinking about the Lingshan of the Chu family, Taohua made another teleportation formation to go to the chubby deity.The newly born Lingshan has grown to a radius of two thousand seven hundred miles.The formation that has long been integrated with Xinling Mountain has also grown with the growth of Xinling Mountain.

Xinling Mountain not only has a more solid base and more compact land.

Even the new space barrier is tempered by the violent spiritual wind here, thick and full of toughness.

However, there are still not many living creatures inside Xinling Mountain.

They are all fourth-tier and fifth-tier spiritual trees and spiritual plants.There are pieces of red phoenix wood, pieces of green wood ganoderma and so on.No matter in the original Wuyuan Mountain area or in the current Xinling Mountain area, the fourth- and fifth-tier red phoenix trees grow extremely luxuriantly, and have strong adaptability.

After the fourth- and fifth-tier spirit trees joined hands to open up a forest, the Lingzhi husbands even sent in a batch of second- and third-tier red phoenix trees, which were planted in the fields supported by fourth- and fifth-tier spirit trees. middle.

Who knows that not long after moving in, the second and third ranks of red phoenix trees broke through one after another. Germinated new saplings.

Just under your own heels.

It seems that higher purity spiritual energy stimulated their growth and reproduction, accelerating their breakthrough.

With this kind of strange performance, the Lingzhi husbands in the family transferred all the red phoenix trees except the newly cultivated saplings, including the red phoenix trees that had just grown to the first level, to the mountain of red phoenix wood in Xinling Mountain. Among the forest.

They even named this mountain forest Chifeng Mountain.

In addition to the strange changes of the red phoenix wood, the changes of the green wood ganoderma are also quite large.Originally, there was only one blue variety of Aoki Ganoderma lucidum, but after being transplanted, it was stimulated and influenced by the high-purity special aura and earth energy, and two more varieties were reproduced in the Aoki Ganoderma region.One of them is a jade-colored and transparent Ganoderma lucidum.

It is very similar to the rare Ganoderma lucidum.

However, it is said that the only living Yuzhi Mushroom in Shenting Great World lives in Qingdan Xianzong.This is the number one elixir sect in the world of Shenting.

Two of them changed from blue to light purple, from green wood ganoderma to purple wood ganoderma.

There is no purple wood ganoderma below the third level, and it is the main drug in many high-level elixir prescriptions.It has always been in short supply.Even though many major sects have medicine gardens, the purple wood ganoderma that can grow to the third level is also very rare.

It is incomparable with the number of purple wood ganoderma that the Chu family mutated from the green wood ganoderma on a large scale.

Seeing the number of purple wood ganoderma growing day by day, the Lingzhi husbands of the Chu family were also very happy.This is a huge windfall.

One must know that the price of purple wood ganoderma of the same level is more than ten times higher than that of green wood ganoderma.

However, these two types of large-scale mutated Aoki ganoderma are difficult to sell for the time being, at most they can make some elixir by themselves.

Because of the various changes of Chifengmu and Qingmu Ganoderma lucidum, the Lingzhi husbands of the Chu family are more enthusiastic about transplanting.The key is that the spirit trees rely on each other to unite the domains, and the stronger the ability to resist the violent spirit wind.

(End of this chapter)

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