The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1304 Promotion to Tier 7 requires 1 World Origin

Chapter 1304 A hundred square world sources are required to advance to the seventh level
With the continuous removal of high-level spiritual plants.

The vacant places in Lingshan were re-planned into a more regular medicine garden.

Seedlings of various low-level spiritual plants and high-level spiritual plants were also replanted.This time there is no big spiritual tide to feed back, although the seedlings grow quite well.But the growth rate is not as fast as his ancestors.

Almost a great spiritual tide can accelerate their growth for decades, or even hundreds of years.

However, this situation is considered normal. The strong aura can make the spiritual plants grow fast, and the quality is good, but it will not grow too fast.

It is not normal for the Chu family to have grown-up low-level spiritual plants all over the mountains and plains.

There should be more medicine gardens full of seedlings in a family of elixir like this.

The area inside Lingshan, where the common people planted spiritual food, or the place that was originally wild and uninhabited, was gradually developed by the people of the Chu family.

It is still the same as before, opening up the elixir garden and planting various elixir seedlings.

Only overseas island areas will grow food.

Then it was transported to various parts of Lingshan by airship.

To be honest, the more you go to the edge of Lingshan, the thinner the aura becomes.

Even the monsters in the sea don't like to stay in such a place.They prefer to stay in the sea near the Lingshan Mountain, the closer to the Lingshan seabed, the denser the spiritual veins.It is also naturally more conducive to their reproduction and growth.

Xiaopang's avatar is also working very hard here, constantly extracting earth energy to temper his body.In the huge Lingshan area, the land has become thicker and thicker.It is no longer as soft as it used to be.If the external force is strong, it is extremely easy to crack the mountains and break the river valleys.

The texture of the land is now enhanced.The entire Lingshan became much more stable.

Xiaopang's avatar is also diligently moving some things in the land, pushing out some not-so-good land.Now almost every three to five days, a lot of soil of various colors will fall around Lingshan.

Some of the dirt has an eerie stale smell.Some soil has a strong dead air, and some fragments fall off in pieces.Even some scattered ore veins were abandoned and thrown out.

Mainly some ore veins full of miscellaneous gas.

These lands and mineral veins should have originally existed in mountains like the Wanji Mountains.

Probably when Xiaopang was soaring, the world didn't have time to deal with it, so it was all given to them.

It didn't matter before, after a long time, Xiaopang can condense the mineral veins again, and get rid of the miscellaneous gas.It can't work now, if Xiaopang intends to use the high-quality aura and special energy from the main body to upgrade to the seventh level in a short time.

As long as the main body reaches the seventh level, the avatar will naturally follow it to the seventh level.

Therefore, the Clone Spirit Mountain must be tempered and purified again.Kick out some rotten stuff.In case of being promoted to the seventh level, the avatar Lingshan could not bear the change of the seventh level and cracked and shattered.

This day, the chubby avatar kicked out several sarcophagi.

What is this.

As the chubby avatar continued to temper itself, Lingshan also shrank slightly.

If it is based on the total area, it has shrunk by at least one percent.

How the main body was tempered, and the avatar also subconsciously followed the footsteps of the main body.

So since Xiaopang's avatar began to temper, the land inside Lingshan began to become thicker and harder.

Many farmers were complaining, and their good spiritual fields began to become difficult to cultivate.

I can't move the ground.

In fact, it is harder than before, not so easy to flip.

However, the Chu family directly dispatched the puppets to turn the land to help the farmers turn the land.Whoever wants to dig up the land, just pay the puppet rent directly, and then they can quickly rent it to the puppet to dig up their own land.

Save time and trouble.

In fact, this is why everyone felt that they were not used to the changes in the land at the beginning, and that's why they complained so much.As Lingshan tempers itself, it tempers not only the land, but also the earth energy and aura inside Lingshan.With the continuous refinement of earth energy and spiritual energy, the quality will be improved.

The physical fitness of mortals living inside Lingshan will also subtly improve.

In the future, everyone will be able to punch hundreds of catties without taking any qi and blood pills.

Even the lifespan will be extended.The longevity of the past hundred years will increase by at least a quarter in the future.

The newborns in Lingshan will also have far better physical fitness than their ancestors.The number of children born with spiritual roots who can embark on the path of monks will gradually increase.

Overall, the trouble is only temporary.

Others don't know much about the Lingshan of the Chu family, but Hang Xinghe came here for a walk when he has nothing to do.As for the changes in the Chu family, they can see clearly.

The key is where did the Chu family collect so many high-level spiritual plants?
Does this Lingshan also have a small world?
But it's not impossible.

After all, when he came out, he brought two little caves with him.

Since Chu Shinian and Chu Taohua were promoted to Yuanying monks, the Chu family has communicated more and more frequently with the outside world.At the same time, it is becoming more and more low-key, at least hiding the high-level spiritual plants.And it was done quietly.It also explains the problem.

Both Chu Shinian and Chu Taohua were very cautious.For the time being, it is not like attracting people's envy and hatred to affect the future development of the Chu family.

The other is the spiritual mountain in front of Hang Xinghe.

This spiritual mountain is refining itself almost all the time to discard some impurities and garbage in the original body.

Others may not be able to see what's going on, but who is Hang Xinghe!

How can it be impossible to see that this spiritual mountain is planning to secretly promote to the seventh level in a short time.

The seventh-order Lingshan is called Lingjing.

It's not that easy to get promoted.

However, Hang Xinghe is not optimistic about their husband and wife and their spiritual mountain. It is good to have ambitions, but to promote a sixth-level spiritual mountain to a seventh-level spiritual realm, in addition to having one's own aura and condensed level up to the standard, and being able to survive the promotion thunder, one also has to Let Lingshan devour the origin of a hundred square worlds.

This kind of thing is hard to find, let alone a hundred square meters.

Back then, the Taichu Sword Sect wanted to obtain enough world origin for a small spirit mountain for itself, so that it could be promoted to the seventh rank.It took about a dozen sixth-level and seventh-level people to die, and two eighth-level people to succeed.

Later, no one in the Zongmen quarreled all day long to promote their own spiritual mountain from the sixth level to the seventh level.In fact, unless you happen to meet a dead world, there is just a little bit of the original remnant inside.Otherwise, no one will be able to get some origins of the world from a still vibrant world to China.

That is the origin of the world, as long as the world is still alive, it will not surrender its origin of the world.

Besides, although their home Lingshan sits on a ground hole, although the ground hole in Baidou Realm is rich in aura and earth energy, but this kind of aura and earth energy have been absorbed for hundreds of thousands of years, it is estimated that it is difficult to push Lingshan to the promotion level the edge of.

(End of this chapter)

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