The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1305 Seeing is believing

Chapter 1305 Seeing is believing
But he can't say that it's wrong for people to have a little idea.Their Absolute Beginning Sword Sect had run into a wall and had suffered a great loss, so they gave up.

What's wrong with people who are young and have a little dream?
Why can't people realize it.

If it doesn't work, just give up.

But the Chu family is actually doing pretty well now.The Chu family and the mortals under the Chu family have encouraged childbearing over the years, and many children with spiritual roots have been born.These children were brought up by the school established by the Chu family when they were very young.

Those with outstanding cultivation talents will be given better treatment and training, and those with outstanding cultivation talents will also be given better treatment and training.

It has been cultivated for many years, but it is said that all children with spiritual roots will not fail unless they give up by themselves.

From Hang Xinghe's point of view, what the Chu family did was even better than what their Absolute Beginning Sword Sect did.

That is, their Absolute Beginning Sword Sect did not dare to practice like their family.

The cost is too high.

The investment is too great.

Even if the Absolute Beginning Sword Faction has a great career, they can't afford it at all.

This is not one area, but two areas.

This is to set up small schools, academies, etc. according to the population.

Just the cultivation of all kinds of skills, and the consumption of various low-level materials to be arranged in the mortal area of ​​the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect, would have to stun the heads and powerful elders of the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect.

After seeing it, Hang Xinghe smiled and left.

The Chu family is smaller and richer.

Let them do this, it is estimated that in a few decades, when the Chu family's development foundation is slow, they will not be able to bear it.

In fact, what Hang Xinghe didn't know was that Chu's rapid expansion has never stopped.But as long as the children are trained, there will be no job vacancies.However, schools in various places can count as graduation after the children's cultivation level exceeds the sixth level of Tongmai.

Those with this cultivation level are basically fifteen or sixteen years old, suitable for going out and choosing a job.

As long as the Cultivation Hundred Arts passes the various first-level talisman cards, it can be regarded as an official Hundred Arts professional, and it can even arrange itself.

Those who are willing to leave the Chu family can do it alone, and it is also possible to apply to other forces and families.

As you wish.

However, most of the children chose to join the Chu family.

Children who are talented in cultivation can join the army, join the hidden guards, join the Qianniu Guards, and can also go to test various officials.

But for children who are learning all kinds of arts, if they want to obtain more resources to practice their hands, only the Chu family can meet their needs.

An alchemy apprentice, no matter how stupid he is, can refine a kind of alchemy ten thousand furnaces, his skills can be compared to an alchemy master.But what is the cost of [-] furnaces of spirit stones, which family can afford it?
That is, in the Chu family.

Low-level alchemy apprentices have to learn a lot of basic and low-level pills.

There are more than ten furnaces every day, and sometimes it takes several years to refine a kind of elixir.As long as you don't have no alchemy talent at all, you can refine a kind of elixir all year round.

Besides alchemy apprentices, alchemy requires not only quantity, but also quality.The daily alchemy points in the upgrade assessment accounted for [-]% of the total assessment score.In other words, if you perform too poorly in alchemy, you will basically feel the possibility of your upgrade in the assessment.

This caused the gap between Chu's alchemists and outside alchemists to widen.

As long as the alchemists of the Chu family are promoted to the first rank, their solid foundation and the quality of the alchemy they produce can make the alchemists outside despair.

They may not have as many pills as those casual alchemists outside will refine.But their alchemy rates are quite high, at least [-]%.All the refined medicines are small boutiques.There are basically no low-grade pills and slightly toxic defective products.

So much so that within the Lingshan of the Chu family, the alchemists were divided into two factions. One was the family alchemists, that is to say, the special alchemists cultivated by the Chu family themselves.The other category is to be a casual alchemist.

Even they themselves have special inheritance.Can refine some pills that even Chu's alchemists can't refine.

But their Cheng Dan rate is not high, only five and ten parts of pills can be refined into one pill, and it is also possible that the pills produced are low-grade pills, the kind that erysipelas plunders.Or the slightly poisonous defective pill, which is the kind of defective product that is poisonous, and after taking it, you have to take the detoxification pill or the detoxification spiritual medicine pill.

I heard that low-grade pills and slightly poisonous defective pills are the mainstream outside Chu's Lingshan Mountain.

So many casual alchemists also hope to get out of Lingshan and go outside to have a look.

Mainly under the command of the Chu family, they are far less favored and valued by the Chu family than the alchemists of the family.

In fact, the Chu family doesn't mind everyone leaving, but if you want to leave Lingshan, you must break through the Golden Core Realm, or have a Golden Core Realm monk to guarantee you.

You must at least be able to guarantee that you can live outside, right?If you don't have the strength of Lingshan, you can have a golden core guarantor.As long as someone is willing to take you away from Lingshan.

Moreover, those casual alchemists who left with them back then did not live as well as they had imagined.

Many casual alchemists think that I can refine more than twenty kinds of elixirs. I go out, but it's not because people fawn on me every day to make alchemy for them.Isn't Lingshi as profitable as mountains and seas?
But it is not.

If you want to make alchemy to support yourself, you have to rely on a powerful force.If you want to be someone else's alchemist, you must accept their employment conditions.He worked hard to refine alchemy every day, and there was no extra time for cultivation.

After a long time, Shouyuan is gone.

It is to work for others to earn money for the rest of your life.

Who will?

If you don't rely on a certain force, it will be even more terrifying. They will randomly send a few casual cultivators to hijack you and set up a small black room for them to make alchemy for their lives.

It doesn't work if you don't want to.

There is no such thing as ease and wantonness within the Chu family's sphere of influence.If you want to make alchemy, you can make alchemy, and if you want to buy elixir, you can go directly to Chu's shop to buy it.

The Chu family received pills based on their quality, and never asked who made the alchemy.

But there are still many casual cultivators and casual cultivator alchemists who will apply to leave Lingshan whenever they have the opportunity.

Many alchemists have left, and some people say that the Chu family has planted fourth-order spiritual plants all over the place.

With such rumors together, many people believed them.

Many people secretly flew over Chu's Lingshan Mountain.

Oh, oh, the Chu family has planted a lot of seedlings of high-grade spiritual roots, and in another 500 years, or a couple of thousand years, there may really be fourth- and fifth-level spiritual plants appearing.

There are quite a few low-level adult spiritual plants, which should be accumulated in the past.

The fourth-order spiritual plant can occasionally see one or two trees.

They were all planted in the heavily protected courtyards of the Chu clan.

This is normal, and you can buy one or two from outside.With Chu's materials, that's not a problem.

As long as there aren't many of them, it's not a big deal.

As soon as the rumor became popular, it quickly disappeared.

seeing is believing.

(End of this chapter)

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