The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1306 Qinglian 8-cornered pool

Chapter 1306 Qinglian Octagonal Pool

"Did you already guess that the high-level spiritual plants in the family would cause trouble, so you arranged them in advance?" Chu Shinian asked his wife with a smile.

"If it's only Tier [-] or Tier [-], there are few coveted ones. But if it's Tier [-] or Tier [-], it's different. With a large number of Tier [-] and Tier [-] high-level spiritual plants, it's especially easy to have Tier [-] spiritual plants. And it’s not just one statue or two statues. The sixth rank is also the same as the ancestor in Lingzhi. No matter which pill force will hope that there will be a new enemy in their family." Taohua said.

"It's also because we can't compare with those powerful sects now." Chu Shinian nodded.

"Yes, you have to be more cautious when developing under the nose of others."

"I heard that you transplanted Xuanshui ginseng over there, and the effect is not very good." Chu Shinian asked again.

Peach nodded.

"There's no water over there. It's a real worry."

"Then, have you ever thought about moving the Qianyuan jug over there?" Chu Shinian asked again.

"The gathering of water spirit energy here also needs it." Taohua shook her head. "After the transformation over there, it is only a place suitable for monks to live in. I never let Xiaopang give up the idea of ​​​​this side. This is where its clone is.

When it is promoted to the seventh level, try to let it reintegrate the main body and the avatar together. "

"It's best not to." Chu Shinian frowned and stopped.

"If you don't have the idea of ​​​​giving up on Wuyuan Mountain where the little fat clone is. Then it's best not to reintegrate them together too early."

"Why?" Taohua was puzzled.

"Because if you fuse the main body and the avatar, the condition of the main body is too good, it will directly affect the assimilation of the avatar, and then the avatar Wuyuan Mountain will become less and less suitable for mortal life."

"can you?"

"I think so." Chu Shinian said clearly and straightforwardly.

Taohua nodded. "Then you listened."

Chu Shinian's intuition has always been accurate.

She often relied on her intuition herself, so she didn't doubt Chu Shinian's thoughts.

Chu Shinian curled his lips.

"Then how do you plan to solve the problem of no water over there?"

In fact, it's not that there is no such place, approaching that small continent is lying on an underground sea.

Chu Shinian said, but on Xiaopang's re-condensed body, there is not a single river on the ground within a radius of [-] miles.I don't think there is any, as long as there is a river on the ground, it will dry up when it is blown by the explosive spiritual wind.

Only the river bed is left.

"Let's make it an underground river," Chu Shinian said.

"How did the underground sea form? Why can't the spiritual wind blow?" Peach blossomed angrily.

"I think it is heavy water. It is also a kind of spiritual water. You have heard of one-yuan heavy water? A drop of ten thousand catties. Although they are not one-yuan heavy water, they are also a kind of heavy water. They are not as heavy as one-yuan heavy water.

If it is some kind of light water, it will form the heavenly river on the ground. For example, the weak water of the Tianhe River is actually a kind of light water.

If you move the Qianyuan Ju Kettle there, maybe you can create a heavy water river.Heavy water is also water, maybe it can mutate Xuanshui ginseng. "Chu Shinian said optimistically.

"As expected, I underestimated Baidoujie." Tao Hua also laughed after hearing this.

"But the Qianyuan water jug ​​should stay there. I know it likes to stay there. The Mingyue Lake over there is almost cultivated by it. The water veins under the Lingshan Mountain also have the credit for its accumulation and cultivation. Under the cultivation of Bibo Lake, the water veins continued to condense, and even the fourth-order water spirit veins gathered.

Let it nest there with peace of mind.Besides, we have transferred so many high-level spiritual plants here, and the high-level family members are also panicking.Worrying that if we give up that side and remove the Qianyuan juke, they will probably feel that their nightmare has come true. "

After hearing this, Chu Shinian burst out laughing.

"Don't say it, those guys, maybe they can really think that way. A nightmare comes true, hahaha..." He couldn't stop laughing.

The Chu family really has a bunch of idiots.

"It's okay, I still have a Qinglian octagonal pool." Taohua said, "Take it out and use it."

"Is this pool better than the Qianyuan Ju Kettle?" Chu Shinian asked puzzled.

"These two treasures are actually one or two characteristics. The Qianyuan jug focuses on gathering ordinary water. It moves a lot, can absorb a huge amount of water aura from the void, gather a large number of water sources, and can also sort out underground water veins. Carrying birth springs and so on by myself. It can be regarded as a very well-behaved, honest and hard-working working pot.

With it, there will be no problem with the water veins of Lingshan.There will be no embarrassing things about the sea drying up and the water level dropping.

After all, Lingshan is only at the sixth level, and has not yet condensed its own original sea.

Whether it is spiritual energy, water, soil, or ground fire, it is normal to lose some.

If Lingshan travels alone in the void without supplementing anything, it will not work for a long time.It will also become a dead mountain, and it will become smaller and smaller. "

After hearing this, Chu Shinian nodded in agreement.

"So it's best not to move the Qianyuan juke. It's the same as the golden mother lotus and the Qilin seal. It's better not to move it. As for the flame mountain and the magma lake, the fires in recent years have not been able to keep up, and the production has also declined. The area of ​​the magma lake has been reduced."

"Well, let's find a way to add a few fire-type spiritual veins later, or we have to find a way to get some things and throw them away."

Tao Hua nodded after hearing that.

"For the time being, the earth fire can persist. At least for a couple of hundred years, at most, the earth fire will subside, and other problems will not be serious." Taohua said. "Let's solve the problem of the water veins on Xiaopang's body first."

"What's so special about that Qinglian octagonal pool?" Chu Shinian asked again.

"The water sources it gathers are all spiritual water. You can still choose." Taohua smiled. "As long as we pour a sample of spiritual water into one of the octagonal corners on the pool. The water that will be spit out from this corner in the future will be the sample spiritual water, and it will continue far away, that is, the amount of water is relatively small. It is just the mouth of the bowl. Thick spout."

"The water output from the Qianyuan jug is as thick as a large tank." Chu Shinian was stunned.The heart said that this is too little.

"Less is less, but the invisible influence of spiritual water on the surrounding spiritual plants is relatively large. If a mountain range has a spiritual spring, it may make the entire mountain range flourish. I decided to let Xiaopang mobilize the water veins to bring us What do you think of the spiritual springs being planted on the hills where spiritual plants are planted?" Tao Hua asked.

"I remember that we have collected a lot of spirit spring water, can it be used here?" Chu Shinian suggested.

"It's not impossible, but I don't know if these spirit springs are heavy enough, and whether they will be blown away by the raging wind of spirit energy." Taohua said.

(End of this chapter)

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