The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1310 Eccentricity

Chapter 1310 Eccentricity
While Taohua and Chu Shinian are constantly leading people to improve the new Lingshan, they are also constantly transforming Xiaopang's clone, Wuyuan Mountain.

Whether it's an underground formation, an underground palace, or the buildings of various cities, towns, and villages on the ground.Still, various plans and reconstructions are being completed step by step.Many old ones that didn't even have complete defensive formations, were put together indiscriminately, and the defensive formations were not good enough, were directly demolished and rebuilt by the Chu family, or directly ordered certain people and forces to demolish and rebuild.

Anyway, if you don't demolish and rebuild according to my Chu family's request, then we will flatten the original building and build it for you.

Although it was suspected of being a bit of a spoof and coercion, in general, after the demolition and construction, not only the ground and underground of the defensive formation were perfected, but also the planning was neat and beautiful, and it was no longer old and dilapidated.

As the Chu Clan's people insisted on major and minor changes in various places, the entire Wuyuan Mountain, whether it was land, sea, or islands, had been re-planned.

Compared with the original barren and dilapidated buildings, all kinds of newly built buildings have changed the entire appearance of Wuyuan Mountain.

At any rate, it has the demeanor of a big family of Shenting.

Moreover, the various small families and small cultivation forces who stayed in the Chu Clan's Wuyuan Mountain boundary also gradually felt the new changes.Although some of the property and land purchased by my family have been forcibly replaced, some of them have been given away.

The Chu family also hired a large number of farmers to open up wasteland and cultivate land.Open up one hundred acres of wasteland and own ten acres.

This mu of land is only given to mortal families without monks.

In the monk family, each monk can open up [-] acres of wasteland, and he has [-] acres.You can rent out the rest of the land you reclaimed to plant elixir.

Only elixir can be planted within the continent.

Islands can grow food.

The time that the Chu family controlled this Lingshan area was too short, and the human race was only in the early [-] million years.But the land area is vast, including numerous islands.

The utilization rate of land that can be transformed into medicine fields is less than 13.00%.

Therefore, the land is still sparsely populated at present, and there is no problem of land replenishment for at least the next 200-[-] years.

In fact, it was impossible for Taohua and Chu Shinian to let the population in Wuyuan Mountain multiply too quickly.Once the population exceeds a certain number, they also specify that a part of the population will be moved to the law.

For example, Baihaijie, which lacks a large population today, is such a wonderful place with rich resources and beautiful scenery.

Immigration is encouraged! !
In addition to all kinds of demolition and reconstruction, Xiaopang very proposed some things that he couldn't dig out by himself, and people from the Chu family would help him get out the underground things.There are also some mountains and rivers with some geographical problems, which are also within the scope of this transformation.

For example, some rivers have too much water and pass through a certain city. When it rains a lot in summer, the river flows back into the city.

In such a place, the reconstruction of the city to a high place is one aspect, and the other is diversion.

Diverting a river with a large water volume into two rivers with similar water volumes will flow through many areas and irrigate a wide range, and it will not easily cause summer floods.

In the past, the Chu family had no time, no money, and no way to rebuild such a large-scale reconstruction. After all, the design of rivers and the like were generally not managed by their Chu family.Now there is no such trouble, the entire territory of Wuyuan Mountain belongs to their family, and they can change it however they want.

This has led many people to say that the Chu family, who has been quiet for only five or six years, has started to cultivate again.

However, the completed buildings are indeed more comfortable, safer and more beautiful.

In addition to building and rebuilding, the Chu family has more exchanges with the outside world.They received Golden Core Sword Cultivators from the Baidou Realm and Golden Cores from other professions, as well as various caravans from the White Sea Realm.

Longshanfang City is now bigger, with more shops and more prosperous trade.

Now Longshanfang City is directly adjacent to the sea, and many void battleships and void spaceships can be parked on the sea.

Especially with the arrival of the Baihaijie caravan, the Chu family was going to sell their elixir like crazy.

New version of Bodiless Pill, improved version of Jinchen Yuye Pill, Yuzhi Pill, Breaking Barrier Pill and so on.There are also blood spirit dew that can give birth to blood spirit roots, water soul pills that can give birth to water spirit roots, etc. It is simply hard to find one pill, and it can be sold for sky-high prices every time it appears at the Longshan auction.

In addition to pills, all kinds of low-level spiritual grass Chu's are also selling very hot.

Among the various pharmacies in Longshan, you can find small drug dealers from all over the Baihai world.Of course, there are also people who come here to ask for medicine.

Chu's pharmacy has almost all kinds of medicinal materials.

In addition to medicinal materials, various low-level talismans and blank talisman papers also sold quickly.Especially blank talisman paper, Bai Haijie has never seen so many such cheap low-level blank talisman paper.Many talisman shops bought a large amount of blank talisman paper to take back for their own talisman masters to draw talismans, and then sold them at a high price.

However, everyone bought cheap talisman paper, and the price of the talisman will still be greatly reduced in the future.

Didn't see how cheap the Chu family's own talismans are?
Selling low-level talismans are sold by sheets, but by the dozen, with twelve sheets per dozen.

Because the Chu family's internal management is getting stricter, there are fewer and fewer battles.The thorns were all cleaned out.

This led to the lack of combat experience in the Chu family's army. The Chu family simply divided them into small groups and let them go to the White Sea Realm to practice by themselves.You can also travel alone.After leaving the Chu family's army, members of the Chu family and the forces under the Chu family also sent people to travel to the Baihai Realm.

By the way, earn some living expenses and practice resources.

There are always people who take the initiative to send resources over there, and they are too embarrassed not to accept them.

Anyway, everyone who hacked and killed a few robbers made money.

Because a large number of people went to the White Sea Realm to practice, the entire territory of Wuyuan Mountain was quite peaceful.Many villages don't even see people once for several months.Occasionally passing by a small caravan, maybe all the goods they carried were sold out.

But the tranquility and ease are just what everyone needs.

In the past ten years since the spiritual energy recovered, all kinds of terrible events have already made everyone terrified.There is no foul wind and dirt in Wuyuan Mountain now.Everyone no longer has to worry about being killed by the foul wind one day in the future.

In addition, the Chu family has a vast land and few people, and is rich, so the common people and families under their command basically have houses and land.Either work in the city, or start a workshop.Every family has wealth and life is not difficult.

Those who work hard will get more property every year.

There are also more monks cultivated in the family.

Especially for people with the Chu surname, only those whose names are on the genealogy, live a more prosperous life.No matter which one is a bit of family background.

After all, it is the ruling family, how could it be more partial to one's own people?

 I have something to do at home in the past two days, and the update is not good enough. I will wait until I finish my work these days.Hey, there is always something to do in June, and we all rushed together.

(End of this chapter)

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