The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1311 Cooperation

Chapter 1311 Cooperation
Xianyang Restaurant, second floor.

In the second room of the east, there are several middle-aged monks, almost all of whom are at the altar level, and only two middle-aged men sitting in the main and guest seats are Zifu.

Nine men are having dinner.

All kinds of monster meat, especially all kinds of monster fish meat, were served on seven or eight plates.

"What date did your ship return?" asked one of the middle-aged Zifu monks in dark blue robes.

"Our ship the day after tomorrow." Another middle-aged Zifu in a bamboo green robe said.

"Okay, I'll invite you out for dinner when I get back to the family safely." said Zi Fu, a middle-aged man in a navy blue robe.

"It's definitely not a problem. Our boat tickets are sent directly to the family spirit mountain." The middle-aged Zifu in bamboo green robes said.

"Ahem, can you still send it directly to the family spirit mountain?" Another one said in shock.

"Yes, you are planning to send the ship away that day, do you want me to contact you for a ship to be delivered directly to your home?" asked the middle-aged man in the bamboo green robe.

"Can you really send it directly to the family spirit mountain?"

"Yes, the Chu family specially opened this kind of boat ticket, but it is [-]% more expensive than the other boat tickets."

"Then I'll order."

"Okay, answer and I'll take you to book a ticket. It's on the side of Longshan. Many ships have this kind of ticket. They have hired senior Jindan Sword Cultivators from the White Fighting Sword Sect to sit on the void spaceship, so it's safe."

"Yeah, the senior sword cultivators of the Baidou Sword Sect are quite reputable," said Zi Fu, a middle-aged man in a navy blue robe.Especially this time they also bought two Jinchen Yuye Pills, so that the outstanding juniors in the family who have the most potential to break through the Purple Mansion can break through.

As long as he breaks through, there will be two Zifu in their family.In the future, you can accumulate more spirit stones and expand your family's industry.

"By the way, I heard that the relationship between your family and the Zhang family has deteriorated sharply?" Zifu in the navy blue robe asked hurriedly. "Do you need help?"

"Not yet. Our two families have always been enemies. Their family has been buying bodiless pills continuously. They want to train more altar monks and destroy our family. Unfortunately, our family also bought a batch of bodiless pills.

They are all bodiless pills. What we bought is the Chu family's pills. Ten bodiless pills are worth [-] spirit stones.A total of eight altar realms were born in our family.It is said that their family bought [-] bodiless pills and spent [-] spirit stones, only to have seven altar realms. "

"What?" The man in the bamboo green robe asked in surprise, "How could this happen?"

"They bought the bodiless elixir of the Shenmu Sect. The elixir of the Shenmu Sect and the elixir of the Qingdan Sect have always been of the highest quality. Recently, they were forced by the Chu family to cut prices. Buy it. As a result, thirteen bodiless pills made seven altars.

We have achieved eight gods with ten grains.

Our [-]% success rate, they are only half the success rate.

I don't know if Zhang's family is too unlucky, or what's going on. " Zifu in the dark blue robe said gloatingly.

In fact, everyone secretly suspected that it was actually a pill.

But no one dared to say that.

After all, you may still need high-level pills in the future. If you want high-level pills, you will have to have those old brands of pills.

"Maybe it's their bad luck. By the way, our patriarch asked me to buy a water soul pill for his granddaughter. If after taking this pill, I really have a water spirit root, then I will give it to my grandson." Take one too."

"It's not cheap, is it?" Zifu in the navy blue robe asked.

"One piece of eight hundred spirit stones is actually not too expensive. A bottle of five hundred spirit stones for Xuelinglu is not bad." Zi Fu said in a bamboo green robe.It would be difficult for monks in the Tongmai Realm to earn such a price.However, if it is changed to the Divine Stage Realm, it won't take long for monks in the Purple Mansion Realm to earn money.

"I heard before that the pills that give birth to spiritual roots are extremely expensive and rare in the world."

"Isn't this the discovery of the water soul seahorse in our White Sea Realm? Otherwise, this kind of water soul pill would not have come out." Another Zi Fu said.

"What about the Blood Spirit Flower?"

"The Blood Spirit Flower was found by Mrs. Chu herself."

Speaking of which, the Chu family has great luck, otherwise, why is it not the Chu family who obtained these precious spiritual objects from other people's families?
"I heard that someone wanted to poach a few craftsmen from the Chu family, but they all failed. They even failed to threaten to use them?" Tibetan Blue Robe asked again.

"The Chu family is quite strong. No matter where it comes from, if you want to dig craftsmen, you must be willing to go. As long as they are not willing, you can't take them away."

"I heard that's the same. But the craftsmen of the Chu family have cultivated a lot. Even if some of them are dug away, there will be no problem. They will soon train another batch. And the craftsmen that everyone dug back, because there are no Chu's craftsmen As for the training mechanism, if we continue to manage the workshop in the old way, even if the new craftsmen are brought in, we won’t be able to make a lot of money.”

"So what's the point of planning other craftsmen? It's better to cooperate directly with the Chu family to open a few workshops."

"Yes, that's what I thought too. How about our family and the Chu family cooperating to set up a workshop?"

"It's a good idea, but I need to go home and discuss it with my family."

"Okay, I also need to discuss. When the negotiation comes out later, I will go to you."

"Okay, if the results come out early on my side, I'll go find you."

Both of them have the idea of ​​starting a workshop with the Chu family.

Chu's sudden profits actually come from its large-scale operation, large-scale personnel, large-scale cost, large-scale technological process and so on.

The cost is low and the shipment volume is large, so they earn more and more.

It is difficult for other forces to match the Chu family in terms of management.

Especially on the scale of operations.

If it is done according to Chu's way, first of all, it needs to pay too much in cultivating talents, and few people have the courage to keep up with Chu's training ideas.

Even if someone goes all out to learn Chu's method, it will be difficult to see the benefits in Duanqi.

The development of the Chu family was actually not at the time when the spiritual energy was revived, but before the spiritual energy was revived.

Chu Xi and Chu Taohua have served as the heads of the family for more than 20 years, and they have cultivated a large number of talents, and the Chu family is now.

From a small mortal family to the current Chu family, it was developed with painstaking efforts by Chu Taohua and the senior members of the Chu family.

Especially during Chu Xi's dark and difficult years, many members of the Chu family were sacrificed because of the family's weakness.

The offshoots, distant relatives, and newly born clansmen who came over later have never experienced that period of family darkness at all.So their happiness is really happy, even if their psychological endurance is far inferior to their elders, few of them can endure hardships.

Even if the family has experienced them in various ways, all the new generations can be honed.

(End of this chapter)

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