The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1314 Small Wooden Bottle

Chapter 1314 Small Wooden Bottle

"Do you have a sample pill?" Taohua asked.

"Yes." Chu Xinjia took out four medicine bottles knowingly. "At present, only the Yunshen Pills that are suitable for the four realms of Tongmai, Shentai, Zifu, and Jindan have been researched."

Taohua took a medicine bottle, which contained a Yunshen Pill.I sniffed the elixir everywhere in the peach blossoms, but this elixir should be suitable for cultivators in the Zifu Realm.

She simply took a nibble to feel it.

For her the effect was minimal, but it did work.

"Have the monks of the family tried the medicine?"

"All of them have been used by the monks of the family. They have received good reviews. They also want the family to use this medicine as a serious welfare for the army and officials."

"Okay, what's not to send? As long as it's useful to them. The rest will be sent to the family treasury, and let them exchange for their own contribution points." Taohua said.

"Yes." Chu Xinjia nodded.

It would be too boring if the prescriptions that the clansmen worked hard to research could not improve the overall strength of the clan.

"This kind of elixir should be distributed more to the monks in the Golden Core Realm and the Zifu Realm. The Zifu will break through the Golden Core, and the Golden Core will break through the Nascent Soul in the future. Both of them need to improve their spiritual consciousness." Chu Shinian also ate one, and he ate it. The one that happens to correspond to the cultivator at the golden core level has quite a bit of medicinal power.It just doesn't work for him.

But he is a Nascent Soul cultivator, so he is naturally different from a Golden Core cultivator.

"I see." Chu Xinjia said.

"Especially you. It's better to eat more. I remember that your spiritual consciousness is also relatively weak. You have too much spiritual consciousness. There is little hope of breaking through the Nascent Soul in the future." Chu Shinian said seriously.

Chu Xinjia smiled wryly.

He is also in the late stage of Jindan Realm, but he doesn't dare to think about breaking through Nascent Soul at all.After all, it is a guilty conscience.

He knew that his background was relatively weak, and his foundation was not very solid.The key is that those who broke through the golden core were very reluctant and almost died.

So Nascent Soul, he was really a little afraid of that thunder disaster.

"If you feel that there is no opportunity for a breakthrough, then polish it for a while. Anyway, how long is your lifespan? Squeeze it, and wait until your golden core is perfect, and then polish it again. I really can't hold it back. That's it.

Nascent Soul is just like that, not as sad as you think.

Otherwise you just wait.In another 20 years, our family luck can help again.Sometimes you follow Chu Zilan's path, relying on the luck of your clan to force your way through. "Peach Blossom said with a smile.

Chu Xinjia's heart skipped a beat.

Don't say it, it's okay.

"Isn't that bad? We've exhausted the fortune of the family, and the foundation of the family will be damaged." Chu Xinjia said again.

"Actually, it doesn't hurt the foundation. Our clan's destiny is now like a fire, and it is getting bigger and more intense. This is good, and the clansmen's breakthroughs and chance encounters will appear one after another. But there are also disadvantages, that is, it will make the clansmen have breakthroughs." And adventure are very easy to obtain the illusion.

This is not good.

It is also a good thing to damage some of the clan's luck, let the clan's luck calm down, and stop being so violent. "

The key is to plan for it to rise more and more violently.The nine-story glazed pagoda is more and more prone to reveal abnormalities, which is quite a lot. For some big forces, such family fortunes are actually on their secret hunting list.

Taohua doesn't want her family luck to be taken away by others.

I still use it in advance.

It happened to be used to hatch one after another of his own Yuanying Zhenjun.

"Like Wuyuan Mountain?" Chu Xinjia had a rare flash of inspiration.

"..." Taohua looked at him speechlessly, "Our family's Wuyuan Mountain is high-profile. It makes the surrounding forces feel extremely dazzling, and it seems that there is a faint prototype of the seventh-order spiritual realm. But there is no way, we can't give up Wuyuan Mountain."

Chu Xinjia nodded, "This is our family land."

"It is also impossible for us to give up the development of our own Lingshan and the opportunity to advance to the seventh level of our own Lingshan. Therefore, only by rectifying the outer Wuyuan Mountain, at least not dragging down the inner Lingshan, can we have the opportunity to advance Lingshan .” Taohua said.

"But where do we go to get the origin of the world of one hundred square meters?" Chu Xinjia asked in confusion.

"Maybe I can help you find some solutions." Chu Shinian was referring to his brother Yuebai Qilin.

But Taohua doesn't think so, "In fact, we don't lack the origin of the world."

"It's just that after being promoted temporarily, you can't keep the seventh-level spiritual realm. So it's better to delay for a while and wait for Lingshan to accumulate slowly." Taohua said again.

"Wait, Patriarch, you are saying that our family does not lack the origin of the world." Chu Xinjia was taken aback, deeply feeling unbelievable.

"Our family has the origin of the world?"

"Is there more, there is still a hundred square meters." Tao Hua said.

"What?" Chu Xinjia looked at her Patriarch in disbelief. "You can get this kind of thing, Patriarch?"

"I used to think I didn't have one, but then I discovered that I actually have the origin of the world." Taohua said.

"Did you find the opportunity before?" Chu Shinian asked hurriedly.

Peach nodded.

"Do you still remember the star core that was swallowed by our family's promotion to the sixth level of Lingshan? It was the one that was left in the end, but was taken away by Shenting Great World."

Chu Shinian nodded.

Chu Xinjia shook her head. "It's because our Lingshan was promoted to the sixth level, relying on a star core. I thought it was a star core. Later, I consulted the laurel treasure tree and the silver moon. They told me that the star core is actually the origin of the world. A manifestation of condensation.

There should be at least the origin of the six-party world inside that star core.

But our Lingshan didn't even eat half of it, and it ended up being two worlds cheaper.Especially the Great World of God's Court, it took away the last star core when we entered the Great World of God's Court. "

How much does my chubby eat.Whether it is the world of birth or the world of God's Court, the will of those two worlds is really deceitful. They didn't tell her what it was at all, and took the initiative to remove the star core and the energy inside the star core.

"Let's just slap it away, at least they helped us temper the Lingshan Mountain." Chu Shinian smiled wryly. "Besides, if they want to take it away, we can't let us take it. Can we? It's impossible to do it at all."

"I'm just angry that I didn't realize that it's not a star core at all, but the condensed origin of the world." Tao Hua said angrily.

"Relax." Chu Shinian smiled. "We will have other opportunities to find the origin of the world in the future."

Taohua nodded.

"At the place where I found the star core, I also found a special wooden vial. The liquid in the wooden vial was colored and extremely heavy. Just take off the bottle cap a little, and the surrounding space vibrated.

At that time, I thought that thing might be unusual, so I kept it hidden in the Taiyin Stone Pagoda.

Later, I asked the treasured laurel tree and silver moon to help me take a look, and they all said that it was the origin of the world. "

(End of this chapter)

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