The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1315 Slate Painting

Chapter 1315 Slate Painting

"How many world origins are there in that vial?" Chu Xinjia asked in surprise.

"There should be a hundred squares, pure feeling. I haven't fallen." Taohua said.

But when she touched the small wooden bottle, she knew that there was a lot of liquid in it.

"Patriarch, you are too powerful." This adventure is gone.Chu Xin said in her heart that she was indeed God's own daughter.This is good luck.

"It's okay, it's okay. I used to like Taobao very much, and I was lucky. Every time I went out, I got something." Taohua smiled.

"Then why is it so rare to see the Patriarch go out to search for treasures?" Chu Xinjia asked puzzled.

"Oh, I'm too busy. I don't have time to go out and search for treasures." Taohua said depressedly.

"Why don't you go to Taotao again, Patriarch, maybe you can find some good things back." Chu Xinjia said with great anticipation.

"No time, aren't you all waiting for me to go back to handle family affairs?" Tao Hua said dejectedly.

"It's not a few days away." Chu Xinjia immediately said generously.

That's not what he said before. He wished that an hour counted as an hour, and quickly entrusted the Patriarch back to work.

Taohua looked at him in shock.

"Cough, cough, it's still necessary for the main Patriarch to go out and search for treasures. You can relax, Patriarch, and we may need it later." Chu Xinjia said.

Pfft, Chu Shinian couldn't help but burst out laughing.

He knew how Chu Xinjia and the others kept their eyes on Tao Hua every day.

Taohua went to Lingshan to transfer Lingzhi above the fourth level, and they all stared at him.

Taohua has just transferred everything from the fourth level and above to Lingzhi, and has arranged for people to do the rest of the finishing work.As a result, Chu Xinjia came over to invite someone in person.

What Yunshen Pill is just an excuse, Chu Xinjia's main purpose of coming here is to catch people.

"Do you really want me to go?" Tao Hua asked joyfully.

"Naturally. Patriarch, please do as you please." Chu Xinjia said very generously.

"Then I'll look for it." Taohua still likes Taobao very much.If she hadn't cleaned up almost all the heavyweight treasures around her in her childhood and her previous life, she wouldn't have often walked around with Chu Shinian instead of shopping for treasures.

The main reason is that she can't even look down on some small leaks.

"Patriarch, work hard." Chu Xinjia made an encouraging gesture.

"Okay, I'm leaving. Shinian, let's go, go to Taobao with me." Then he dragged Chu Shinian and walked away arrogantly.

Chu Xinjia took away the remaining Yunshen Pill and left.

Although this kind of elixir is miraculous, it is not suitable for takeaway for the time being, so it is better to distribute it to the family first.When the mirage dragon shells have multiplied in sufficient numbers on a large scale, they will be sold out.

Like a water soul seahorse.


The place where Nuguan let many monks shop for treasures is called Treasure Square.This is a place where all kinds of incomplete items, old and unmatched, and second-hand goods are sold.

A broken bone may be the skeleton of a great demon.

Even a piece of wood may be the wreckage of the green dragon. In short, no buyer can't think of it, only the seller can't think of it.

Looking around, it's a fake.

Taohua smiled and took her husband's arm to go shopping.

A counterfeit water soul pill was also found at a small stall.

"This Water Soul Pill doesn't smell right, it smells like water condensate grass." Tao Hua walked to the small stall and said, picking up the small box containing the Water Soul Pill.

"This is the Water Soul Pill, don't touch it if you don't buy it." The stall owner grabbed the small box and closed the lid.Said to Taohua angrily. "Go, go, go quickly."

Taohua smiled and walked to other small stalls.

"What is this small piece of stone? It's weird?" Tao Hua stopped at a small booth again.Pick up a small piece of rock that looks like a corner of a broken vessel.

"It's very likely that there is an ancient exercise hidden in it. If you want it, you can buy [-] spirit stones."

Tao Hua immediately looked at Xiao Shi Pian in shock, "Really?"

"Naturally it is true. Do you want it?"

"Thirty thousand spirit stones are too expensive." Taohua hurriedly put the small stones back for others.

"Then if you really want it, I'll give you a cheap price, twenty-eight thousand spirit stones."

"How does such a small piece of broken stone look like it hides a practice method? I don't want it anymore, show me a bronze dressing mirror." Taohua said again.

"It's really long hair, but short knowledge. This small piece of stone is definitely not a half-item." The peddler complained angrily, then took back the small piece of stone, and threw an oval ancient bronze mirror to Taohua.

Taohua touched and touched, looked and looked, and then said to the husband next to her, "I think this bronze mirror is not bad, it can still illuminate people, and it also has a card face. How about we just buy it?"

After hearing this, Chu Shinian immediately smiled and said, "Okay, so you usually invite your little sisters to drink tea at home, and you can count yourself as an antique to support your face."

"Boss, how do you sell this?" Tao Hua happily asked while holding the bronze mirror.

"At least eight thousand spirit stones."

"Then, I'll return the bronze mirror to you." Taohua immediately threw the bronze mirror into the peddler's arms.

"Then how much do you say?" The hawker hasn't opened yet today, and he doesn't want to let this buyer go.

"60 Yuan Lingshi."

"60 yuan spirit stone, I managed to dig it out from the ruins." The peddler said in disbelief. "At least six thousand spirit stones."

"It's too expensive, it's just a bronze mirror." Tao Hua said unhappily. "It's not worth six thousand spirit stones at all. I'll give you a hundred spirit stones at most."

The peddler said in his heart that it was really valuable and I could sell it to you.

The two bargained for a long time, and at the end of the 500 yuan Lingshi, Taohua took the bronze mirror.

As soon as she left, the peddler looked exhausted. Unfortunately, that little lady could see too much.

But after leaving the lady who could see, not a quarter of an hour later, someone bought the broken piece of stone that the lady liked, and it was [-] real spirit stones, without paying back the price.

The peddler suddenly felt that he had lost money.

Could it be that there is really something hidden in the stone flake?
Anyway, he sold it too.It's just that it's not good to get [-] spirit stones at this time.

After Taohua bought the bronze mirror, she stopped at a calligraphy and painting stall.

She didn't pick the kind of scroll that was very old when it was opened, but chose a brand new painting of a small blue bird sitting on a branch.

For such a new painting, the author is even more unknown.

Taohua actually gave him three hundred spirit stones and took away the painting.This painting of peach blossoms was directly held by Chu Shinian, and he looked at other things with great interest.

This time, after wandering around for more than half a day, she stopped in front of a broken old stone carving.

"Can this slate painting be restored?" Taohua asked the peddler.

"Yes. This broken slate painting was actually not a whole in the first place, it was spliced ​​together from broken small slate paintings. When I dismantled it, I took it out carefully, and it was not damaged at all.

If you really want it, ten thousand spirit stones, you can take all these stone slabs away.I guarantee it will be a lot. "

(End of this chapter)

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