The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1316 Little Red Jar

Chapter 1316 Little Red Jar
"It's done, take it." When Taohua heard this, she happily asked her husband to put away the large stone slabs. "How many yuan in total?"

"45 yuan." Chu Shinian made the final count.

"That's right, it's 45 yuan. This is the original stone engraving." The altar owner gave Taohua a restored original drawing he had drawn.When the peach blossoms were opened, it turned out to be a beautiful peach blossom forest.The peach blossoms are in full bloom.

"What a beautiful picture." Tao Hua said in surprise.

"Not only is the peach blossom grove beautiful, but the sculptor's craftsmanship is also extremely exquisite. Otherwise, I wouldn't have taken this picture down," said the stall owner.

"What is there to sell for a pair of stone carvings?" A burly man stood in front of the booth with his mouth curled.

"Don't talk if you don't understand. Did I trade with you? I'm trading with a young couple." The stall owner gave the big man an angry look.

"You sell me that red ceramic jar, and I'll leave. You think I'm happy to stand in front of you." The big man said angrily.

"I said that the red jar is more evil, I don't plan to sell it. Why are you always pestering me." The stall owner said angrily.But he didn't look good when he scolded the big man, and he was very good to Taohua. "I've been doing business here. I've been at this booth for nine years. If you can't get it back, or if you have any problems, you can come to me again."

"Okay." Taohua nodded. "By the way, can the ceramic jar you mentioned give us a lot of insight?"

When the stall owner heard this, he immediately gave the big man an expression of looking at you for something bad.

However, he still took out a small blood-red jar the size of a palm from his storage ring.

"It's this little jar, I always think this jar is a bit weird.

This little thing, every time every three or two days, a bewitching force would come out of it, causing people to suck the red liquid inside.

But no matter what I said, that guy just didn't believe it and insisted on buying it home.Don't talk about me, your spiritual sense is so weak, you can't stand the frequent temptations of this small jar. "

"But I think the red liquid in that jar is of great benefit to me." The big man also said with a serious face. "I'm a physical trainer, and now I've been stuck at the peak of the golden elixir for a long time. If I want to break through the golden elixir Dzogchen, I've lost confidence in myself, so I can only hope that trying something foreign will help me break through.

From the day I accidentally discovered the red liquid in the small jar, I felt that my breakthrough opportunity had come. "

"It can't be a false opportunity, right?" the stall owner asked in confusion.

"No, it must be true. In the past, I was afraid to tell you because I was worried that you would not buy me. Now I know why you don't sell me, and I know that you have no intention of selling me the small jar, so I will directly speak out.

Honestly, I hope you change your mind.No matter what the final result is, I will accept it.It's better than being stuck at the peak of Jindan for the rest of your life. "

"Stuck at the peak of Jindan, it's better to open it at the late stage of Jindan. The hope is close at hand, but it's too late to reach it. It's too painful." Hearing what he said, Chu Shinian said sympathetically.

Long live the big man with a face of understanding.

He thought so too.

The stall owner sighed.

"Can you show me this little jar?" Taohua asked.

"Yes. You can see it, but I can't sell it to you." The stall owner said.

"Don't worry, I won't buy it." Tao Hua had no intention of buying it at all.The small jar of peach blossom fruit carefully inspected it, even sniffed it, and was suddenly surprised. "There is indeed a liquid in this small jar, red. But the essence of this liquid should be silver silver liquid. It is a kind of spirit that uses the innate totem of death and turns it into a divine liquid.

There is indeed a contribution from body refining.

If they hadn't been tricked by strange means, these silver milk liquids alone would be enough for three body cultivators to cross the catastrophe and become Yuanying body cultivators. "

Teng, the big man standing there was full of energy and blood, and his face turned red.

"Is it really silver syrup?"

"Hmm, I've seen a totem spirit, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with the unique breath of this totem spirit. Coupled with this liquid, it has an unusual luster. It also looks very similar to silver mucus liquid.

It's just that it turned red because it was hit hard by something.

If this method can be cracked, it should still be able to peel off the complete silver milk solution.

After all, Yinmu liquid comes from the totem spirit, so it is not so easy to be obliterated and transformed. "

After Taohua finished speaking, she returned the small jar to the stall owner.

The stall owner stretched out his hand, his eyes were tangled, whether he wanted to accept it or not.

As soon as the liquid in this small jar broke its real body, it became a hot potato.

Fu Su suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"Guanzhu, I hope to see you. Maybe he can help you find a way to relieve the backhand with this silver mucus liquid."

Come on, this matter was discovered by the Guanzhu, and everyone had to move to the Guanzhu Mansion.

Inside the city lord's mansion, the head of Nuguan, Hang Xinghe, Chen Min, and Zhang Beihai are all there.Especially Chen Min's excited face.

After greeting everyone to sit down, the head of the angry customs said, "What's your name, little brother?"

The owner Guan looked at the stall owner.

"My name is Yan Leqi." The stall owner said generously, "I'm a formation cultivator and a part-time treasure hunter."

"This is a good job." The head of the Nuguan Customs said with great interest, "Do you have your own treasure hunting contacts and team?"

"Yes, I have been doing this for more than 200 years. I have my own team and connections." The stall owner said bluntly.

"Then where did you get this jar of silver milk solution?" asked the angry customs chief.

"It was obtained from the ruins on the seabed after the mysterious ice receded." Yan Le wondered.

"Oh, that relic is really good, it produces all the good things." Hang Xinghe said. "Your totem remnant soul in Beihai is also obtained there."

"This time, the Yinmu liquid is not bad." Zhang Beihai laughed.

"Brother Yan, do you want to take this silver milk liquid?" asked the angry customs chief.

"I...actually want to make a move. Because I'm not a physical cultivator. But I don't want to make a move casually. I hope I can use this silver mucus liquid to trade for one or two baby-forming pills."

Hang Xinghe immediately laughed when he heard it, "You are so impolite."

"What do you say, Minzi?"

"One Infant Pill and one True Mysterious Fruit. The True Mysterious Fruit can increase the chance of two layers of Infant formation." Chen Min said.

Surprise flashed across Yan Leqi's eyes.

"I agree." A baby-forming pill has a [-]% chance of conceiving a baby, and a True Mysterious Fruit has a [-]% chance of conceiving a baby. Together, the chance of conceiving a baby is [-]%.Isn't this recommended to enter Yuanying?
A certain burly man standing beside him had a dejected look on his face.

After the calf, the opportunity left me.

Chen Min directly threw two jade boxes to Yan Leqi, and then took away the little red jar.

(End of this chapter)

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