The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1326 Partnership

Chapter 1326 Partnership
The angry customs master didn't pay much attention at first.

Recently, many families have been busy with this matter, and sent their own elixir with some achievements.Want to sell him well.

So the angry customs chief simply asked Fu Su to find someone to test the medicine.

If it is true, it will be eaten by the disciples.

If it doesn't work, then find a basement to pile it up.

This time, many monks in the Nuguan Pass suffered from this blue spot disease.Especially the monks of the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect suffered from this kind of disease, and their hearts were under great pressure.Everyone doesn't want to die in a ghostly place like Baidoujie.

Moreover, the body also suffers from various pains during the process of the coeruleus becoming larger.

It's really not something people are willing to bear.

Therefore, many monks are eager to take some pills that have a quick onset of effect.If the effect of the medicine is slow, just give up.

But the Golden Pills in the early days, although they didn't say anything, they were very much looking forward to the elixir sent by the Chu family.

Almost every few days I went to the Pill Pavilion to ask.

Ask the Chu family if there is any healing elixir.

As a result, on this day, I came to ask a middle-aged Jindan monk to ask.The steward in charge of exchanging the elixir heard his inquiry and said, "Yes, I just delivered it today. It is said to be effective. But Mr. Fu Su said to let the casual cultivators outside try it before exchanging it for our disciples in our sect." eat."

"Give it back to the Golden Elixir Loose Cultivator outside, hey, you can exchange five pills for me first. Can five pills be eaten?"

"The person who delivered the medicine from the Chu family said that if the symptoms are mild, just take one pill. If you accidentally get infected again, just take another pill and you'll be fine."

"Then you can exchange ten pills for me. I have enough points." The middle-aged man hurriedly said.

"Why don't you wait a little longer."

"Don't wait, I really trust their elixir."

So all ten pills were exchanged.

Not long after the previous monk left, another five or six golden elixirs came.They also exchanged for five or ten pills one after another.

Some people exchanged twenty pills at once.

Even the steward of the Pill Pavilion was stunned.

This Chu family's elixir was exchanged so well?

He also just transferred here.

I am not very familiar with this Chu family.

A thousand pills arrived in the morning, but were gone in the afternoon.

By the end of the night, about [-] people who had already lay down at the beginning of the Golden Core came out of the cave to eat again.

Some people were helped out for a walk.

Hang Xinghe was shocked when he saw it.Hurry up and ask, "How are you all doing well? What panacea did you take?"

"It's the detoxification pill sent by the Chu family. It's very useful." A middle-aged monk with a pale face and some blue silver on his skin said.

"The detoxification pill sent by the Chu family?" Hang Xinghe asked, "When did you send it?"

"It was delivered this morning. We heard that the exchange was finished in the afternoon. Fortunately, I exchanged [-] grains at once." The still relatively weak middle-aged monk said.

"You're still smart, if people stare at you, I'll be miserable. I got there late, so I exchanged five pills, and I don't know if I can use them." Another Jin Dan, who seemed to be in good spirits, regretted.

"It's okay, the Chu family will still send it. Their family started with spiritual plants and elixir. Since they have developed a useful detoxification elixir, they will be delivered. If you can't get it at the resident, you can also go to the Baidou Sword Sect Buy it over there. Guaranteed to have it.”

"Haha, brother, what you said makes sense."

After hearing his laughter, Hang Xinghe didn't stay any longer and left directly.

But that Jindan doesn't care, anyway, he is the elder of his own sect, so he loves it.

Hang Xinghe hurriedly found the head of Nuguan, who was telling Fu Suduo to order some detoxification pills.

"What you want to order is Chu's Detoxification Pill?"

"Yes, no one has seen the effect of this detoxification elixir so well. Not long after taking it, the blue spots began to lighten. People have also improved." The head of the angry customs said unexpectedly.At the beginning, he really didn't realize that the Chu family's medicinal pill development ability is so strong.

"The Chu family's pharmaceutical skills are almost catching up with some medium-sized elixir sects."

"The Chu family has specialties in planting, so they won't be too weak in pills. Even if they are weak at the beginning, they will become powerful when there are so many pills to practice." Hang Xinghe is not very surprised Said.

"That's right, the area of ​​our Zongmen's medicine garden is not small, but the overall production of elixir is far behind others. I remember that our Zongmen also has a ginkgo medicine garden. If we can produce two to three hundred catties of ripe ginkgo fruits a year, we will be happy." Crazy. But the Chu family can produce five or six hundred catties of ripe ginkgo fruits per mu of land a year."

"The ginkgo fruit doesn't mature every year." Hang Xinghe retorted speechlessly, and Zhang Beihai complained when he walked in.

"Then our ginkgo fruit output is not comparable to Chu's. Chu's ginkgo trees alone support hundreds of thousands of ginkgo trees." Zhang Beihai couldn't hide his shock when he first discovered it.

It's really much better than their sect's medicine garden.

"I heard that the Chu family promised to give our sect [-] Lingzhi Husbands?" Zhang Beihai asked hastily.

"Yeah. I've heard it too, and I asked Fu Su to confirm it." Nuguan Guan said, "Although those people are not honest, but my grandfather also said that we have to look at the face of the head. So I am right. This matter has also been followed up.”

This is talking nonsense with your eyes open.Hang Xinghe thought to himself.

He almost rolled his eyes to death.

In fact, it is Fu Su who really does things seamlessly.That kid is a real talent.

In the end, he was determined to do it for his grandson.This is incurable.

If Zhang Beihai has been seeing him all the time, he doesn't know whether to praise him or give him a sarcasm.

"We have communicated, and Chu Shinian said that the Chu family has cultivated a large number of Lingzhi husbands over the years. It is a bit too prosperous. There are too many Lingzhi husbands, so there must be a spiritual field and a elixir garden for them to manage? It's a pity that the Chu family The area of ​​Lingshan is only so small, and basically there are people.

That's why he decided to release [-] Ling Zhifu.

Still ask me if I want it?If he wants, he still has three thousand to spare.I said let me think about it. "

"Yes. Hurry up. If you are not willing to run a medicine garden, our Zhang family will produce a medicine garden, and you will produce a husband Lingzhi. It happens that our two families will work together." Zhang Beihai immediately said.

"I didn't plan to fix it. After all, I don't know how to run a medicine garden."

"I can run the business, so I don't need you. Just get me Ling Zhifu. Are you sure it's Ling Zhifu cultivated by the Chu family?"

"I'm sure, it's impossible for the Chu family to deceive me about this matter." The head of the angry customs nodded.

"Then let's do it. We won't take your grandfather with us, just you and my family and I. We can build hundreds of thousands of acres by ourselves."

Angrily, the customs chief said, sir, your ambitions are really big.

"How could the three thousand Ling Zhi husbands manage so many spiritual fields?" the head of the angry customs asked in horror.

"Sure. Others are absolutely useless, but Ling Zhifu from the Chu family can do it."

(End of this chapter)

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