The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1327 Strange Stones

Chapter 1327 Strange Stones
"Okay, then I'll talk to him."

"Wait, I will ask my eldest son to come over and take care of the medicine garden later. What do you think of Nuguan Customs here? If it is to be implemented, I will build it here."

"No, stay away. The nearby land is almost bought by them, and the rest is either bad or too expensive.

Let's choose the land at Luyang Pass. "

"Luyang Pass, that's fine too."

"The price over there is cheap. And most of them are mountainous areas." Nuguan said, "Mountain areas are the most suitable for growing medicinal materials."

Zhang Beihai nodded in agreement.


"I heard that there are many rocks in the mountains over there." Hang Xinghe said again.

"Then plant windweed, wind pine, wind strike grass, sword wind grass, etc. Plant them first to improve the spirit field, and then choose to plant other spirit grasses and elixir." Nuguan said.

"Okay, I really didn't expect you to have such insight. This is really admiration for three days." Zhang Beihai praised.

The head of the angry customs laughed, "It's Chu who gave me a set of planting books from his family, not the jade cocoon. It's bound in the hardcover version of the spiritual pages."

"Give me a set."

"No, it costs money to make this thing. A set of books needs 40 spirit stones just for the spiritual pages. That's not counting the content. A set of books is worth at least a million spirit stones. How could someone give it to me? The second set." Angry Customs said.

"Let me see the head office?"

After hearing this, the angry customs master carefully took out a coloring book.

Zhang Beihai snatched it away, but it turned out that it was the sixth book that couldn't be connected up and down.

"I said you are going too far, what about the first volume?"

"Mrs. Zhang, can you return it to me after you got the first book?" An angry Custom Master made an expression that you pretended I didn't know who you were.

Zhang Beihai is so angry.

"It's a pity that I hugged you when you were young. Why don't you know how to respect the old and respect the virtuous?"

"I know it's useless, this book is so expensive, how can I have the nerve to ask for another set."

Zhang Beihai took a look at the spirit page, and there was indeed an excellent spirit wood grain.

"So do they. Why is the whole set of books so expensive?"

"This is the inheritance book." The head of the angry customs finally said helplessly.


This is the inheritance book that the Chu family gave to the head of the Nu Customs.

"Your kid doesn't have any descendants yet, and you even got a set of inheritance books, which really makes me envious and hateful." Zhang Beihai said angrily.

Hang Xinghe laughed out loud.

His grandson is indeed very lucky.


Thanks to the detoxification pill developed by the Chu family, the blue spot disease gradually controlled its spread in Nuhaiguan.And also sold detoxification pills to the surrounding Guancheng.

This was originally a good thing, but who knew that the head of the sect would come up with another moth, insisting on letting the angry customs master buy the prescription, and he would make it public.

Let all places where blue spot disease spread can hear the gospel of Absolute Beginning Sword Sect.

It was obviously spread from your Baidou world.

The angry customs chief turned green when he received the order.While discussing with his grandfather what to do about this matter, he passed the news to Chu Shinian and his wife.

Taohua frowned when she heard Chu Shinian say that the Taichu Sword Sect wanted to buy her own prescription.

Because the original prescription contained a thousand-legged dragon.

Thousand-legged dragon, Taohua doesn't know if there are any in the nearby world.

She quickly sent someone to investigate.

As a result, it took five or six days to investigate before replying to her.Thousand-footed dragon does not have it, but thousand-footed golden worm does.

And this kind of bug was sent over by someone.

The millipede should be a branch variant of the millipede.

If a large amount of golden worm is added, it can indeed replace the millipede, which only needs a little and can have a good effect.

"Then change the prescription and give it to the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect. We want some strange stones collected by the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect. It's best to be meteorites, star cores and the like." Tao Hua said.

"What do you want that thing for?" Chu Shinian asked strangely.

"The origin of my world was picked out from a meteorite. Including the star core absorbed by Xiaopang before, and a small bottle of origin liquid."

After hearing this, Chu Shinian immediately changed his attitude and said, "I have more points."

After hearing Chu Shinian's strange request, the head of the angry customs asked in puzzlement, "What are you collecting those stones for?"

"Our family has a Void Battleship from ancient times. It has been repaired for most of the time, and we still need some key special spiritual gold to repair it." Chu Shinian explained.

The angry customs master understood it as soon as he heard it.

"I also collected some from the Nuhai Sea here, and you can take them away later. Later, I will ask the Zongmen to bring the inventory as well, so I can't let you suffer."

Chu Shinian said in his heart that we have worked so hard to develop the prescription, and you are about to leave with your mouth open. If I hadn't been in a good mood, I might have completely ruined my face with you.

"Then entrust everything to the Guan Master."

After Chu Shinian left, Fu Su came out from the back room.His expression was a little gloomy.

"what happened again?"

"That Chu Shinian was not angry."

"Isn't it great that he's not angry?" the angry customs chief asked in confusion.

"If this kind of thing is spread on other people, I'm afraid people will be bullied. But Chu Shinian is not there, he is too calm. Such a person, either he is really big, or the city is too deep, and he can bear what others can't bear. Fu Su commented, "Such a man really makes him grow up, maybe he will become a confidant of us and Taichu Sword Sect."

"Hahaha..." The angry customs chief raised his head and laughed.

"why are you laughing?"

The head of the angry customs continued to laugh, "Fu Su thinks too much. He doesn't want to join Taichu, and he has a pure trading relationship with us. Now that he is weak, the Chu family will suffer a bit during the transaction. You wait until the Chu family rises, and then you can do business with us." Trading may mean that we suffer a bit.

We are different from Guanghan Sword Sect, and we don't have the hatred of killing masters between us.

Even if we want his prescription, we have paid the price.

Don't think that if someone wants some stones, you feel that the Chu family is at a disadvantage.But those who felt that they had won and took advantage of it all suffered a big loss.

I think at the beginning, Jinkui wood was not taken seriously, but later, how much did you sell?How much money did the Chu family make?

This time they want some special strange stones, maybe there are some secrets hidden in them that we don't know. "

"Then you still promised him, and promised to help him get more from the Zongmen's warehouse?" Fu Su looked at him in disbelief.

"You don't understand that. Anyway, it's the sect leader who is at odds with him, and it's not me.

My relationship with the Chu family is very good.

Chu Shinian and I are close friends.

Besides, what's the use of storing the strange stones collected in the Zongmen where they can be ashes, it's better to give them to the Chu family, maybe they can make something famous. "

(End of this chapter)

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