The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1328 Space Barrier

Chapter 1328 Space Barrier
When Chu Shinian was brought into the storehouse of strange stones owned by the owner of the angry customs, he was really stunned.

There are tens of thousands of strange stones here, and they are different in size.The main reason for chasing is that these stones look quite distinctive, and they don't want to be simple things.

Because many of the stones are prevented from being in the sealing formation.

If Chu Shinian wanted to remove them, he had to call someone to help remove the sealing array.Or create a sealing array to move things away.

It is definitely not possible to take away other people's sealing array.

Besides, he wasn't willing to spend that kind of money.

After all, it's fine to take other people's strange stones, but how can they not pay for moving people's sealing array?
Chu Shinian immediately called his clansmen over.

I didn't even call it, but I also brought a large flying air ship over, and at the same time carried a lot of seal arrays onto the ship.

When you get here, move out the sealing formation, move the stones into your own sealing formation one by one, and then pull them away.

People from the Chu family were carrying strange stones almost from noon to night.

In the early days, many Golden Core cultivators came to watch the fun.It was really fun to watch.

You have never seen so many formation masters.

In order to disassemble and carry the seal array smoothly, transfer the strange stone.

The Chu family dispatched [-] formation mages at once.

Ahem, these people are not all formation masters, among them there are more than 3000 official formation masters.The rest are apprentices of formation masters who came to observe and study.

But other people don't know.As soon as I saw people operating formations, arranging formations, measuring, and simulating calculations so proficiently, such a skilled guy was definitely a formal formation master in the early days.

But in the Chu family, they can only be regarded as normal and qualified formation master apprentices.

Peach Blossom has long refined the rating criteria for Array Masters.

This makes many apprentices of formation masters who are partial to disciplines miserable.

But in order to become a formal examination formation master, they can only continue to study painfully.

In fact, I don't know it's them. The entire Chu family's education system is inseparable from Taohua's meticulous preparation.

Cough cough, if you want to take a grade test, then you have to be a compound all-around talent.

no?Then learn it.

The official grades are all waving at you.

Dozens or hundreds of formation masters of the Chu family quickly built a super large sealing formation in a limited space.Then dock another sealing formation, and the miniature short-distance teleportation formation starts.

As a result, a strange stone that looked like a small planet was sent to the new sealing formation, and then sealed.

Then many formation masters came together to miniaturize the entire strange stone and the formation, and carried it away.

The formation masters who came and went in a hurry did not repeat their faces. They all rushed to the basement in an orderly manner, first built the tactics, then moved the strange stones, and then miniaturized them and carried them away.

There is speed and order. The key is to cooperate in the case together. Ahem, the cooperation is very tacit. I have almost never seen any errors between them, and there has been no delay in time.

"How does the Chu family cultivate people? It's amazing. I never knew that so many formation masters working together continuously are so pleasing to the eye." A certain female sword cultivator in the early days said.

"I found that the Chu family is especially good at cultivating people."

"Yeah." Many people looked enviously.

"It would be great if our sect could also cultivate such a formation master or Ling Zhifu."

"Don't think about it, if our sect trains people like the Chu family, the sect would have been bankrupt long ago." Fu Su said at this time.

"Senior Brother Fu." A series of Senior Brother Fu almost wanted to string this place into a sea of ​​Senior Brother Fu.

"Everyone cultivated by the Chu family has to spend a lot of spirit stones to cultivate to this level. The average amount of a golden core cultivated by the sect is about 65 spirit stones. They need to train a formal formation master. 300 million spirit stones.

If it weren't for the Chu family's unique advantages, the prestigious spirit planting technique and the ability to earn a lot of spirit stones, they would definitely not be able to cultivate them.

So don't look at the formation masters cultivated by the Chu family, but they are piled up with spirit stones. "

To put it bluntly, the Chu family's cultivation of talents is also quite simple and rude, just krypton gold.

Everyone knows how the Chu family trains talents, but everyone still wants to be trained by the Chu family.

Krypton gold, it's cool to think about it.

However, the Chu family trains formation masters, most of whom are clan members.The remaining half are also talents with outstanding talents.

Those who are too mediocre can hardly climb to a high position in the Chu family's training system.

Most of them just mix technology and do some basic work at the bottom.

But what the Chu family really needs is such a person.

In fact, they are doing a lot of things.

After the last group of Chu's formation masters removed the strange stone, the airship finally took off, turned to the direction of Wuyuan Mountain, and disappeared quickly.

Taohua is also constantly receiving a large number of strange stones.

Some she could see were special spirit gold, star gold.It was directly transferred to the clan library.

Some useless special middle and low-level spirit gold, spirit iron and so on, let the refiners deal with it directly.Among them is a large strange stone, which is a large mutated iron ore.And the variation is not too great, and the quality is only slightly improved compared to the spirit iron of the same level.

However, this batch of mutated iron ore is rare in large quantities, tens of thousands of catties.It may not be possible to refine a suitable magic weapon.

With such continuous sorting, more than 70 of the tens of thousands of strange stones were left in a short time.Was taken away by Taohua.The rest went their separate ways.

The strange stones taken away by Taohua are now placed in the underground secret room of Taohua and Chu Shinian's yard.

Arranged big and small.Taohua also specially prepared shelves for them.

It looks like a small treasure house.

Chu Shinian was holding a green black stone as big as three adult fists, but he couldn't see anything magical about the stone.

"what is this?"

Tao Hua watched him pick up the stone, walked over with a smile and said,
"I found the baby."

"What baby is this?"

"This is a piece of heaven and earth membrane, which is much higher than any space barrier." Taohua pointed to the stone. "Wait, let's secretly send it to Xiaopang. When Xiaopang completely devours it, there will be heaven and earth membranes on Xiaopang's body and Wuyuan Mountain here."

"Heaven and earth membrane? This is actually the heaven and earth membrane. How could it be stretched so strangely?" Chu Shinian was astonished.He naturally knew what the heaven and earth membranes were.

The heaven and earth membrane is actually an advanced version of the space barrier.

Space barriers are easy to break through, as long as you are a Golden Core cultivator, or a flying magic ship above the first-order mid-level, you can break through the space barrier by yourself.Enter the Lingshan.

The real function of the space barrier is not to prevent powerful individuals from breaking into the space, but to prevent various toxic and harmful impurities from the outside world from entering the interior of Lingshan.

(End of this chapter)

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