The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1329 The Seed of Origin

Chapter 1329 The Seed of Origin
Especially the impurities mixed in the air.They will be mixed with aura, and even have an impression on the cultivation of monks.

Speaking of which, the space barrier is a kind of preliminary air filter.

Then the heaven and earth membrane is the comprehensive filter, because it is the evolution version of the space barrier.This kind of thing is usually born in the world, and it will fall off when the world is disappointed.

Sometimes it will fall into the hands of the human race, and sometimes it will be taken away by other alien races.

However, the heaven and earth membranes in the state of stone are really rare.

Generally, the fetal membranes of heaven and earth are light gauze and bead-shaped.

Sometimes it is also refined into some magic tools.Then the things formed will be more diverse.

Moreover, the physical body restricted by the heaven and earth membranes is the Nascent Soul.In other words, it is difficult to easily break into the Lingshan space at the Golden Core Realm.Unless he made a Tier [-] French ship.

However, the second-tier magic ship can break through without the owner's permission.However, during the breakthrough process, some damage will be caused by the reaction force of the heaven and earth membrane.

"It doesn't matter what it looks like, it's complete, as long as it can be integrated with the space barrier of our Lingshan Mountain." Taohua said.

Chu Shinian smiled.Anyway, as long as the wife thinks it's good.

"Then what's so special about the other stones?"

"Actually, among the more than 70 stones, only six of them actually contain treasures, and the rest are high-grade materials. You have seen the membranes of heaven and earth. And this one, this big vat is taller and thicker than the stone vat. The big stone is actually a kind of earth-type treasure, Qilin stone.

It is the treasure born of fossils after hundreds of millions of years in the land where the earth unicorn sleeps all the year round.

This kind of stone is of great benefit to the bloodline evolution and the awakening of supernatural powers of the earth unicorn family.I'm going to split it in two.It is used for our family's unicorn transformation soil array and soil unicorn seal. "

"You'd better not use it for Tu Qilin, let it recover by itself," Chu Shinian said.

"Why?" Taohua looked at him in surprise.

"The earth unicorn seal, I feel that although the weapon spirit inside is hidden deeply, it is still there. If you really cultivated it too fast and have no means to control it, then it is definitely the third white-eyed wolf. The golden mother Lian, you'd better not take the initiative to cultivate it.

I'm afraid these two things have a lot of history and have been severely damaged, so they fell into your hands.When they recover, they will still be willing to stay in our family.hehe. "Chu Shinian sneered.

Looking at the attitudes of the two celestial roots, one can know what these guys are thinking.

"You said that there are more than one unicorn formation, those two fairy peaches may have escaped long ago. You might as well cultivate those seriously injured guys, it is better to directly cultivate the little earth unicorn, it is born because of the formation. Much respect and loyalty to you."

The key is that Little Tu Qilin doesn't have any double-mindedness, and only relies on Taohua as his own parents.

This is different from Xiaopang. Xiaopang and Taohua get along more like siblings.

"By the way, is that soil unicorn male or female?" Chu Shinian asked again.


"I heard that the divine beast itself, as long as its physical condition is suitable, can give birth to the next generation of little divine beasts from silkworm eggs?" Chu Shinian coughed and asked hurriedly.

"The male god beast is not that capable, and the female one is not necessarily so." Tao Hua said.

"Huh? What does that mean?"

"The little unicorn born in the unicorn transformation soil formation is actually a female unicorn. In fact, the unicorn is also a formation, the will of the world, and the spiritual vein of the world's original soil attribute."

"Xiao Pang is the spring dragon of the male, also the will of Lingshan, and the original spiritual vein of Lingshan.

According to the spiritual pulse, their families can combine to give birth to the next generation when they grow up in the future. "

"Ah, isn't this span a bit big?" Chu Shinian was startled.

"It usually lays eggs on its own before it dies. So I don't plan to treat the little unicorn that way. If it really wants to have a family and have a baby, it should find Xiaopang. For the sake of everyone's spiritual veins, It can be regarded as a good match!" Tao Hua said.

Chu Shinian broke down thinking, is what you said true?
An earth unicorn, a five-element spirit vein... Well, you are all spirits.

"Then will they give birth to an earth unicorn, a wood unicorn, or a unicorn with dual attributes of earth and wood? Or a spring dragon with dual attributes of earth and wood?"

"Who would have guessed this?" Tao Hua rolled her eyes angrily.

"Don't be a freak!" Chu Shinian sighed.

"As far as the beast is concerned, it is not a freak. It is a good fetus that inherits the advantages of its parents. No matter how strange the cubs of the beast are, they are also the cubs of the beast, and they are usually rare by their parents. What you said An unacceptable freak, more of a human being.

Of course, some spirit beasts will also reject mutated children. "

Taohua paused and said, "Spiritual beasts are not the same as divine beasts, and the population of the divine beast family is small, even if they are of mixed blood, they will be happy.

There are too many spirit beasts, and they are so introverted that it is difficult even for the clan to survive.What's more, the outside world is full of enemies.

Therefore, spirit beasts will generally pick and raise children who have a high chance of survival.

There is no way, if they don’t choose this way, they will naturally use more cruel choices to hurt them. Instead of suffering in the future, it is better to give up those that will definitely be difficult to survive in the future.

Some clever beast fathers and mothers even gave their cubs to humans before they opened their eyes.

Picking a good breeder is better than dying miserably before adulthood.

Therefore, cubs that are disabled, injured, and born to grow up that are not conducive to survival will inevitably be abandoned. "

Chu Shinian thought about it for a while, and it was true.

"Give the whole unicorn stone to that little earth unicorn. It was born too many years later than Xiaopang, let it speed up its evolution."

Tao Hua listened and nodded in agreement.

Let's take care of Qilin Yin and Golden Mother Lotus for the time being.

"The other four contain the origin of the world, varying in number. The condensed form turned into four strange gadgets. Two origin beads, one origin stone, and one is even more strange. It looks more like a seed.

The origin of the world can also evolve into a seed form.It really amazes me. "

After hearing this, Chu Shinian asked Taohua to point it out to him.Sure enough, a stone species with only a little pointed part hidden in a meteorite with the size of a human head was found.

Chu Shinian simply picked it out.

This small seed is about the size of a baby's fist.

Chubby, but this is a stone species.

"Why do I feel that this thing seems to be very useful to me?"

"Of course, that is in the world. You devoured it when you promoted to the sixth level, and the world you evolved can be promoted to the real flame world in an instant. It is simply a cheat for breaking through to the sixth level." Yuebai Qilin said The voice sounded in Chu Shinian's head again.

(End of this chapter)

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