The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1330 Upgrade

Chapter 1330 Upgrade
"You don't need any crystallization of luck, or spiritual objects from heaven and earth, as long as you have a seed of origin. It's a matter of course for you to break through to the sixth level." Yuebai Qilin said.

"Then, does this original seed have an effect on me, or on everyone?" Chu Shinian asked.

"Naturally, it works for everyone." Yuebai Qilin said, "So you must keep this original seed carefully, and use it when you break through to the sixth level."

Chu Shinian pinched the seed of origin, and then put it into Peach Blossom's palm. "This is called the seed of the original source, which can help people break through the sixth order smoothly. As long as you eat it at the peak of the fifth order, you can break through smoothly. I remember you said that the mark seems to be difficult to break through. Then with the whole original source Seeds, should be able to increase the probability of breakthrough, right?"

Tao Hua was stunned for a moment after hearing Chu Shinian's words.

Then I brushed it with Qi Tianjian.

Sure enough, there is the original seed on it, which can help the human race break through the sixth level and evolve the prototype of the real small world.

The embryonic form of the small world is the well-known Xiaodongtian in Shenting.

Small caves are natural and man-made.The small caves opened up by the venerables of the sixth-order Yan Dao realm are actually the prototype of a small world.

Even after the fall of the sixth-order master, these small caves can be passed down through special sacrifices.

So many big sects have a lot of small caves.

"You should use this original seed. When I break through, just look for it..." Taohua thought for a while, and then said, "I guess you should be promoted to the sixth level earlier than me."

"No, you keep it. I don't need the original seed to advance." Chu Shinian said confidently. "Besides, I don't need to evolve the prototype of the real small world."

According to Brother Qilin, his world was gradually developed from a huge world of virtual energy to a real world.

In fact, he has no interest in the real world. If he hadn't turned the energy world into a real world out of curiosity, how could he have recruited that ghost?Where can it invite the destruction of the home world?
"Then keep it in my hands first." Taohua smiled. "We just took over the Nuguan Pass. The Taichu Sword Sect has more than 1 pass cities in the Baidou Realm. How many strange stones have been collected?"

"We just collected the strange stones from Nuguan, and the Sword Sect of Absolute Beginning will also send them over. The other strange stones in Guancheng can only be collected secretly. Otherwise, we should collect such strange stones at once, and we should be naughty." Look sideways." Chu Shinian said.

"Collect it slowly. We can also collect it from the White Sea Realm, and we can also borrow other forces to secretly collect it from other places. I think many people should know that strange stones contain some special treasures. That's why some people collect them. they.

Let's say that we plan to restore the damaged void battleship, and we need to collect a wave of strange stones.It is estimated that some can be collected at the beginning.It may not be easy to collect later.But that's for later. "

Chu Shinian nodded, and tried collecting Luo first.

Sure enough, after the Chu family collected the stones from the Nuguan Pass, they went to the next city pass to collect them.Of course, not all Guan Masters are so talkative, and they are not all willing to sell them a batch of strange stones.

But there are also quite a few good talkers who sold them a large number of strange stones.

But these strange stones have been sorted.

Most of them are all kinds of spirit gold, rare star gold, and various void gold.

This is also quite good, although these stones are all expensive, but the old Void Battleship of my own is really in the spring, these stones, Chu family fed it to its Qiankun Wanhua Furnace, which made the Void Battleship continue to repair .

Low-level mismatched materials are constantly being recycled by the Qiankun Wanhua Furnace, and new materials are constantly being absorbed and replaced by battleships.

Now this ship is simply moored in a large dock built on the coast of Yutu Island.

Chu's best shipbuilders are all here.

This ancient battleship is also gradually returning to its former glory.

"Master Luo, recently the master sent another batch of Void Spiritual Gold." A sturdy middle-aged craftsman rushed to report.

"What kinds are there?" Master Luo looked up from the shipbuilding blueprints on the big table and asked.

"This is the quantity and type of this batch of void spirit gold." The middle-aged craftsman handed a pamphlet to her.

The middle-aged old woman quickly flipped through the booklet.

"Well, the resources sent by the main family's treasury this time are fine. You just hand over these ores to the Qiankun Wanhua Furnace, and let it divide it by itself."

"Okay." The middle-aged craftsman smiled.

Ever since it was discovered that the Qiankun Wanhua Furnace refined all kinds of ores super fast, whatever materials they were sending to the furnace, they simply gave the ores.What else do you need to refine, anyway, you can refine it yourself.

Stove often quarreled with the master craftsmen over this matter.Especially with this Master Luo.

"Master, I heard that you are about to be promoted to a half-step master?" asked the middle-aged master craftsman.

When the old woman heard this, her eyes full of intelligence rolled into a smile. "It's still far away."

As for the profession of craftsman, the best in the highest family is the master craftsman.A higher level, everyone does not know there is any.But Master Luo is very powerful, and everyone says that she is much stronger than ordinary masters.

It should be the legendary master.

But Master Luo himself never admitted it.

"Recently, the master's family has sent a lot of spiritual gold, star gold ore, which we don't need, so you should send it back to the family quickly. We keep it to take up inventory. Later, those old men from the master's house will come to quarrel with me again." Master Luo road.

The middle-aged craftsman laughed when he heard this. "Okay, okay. I'll arrange someone to do it quickly."

On the other side, the Chu family has collected Luo Qishi from various Guanchengs one after another, but the fact that their own Void Battleship has not been repaired has spread.

There were also people who went to the Lingshan of the Chu family to watch it.

But this time, the Golden Core cultivators, even sword cultivators, couldn't easily enter the Chu family's Lingshan.

They bumped into each other one after another and mounted on the barrier of Lingshan where the heaven and earth membranes merged.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"Yeah, why can't we go in?"

The Chu family monk who heard the voice from the opposite side flew over.He explained loudly, "Our Chu family has recently upgraded the barrier of Lingshan Mountain. Cultivators under the Nascent Soul cannot fly in directly. There is an entrance over there. After registration, you can enter Lingshan Mountain through the entrance."

It was only then that everyone realized that the Chu family had upgraded their space barrier in silence.

"Why did your spatial barrier suddenly upgrade?" asked Taichu Sword Cultivator.

"Recently, I don't know what's going on. There are always people sneaking into our Chu family's Lingshan. In a fit of anger, the Patriarch merged the long-preserved heaven and earth membranes into the space barrier, and upgraded the space barrier." Chu's monk road.

(End of this chapter)

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