The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1331 Small Formation Mage

Chapter 1331 Small Formation Mage
All sword cultivators: Always feel that your words really mean us? !
"By the way, how is your family's broken void battleship repaired?" A sword repairer asked again.

"I personally think the repair is pretty good, but the craftsmen of the family say that the repair is not good, but there are a lot of precious materials, so we have to continue to repair." The monks of the Chu family guided them to fly to the entrance, and explained. .

"What battleship has been repaired for so many years, but it still can't be repaired?" Someone asked again.

"Go and see." The Chu family monk felt that he couldn't explain it.

When everyone entered the Chu Family Lingshan and saw the ancient battleship, they all gasped.

This is……

An ancient void warship before the cataclysm.It is said that it can fly out of this square of cosmic starry sky.

The size of this battleship is not too big, at most it can be regarded as a small and medium-sized void battleship.But this battleship has a high foundation.

"The deck is the sixth-order spirit gold, right? What about the blue one, is it the blue ghost gold?"

"It's the sixth-order spirit gold Youlan yuan gold, which is refined by adding the rare and rare Void Wujin. Hiss, the Chu family is really terrifying. If it is our family, it will definitely not be willing to spend a lot of money to restore this kind of thing. While it's stylish, it's probably a good value when it's really restored. The problem is that it's too expensive.

I can't afford to fix it. "

"What is it that is roaring and absorbing spiritual energy in the battleship?"

"You haven't seen that thing before. It's the ancient Whale Suction Pillar. Now it's available in every spiritual weapon shop in the Chu family. But many people don't buy it after they know about it." Someone answered.

"Why, such a precious pillar that can absorb spiritual energy seems to be more useful than any spirit gathering array. How come no one buys it? I want to buy one."

"I advise you not to. The whale suction column is too domineering. As long as it is installed, it will suck up all the spiritual energy in the vicinity. Your house has spiritual energy, but what about your neighbors? You I didn't see that the Chu family fell directly on the eye of the earth's orifice.

The aura and earth energy here are both extremely rich to be able to use the Whale Suction Pillar.

This kind of thing is generally used in the void.It can restore the aura of its own battleship very quickly.But if it is used in the world, then the neighbors around your house can destroy you. "

The man who asked just now suddenly realized.

So this is ah.

"Chu family's miniature whale suction column can't be used?"

"No, if the miniature whale suction column is used for a long time, it will also reduce the aura intensity of your own sect. According to the speculation of the elders of the Taichu Zongmen, the whale suction column is only suitable for use in the void.

Inside the world, it's better to use the Spirit Gathering Formation, the Spirit Gathering Tree or something. "

"But I see that the Chu family is using whale suction pillars everywhere. You guys use whale suction pillars to activate the teleportation array, and you don't even use spirit stones."

"With the whale suction column, do you still need to use spirit stones?"

"How many Lingshi can be saved this year?" Someone asked again.

"It's hard to say, the Chu family's Lingshan is so big, it is estimated that it can save at least several million spirit stones every year, right?"

"No, it can save 3000 million spirit stones every year." A formation mage boy from the Chu family happened to pass by the two of them and heard what they said, and said directly.

Cough cough cough...

The two sword cultivators gasped in shock.

"Can you save so many spirit stones?"

Master Xiaozhen nodded and said, "The quality of the special spirit gold used to refine the whale suction pillars is good. At present, the worst quality of the Chu family's whale suction pillars can also be used for 60 years. The longest is 600 years. These whale suction pillars are all refined. The cost is not [-] million spirit stones.

That is to say, it cost a lot of money to develop a new version of the improved whale suction column.It is said that nearly [-] million spirit stones were spent.But now the cost has been made up.The whale suckers used by the Chu family are all net profits.

Earn a year's worth of money in a year. "

How hot is it?
Hearing the envy and yearning of the two sword cultivators.

"Then why do you have to repair this battleship? Don't your Patriarch think it's too expensive?"

The little formation mage also shrugged weakly. "Our patriarch, the patriarch has the final say. She said to repair it, and our whole clan must follow suit."

A certain sword cultivator immediately said speechlessly, "Are you just letting her do whatever she wants?"

"Anyway, the Patriarch has always been like this." The little formation mage said.

"Aren't you angry with her like this?" Someone asked.

"There's nothing to be angry about. She has money, and she can make it back if she loses it." The little formation master said.


"Our Patriarch is amazing. Before our Chu family came out of the original world, she invented a kind of cheap leather armor, and it sold like crazy. Several continents around came to us to buy it.

Now she has bought this extremely low-cost leather armor to the White Sea Realm.

Oh, where has Bai Haijie seen such exquisite leather armor?The function is also quite good.As a result, the Chu family's orders from Baihaijie were all scheduled for 60 years later.

Also, the craftsmen in the leather armor workshop shouted every day to take a break and take a holiday.

But I heard that they were ruthlessly suppressed by her. "

"What realm is wearing cheap leather armor?" Jianxiu asked.

"It is the cheap leather armor of Tongmai Realm, Divine Platform Realm and Zifu Realm.

Especially Tongmaijing has a total of ten items.Can adapt to various terrains and climates. "The little array mage said.

"No, if it is cheap leather armor, it must be cheap and easy to copy. If others can refine leather armor similar to yours, as usual, your family should not have received it for so long The order is right. How could it continue until 60 years later.”

"Because the Chu family's new leather armor will also be paid according to the original order. And no matter how the price of the leather armor outside increases, our Chu family's leather armor will still be settled according to the previous order."

Some sword cultivators moved instantly.

Recently, the prices of various resources in the White Sea Realm have been increasing, and the price of leather armor has increased even more.

But if the Chu family insists on the current price, it will almost pay for the leather armor in 60 years.Then they also earn.

The latest model is still the old price of 60 years ago.

Seeing each other and hugging each other, you can make money without losing money.

"Your Chu family is really grand." A sword cultivator said while holding up his thumb.

The little array mage said speechlessly, "What atmosphere, mainly the fish monsters in lakes, rivers, and seas must be cleaned regularly. There are too many fish skins, what should I do if I don't make leather armor? Wait to make feed?"

"To make feed? Isn't it a waste of fish skin to make feed?" A certain swordsman understood in shock.

"So, we still have to sell leather armor."

Forget about juvenile fish, what can you expect its skin to do for fry?
But as long as it is a demon fish above the first rank, their skin can be refined into leather armor.

Fish meat can also be made into various bigu pills and refined grain pills.

The bones and internal organs can also be used as feed bone meal.

(End of this chapter)

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