The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1332 Arranged by Others

Chapter 1332 Arranged by Others
"Actually, many people imitated the Chu family to build workshops, but none of them made money. I don't know what's going on? Do you have any secrets for Chu's workshop?" A sword cultivator asked the little magician.

"What's the secret? In my opinion, our workshops are very cheap. You see, the land is our own, the raw materials are our own, and finally the artisans are our own.

No matter what price you want to buy, the possibility of losing money in the end is very small.

Others went to the Chu family to start a workshop, but the land was leased, the recruiters had high salaries, raw materials cost money, and various expenses also cost money. In the end, it seemed that the cost was much higher than ours.So it seems that we do not make money. "

Not to mention, even a sword cultivator would think what the little array mage said was right.

"So, it's still worthwhile to have a Lingshan that can be produced and sold on its own." The little array mage concluded.

After hearing this, the two sword cultivators were in a bad mood.

Is Lingshan so easy to cultivate?

"By the way, little brother, what's your name?"

"My name is Chu Shiyuan."

"You are also from the Chu family."

"How fresh, when I first saw you, I was wearing the clothes of the Chu family." Chu Shiyuan said speechlessly. "That doesn't mean I'm from the Chu family?"

"Wearing the Chu family's clothes, it doesn't mean everyone's surname is Chu?" A certain swordsman said unconvinced.

"Brother, you really know how to think."

Why did a certain swordsman feel so weird after hearing this?
"It's true that not everyone who wears the Chu family's surname is Chu, but most of them are Chu." The little formation master emphasized.

Ahaha, the other sword cultivator burst out laughing.

"I said you two..."

"Hahaha, don't mind, the little formation master is teasing you." The other sword repairer obviously has a better relationship with the previous one.Pulling him to persuade him to make peace.


The little array mage also bowed his hands and apologized.

"By the way, I heard that members of your Chu clan are very rich, so how much spiritual stones can you earn a year?" a certain swordsman asked suddenly.

"I earn about 60 to [-] spirit stones a month." The little formation mage said calmly.

It's as easy as saying it's sunny today.

But the other two were already stunned in shock.

"You can earn 60 or [-] a month. What about others?"

"A few thousand spirit stones are less, and I don't know if there are more." Chu Shiyuan never asked his sisters how much they earn in a month.One of my sisters has Lin Changge, and the other has the more exaggerated Chu Shinian.One can make money more domineering than the other.

He is a husband and wife who earn money together, so he is naturally incomparable.

When he has a husband and wife team in the future, he will compare with them at that time.

"You people of the Chu clan can make money like this?" The two sword repairmen suddenly thought that they had lived hundreds of years into the stomach of a dog.

"I'm talking about ordinary clansmen, but there are also some clansmen who don't know what's going on, and they don't live well no matter what." Chu Shiyuan thought to himself, those people don't know why, they always have no luck for wealth.What to pay for.

"Your whole family is so rich, no wonder there are so many people who want to pay attention to you."

"Hey, these days, if you don't have a ninth-level ancestor in your family, you don't even dare to close your eyes when you sleep."

"Wait, what are you talking about? Returning to the ninth-level ancestor? What are you thinking? Look at the most powerful forces in Shenting, and not all families have ninth-level ancestors." A certain golden core sword cultivator said speechlessly.

"Hey, after all, we must have a ninth rank, otherwise life will be too difficult. There will always be troublesome people who want to bully us."

Liang Jianxiu: I always feel that this kid is connoting them.

"By the way, I think you have just broken through the golden core. Your breath is not very stable. Do you have many golden cores in the Chu family?" Jianxiu, who was always in charge of asking questions, asked again.

"Not a lot. Our Chu family has a large population. Our Chu family's monks rarely swallow pills, so there are quite a few people who have broken through the golden pill." The little formation master said.The key is that there are various elixirs to protect oneself in the breakthrough now, as well as defensive magic tools to resist thunder disasters, and there are several arrays.

If you can't make it through, it's too useless.

He didn't want to be like his parents, ready to lie down and eat the longevity fairy fruit and spirit fruit.

So he still plans to make progress and keep up with the large army of Chu monks.

In the end, after breaking through Jindan, he realized that he had gradually caught up with the first echelon.

My eldest brother didn't ask, even the fourth brother broke through the golden core a few months earlier than him.

It looks like everyone is on the same starting line again.

After hearing this, the two sword cultivators took less pills and more spiritual fruits.He couldn't help showing all kinds of envious and jealous eyes on his face.

"Hey, the big sect is like this. There are too many disciples, and it is impossible to take care of all the disciples, so the life of the slightly mediocre disciples is not very good." The little array master said with sympathy in his eyes.

The two sword cultivators felt even more uncomfortable when they heard this.

"By the way, will you be punished if you tell an outsider everything about your family?" Jianxiu asked.

"It's okay, my sister asked me to tell you. Instead of asking you to ask other people who don't know much about the situation, it's better for me to come."

"Your sister?"

"Chu Taohua, the Patriarch of the Yuanying Patriarch of the Chu Family, is my sister." The little formation mage said proudly with his chest straightened out.

The two swordsmen said, "Actually, do you know what we are here for?"

Master Xiaozhen nodded immediately, "My sister said, there is nothing to say to you, there is only so much in Wuyuan Mountain, and your adults basically know about it. There is nothing left to hide about people's livelihood.

Chu's business is open to the outside world, and many news will be known sooner or later.It's better to tell you directly. "

The two sword repairmen suddenly felt a little stupid.

It was arranged by others.

"What else do you need to ask. Ask it." The little array mage said again.

"Then let's ask. I found that you Chu people are very capable, and the same person knows a lot of things. For example, the artisans who can repair the city wall and build the yard can actually refine talismans, carve, and carve the city wall bricks into pieces. Rune Bricks.

Every item is a high-quality product, how do you all do it? "

"How to do it is to earn spirit stones. With the motivation to earn spirit stones, we study hard. As long as we can learn, we usually force ourselves to learn." Little Array Master Looking back on my ecstatic life, it is simply...

I really don't know how Chu Taohua learned to master so many things.

It almost made him feel that he and Chu Taohua were two different species.

Who would have thought they were still twins?
The two sword cultivators always felt that the little array mage's answer didn't hit the point.The little array master simply took the two of them to the academy.

In the end, the two of them experienced the strength of Chu's academy.

(End of this chapter)

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