The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1333 The Field of Ancient Tier 4 Battleships

Chapter 1333 Field of Ancient Tier [-] Battleship
In addition to their journey, many spies came to investigate various news about the Chu family.

Just a few months after the Chu family gradually became famous in Baidou Realm, Baihai Realm, and Shenting World, and the blue spot disease gradually disappeared, the news of Shenting World's comprehensive development with Dongyu World came out again.

Dongyu Great World is a world where many creatures are mixed together.

And they also control many subsidiary small and medium worlds.The key is that there are many races of creatures on their side, and most of them are powerful types.

As soon as they started the war with humans, they pushed the normal line of the human race horizontally seven times in a row.

Responsible for defending the battlefields of both sides, the Daoyuan Palace in the outer battlefield of Mingbing World suffered a series of disastrous defeats, killing a large number of sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-level elders.Dongyu's creatures suddenly became stronger, directly smashing their battle line, and people were also beaten into a daze.

Daoyuan Palace had nothing to do, they couldn't afford to lose, so they simply asked for help from Shenting Great World.

Turn to other large sects for help.

Especially the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect is the focus of the rescue.

The head of Taichu made a decision early on.A large number of monks from the affiliated world were dispatched to support them.Except for the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect, the Great Sect of Shenting sent a large number of monks from affiliated worlds to support them.

But still can not stabilize the front.

Daoyuan Palace still couldn't support it, and kept retreating.

The entire Shenting Great World received the news of the Nether Ice Battlefield, and there was an uproar.

For many years, Shenting has not been beaten so badly by any world.

At the beginning, the Baidou world was also noisy, but in the early days, it still repelled the Wandu world and completely occupied the Baidou world.

It is absolutely impossible for Shenting Great World to accept the fiasco of being beaten by Dongyu Great World.Therefore, they directly summoned all the affiliated worlds, as well as casual cultivators from the original big world and monks from small and medium-sized families, to go to the battlefield outside the Nether Ice Realm to fight the Dongyu Great World.

Because of the start of the Great War, the prices of various pills, spirit herbs, talismans, weapons, leather armor and other resources have increased a lot.

The Chu family's various pills, leather armor weapons, and other items are simply too expensive to sell.

Especially for leather armor orders, the workshops everywhere were tortured crazy, and the orderers asked to submit orders in advance.Moreover, a large number of spirit stones were given to allow Chu's workshop to advance as much as possible.

For large quantities perhaps fish skin.

The Chu family began to artificially accelerate the reproductive ability of the fish demons in their own Linghu, Linghe and Linghai.

Help the fish demon lay eggs and speed up the hatching of fish eggs.

In some lakes that are specially used for fish farming, the densely packed fish heads and fins are simply frightening for people with trypophobia.

In addition, if there are more fish skins, a large amount of talisman paper can also be refined.

The quality of talisman paper refined from fish skin is no worse than other wooden talisman papers, but the cost price is about twice as low.The important thing is that the process also saves a lot of time, saving time.

So the fish skin talisman became popular in the Chu family again.

At the same time as the fish skin talisman became popular, Chu's Bodiless Pill became popular.

It's cheap, and it works well.

Whether it was the Zhang family, the big families behind the angry customs master, or Chen Min's Chen family, they all placed a large number of orders to the Chu family.

The Chu family sold more than 1 bodiless pills in one month, and the Chu family's stock of bodiless pills was about to be cleared.

These bodiless pills are used by each family to pay the Zongmen to complete the Zongmen's mission.

The Zongmen harvested a lot of resources, which made it easier for monks from the affiliated world to come to fight on the Ice Battlefield.

At this time when a large amount of cannon fodder is needed, no one is stupid, and will not be the first to send his own direct family members to the battlefield.So now on the battlefield there are people from affiliated forces.

However, the Nether Ice Battlefield is a large-scale battlefield that can be fought from minor repairs to the seventh and eighth ranks.Moreover, the desperate fight between the two big worlds has brought infinite opportunities to the monks of the many affiliated worlds.

So the little monks from all over the world regard this place as their chance to obtain the Embryo Pill.As long as they persist here for three years, they will be able to accumulate enough points to exchange for a bodiless pill.Then there must be a breakthrough.Regardless of breakthrough or not, within 20 years, there is no need to undertake the task of recruiting sects.

So some people fell, but some people were quickly promoted from Tongmai, and even started to think about the purple mansion.

Some monks from small worlds and small families have achieved great fame.

Many cultivators who have become famous will be recruited by big forces and sects everywhere, and there will be new opportunities for development in the future.

Fighting and death between the two sides on the Nether Ice Battlefield has become commonplace.

Even if the dead undead are just remnants of souls, if they accumulate too much, it will make the entire Underworld Ice Battlefield seem like a real underworld.

All kinds of grievances, death qi and cold icy qi are accumulated inside the world.

In this kind of war between two big worlds, the more creatures are thrown into the battlefield, the more creatures will be involved.

Both sides played a real fire.

Many places on the Underworld Ice Battlefield were beaten to pieces.

But neither the Shenting Great World nor the Dongyu Great World took the Nether Ice World seriously.If it is really broken, then we will fight again in another place.

Anyway, there are several battlefields to fight between Dongyu World and Shenting World.

In a big world battle with countless worlds, it is generally not easy to start a big battle, and once a big battle starts, it will not end easily.

The Dark Ice War has been going on for more than 20 years.

Not only did it not look like it was over, but the fight became more and more intense.

Moreover, the large-scale war also helped a large number of affiliated worlds to train a large number of monks by the way.In the past, the Divine Court Great World would not support them with so many resources, relax the restrictions on them, and allow them to expand the number of monks.

All kinds of advanced and breakthrough elixirs are scattered in these subsidiary worlds like no money.

After more than 20 years of large-scale sales of various war supplies, the Chu family has really made a lot of money.

The spirit stones rushed towards the Chu family like an ocean current.

If it weren't for the Chu family's successive actions to collect a large number of strange stones at high prices from outside, the entire Chu family still doesn't know how much wealth they will accumulate.

It's a pity that the Chu family's wealth has been turned into stone and absorbed by the void battleship.

After absorbing all kinds of strange stones for more than 20 years, the battleship has already started to have a domain just where it is parked.

A battleship with a domain is at least a Tier [-] battleship.

This is too difficult.The Chu family began researching void battleships a long time ago.However, after building so many warships, an ancient void battleship was finally restored to Tier [-].

But in fact, the ancient fourth-tier void battleships are absolutely incomparable with the current void battleships.

And now the void battleships flying in the Baidou world, Baihai world and the surrounding world are also Tier [-], but their fields are too weak, and some of them can hardly leave the hull more than three feet away.The protection and tempering of the hull is far from the ancient Tier [-] Void Battleship.It just recovered and radiated hundreds of feet around the entire battleship.

(End of this chapter)

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