The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1334 Qing Lingling's Little Moon

Chapter 1334 Qing Lingling's Little Moon

In more than 20 years, the Chu family had six more Nascent Souls.

It's a pity that this growth rate is not favored by Taohua.

In the next 1000 years, it is estimated that the Chu family will not have a few more Nascent Souls.Not to mention Tier [-], Tier [-].

It's no wonder that even the great sects of Shenting have a limited number of main Golden Core troops.

It is difficult to expand the army on a large scale, and can only rely on accumulation year after year.

Although the number of Nascent Souls increased slightly, there were many more monks in Jindan, Zifu, Shentai and Tongmai Realm.Of course, the human race inside Lingshan grew even more.

After more than 20 years of hard work and reconstruction, the Baidou world has also begun to be suitable for ordinary people's lives.So the Baidou world began a large-scale migration to recruit mortals and low-level monks.

Because the Lingshan of the Chu family is in the Baidou Realm, the head of Nuguan found Chu Shinian again.

"Could your Chu family send some people. Ordinary people can do it. It saves us from transferring ordinary people here on a large scale. The key is that the cost is too high." Angry Customs said, "If you don't want to, then forget it.

Otherwise, if you spend less time, the meaning will be achieved. "

"It's better to pay more. The Zongmen has issued a death order. The Guanzhu must be allowed to move 1000 households, and at least [-] million mortals will enter the Baidou Realm. This is too unfair. If you migrate from the Shenting World It's the relocation expenses, and the owner of our family is completely bankrupt.

The whole family has to be emptied, and it is estimated that they owe a lot of Lingshi. "Fu Su directly transmitted the voice to Chu Shinian.

"Fu Su, what are you talking about?" The head of the angry customs suddenly noticed Fu Su's silent voice transmission and immediately changed his expression.

"It's nothing. Brother Fu's breeding situation in our Chu family's population, he also said that if our family's population is not large, then forget it. But I did a rough calculation. In recent decades, our Chu family's population breeding situation is pretty good. serious.

I'm worried that the spiritual domain is full of them.

It's just that if we move those mortals out, is there a place to resettle them? "

The angry customs chief let out a sigh of relief quietly, as long as Fu Su didn't tell Chu Shinian about those bad things.

"You look out. Don't worry, as long as people move out, even if we can't accommodate them in Nuguan, the gate masters of Baidou Realm have received the task of resettling mortals, so the redundant mortals can be placed there.

They are all very happy.

You don't know how much it costs to migrate a family of mortals from the Divine Court Great World, it's too expensive.Many Guanzhu can't afford to move. "The head of the angry customs explained.

"That's good. Then I'll go back and discuss it first. I will probably be able to calculate a roughly similar number for you tomorrow." Chu Shinian said with a smile.

"Okay, then you can come back tomorrow."

Early the next morning, when Chu Shinian arrived, Fu Su greeted him.

"How about it?"

"A total of 50 households, more than [-] million people, can they be resettled?" Chu Shinian asked back.

Ah puff! !
Fu Su was dumbfounded.

"So many? Are you planning to emigrate all the mortals in Lingshan?"

"Brother Fu, are you kidding me? How can there be tens of millions of people in such a big Lingshan Mountain? We already have 7000 million people." Chu Shinian told him directly.

"Ah?" Fu Su was shocked, "Why do you have so many people?"

Chu Shinian thought to himself, what is this? It's not something we've been arranging for over the years.

In order to prevent the rapid increase of the human race in Lingshan to the limit, the Chu family has been controlling the total population in Lingshan, while continuously increasing the rewards for breeding children, while constantly moving out unsuitable populations.

"Mortal people are born." Chu Shinian said, "We have been in the Baidou world for more than forty years, so what's so strange about giving birth to more mortals?"

Fu Su was blocked speechless.

When the two of them arrived in front of the angry customs master, a certain customs master heard that the Chu family had just planned to release 50 households.Nearly 6000 million people.

The man also jumped up from the chair in astonishment.

"Are you serious?"

"Of course. The main reason is that mortals are multiplying too fast, and we can't bear it anymore. It's just that you will give them a good arrangement, sir? We just got rid of them."

"So it's a combination of benefits?" The angry customs chief laughed directly. "Hey, look at my luck. This one is good."

Even Fu Su had to admit that the fate of his own master is good.

No matter what hurdles you encounter that seem to be difficult to pass.

The results can be crossed in the blink of an eye.

"Don't worry, start moving boldly. We have the right to cooperate with you. Why don't we just resettle mortals? I know how to do this. I have done this kind of thing a long time ago."

"Okay." Chu Shinian agreed.Then the Chu family began to migrate mortals every day from the second day onwards.

In fact, a large number of mortal villages did not dare to make a sound when they were relocated. They could only silently let the monks sent by the Chu family help them relocate.

But the Chu family will not let them suffer.

Every migrating mortal family can turn their fields and property into a sum of spirit stones and store them in Chu's shop.

Bring your own seal and pick it up at any time.

Or directly converted into various panacea, cultivation resources are also possible.

And they settled in the Baidou world, and there are various discounts.

Speaking of it, it was enjoying all kinds of care from the beginning, and there was almost no loss at all.

In fact, there are also some losses, and it is difficult for many relatives to see each other since then.

But mortals are like this, in a world dominated by monks, there is no autonomy at all.

For the Chu family, this is another sorting out, moving away a large number of mortals who are not very tame, and who always want to fight against the Chu family, so as to avoid uncontrollable development in the future.

This is also a kind of fulfillment.

In order to break some people's thoughts, the Chu family simply moved the entire area.In order to facilitate everyone's relocation, those people are not allowed to use various excuses of not wanting to leave their homeland to find reasons not to leave.Taohua simply digs out the villages, towns, heaven and earth, and lakes where they live, and moves them to the place where they will settle down.

Then change the terrain inside the spiritual realm, completely smooth out those big pit areas, or change them to other terrains.

He's just so stubborn! !
For the Patriarch of the Chu family, everyone knows her thoroughly.

You must know that forcibly removing the land of a domain will reduce the total area of ​​the domain.However, in order to remove the mortals and low-level monks in some areas, the Chu family directly moved those places away.

That's not just one or two places. The Chu family moved 68 places in total, including four small towns, and the rest are all small and big villages.

The 68 pieces of flying land flew directly from Chu's Lingshan.

For a moment, in the entire Chu family's spiritual realm, the unruly voices seemed to have completely disappeared.

Such a stubborn Patriarch can't be threatened at all.

In a hurry, I will strip you and your hometown completely. Just ask, who is not afraid of such a patriarch?
Since coming to Baidou Realm, the Chu Clan's Lingshan has begun to screen out the thorns who are not willing to be ruled by the Chu Clan.Then kick them out again and again.Especially after 40 to [-] years of population growth, Taohua has determined the limit of the population inside Lingshan.

She estimated that in another 100 or [-] years, the population inside Lingshan would inevitably reach its limit.

So whenever she had the opportunity, she began to transfer populations.Kick out the population and those ambitious people in areas with a low spiritual root awakening rate, as well as those families and casual cultivators who do not obey the Chu family's management.

Don't think that she didn't know that in order to ascend to the upper realm, those big forces and big families in the whole continent followed up through their Chu family's Lingshan.

You say that it's fine if you follow along, why are you completely dependent on us and are not willing to leave?

You take your background and directly transfer to the Void Spaceship to enter the Great World of Shenting or directly settle in the White Sea Realm, isn't it all possible in the White Fighting Realm.

After many years of investigation, Taohua had discovered them a long time ago, and only then did he take the opportunity to kick them out.

Nuguan itself, including the four surrounding pass cities, and a family of [-] households, were quickly settled.

Everyone was so happy that all tasks were completed.

And it was less than a month after the Zongmen order was issued.

Even Hang Xinghe didn't expect his grandson to be so lucky?

He was also thinking, how about he write a letter to ask for favors, and help him move the mortals here first, and then he thinks that he can handle it by himself.

He also directly obtained 50 households from the Chu family, and completed all the tasks of his own brothers and sisters.

When his master was happy, he directly sent a treasure that opened up the cave.Kaitian pen.

I no longer have to worry about him breaking through the sixth level.

With the head of the Nuguanguan with the help of external forces, the other Guanzhu of the Taichu Sword Sect also showed their magical powers across the sea, and some directly recruited mortals from the nearby White Sea Realm.This is easier. Although there are few mortals in the White Sea Realm, there is no hard target for settlement at the other end, and there is no order from the sect, so it is not a problem to move some mortals over.

Some simply go to the nearby small world and transfer the population from the small world.

This is much cheaper than transferring population from Shenting.

Besides, the population of the small world is also cheap.

The population of Shenting has been selected by countless people, and the birth rate of spiritual roots is high, so mortals are also expensive.Where is Small World cheap?Besides, mortals just want to reproduce, and no one minds how many of their offspring will be born with spiritual roots.

Just near the Baidou world, there are really a dozen small and medium worlds.The population is abundant.

The migration of tens of billions of people took a full 30 years to complete.

The main reason is that the migration and transportation over there are time-consuming things.There still needs to be resettlement here, and it will take time.

Not all the customs owners are so rich, and some poor ones can only consider paying in installments and moving in installments.

But anyway, it's all over.

Although Baidou Realm is vast, with a population of tens of billions, it seems that there has never been a single splash.

But it has actually changed a lot.

Because Yuebai Qilin has frequently harassed Chu Shinian in his dreams recently.

On this day, Yuebai Qilin came again excitedly.

"Let me tell you, there are experts behind the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect." Yuebai Qilin said.

"They know about Immortal Lord Taiyin and me. They also know how to help me." Yuebai Qilin said again.

"I decided to fight hard and kick the Immortal Lord Taiyin out." Yuebai Qilin continued.

Chu Shinian frowned slightly. "Is the Lord Taiyin so easily kicked away?"

"She will definitely be kicked away this time." Yuebai Qilin said very firmly.

"Why?" Chu Shinian was puzzled.

"I won't tell, but you'll find out soon enough."

After Yuebai Qilin said this, he flashed Lin again.

A few months later, a stormy night.

Boom boom boom... The earth began to make a huge cracking and breaking sound.

Under the earth, it seems that there are two huge forces competing with each other, tearing and attacking each other.

Later, one of them got help and assistance from the other, and suddenly became much stronger.So another force was completely stripped out.

Just when that power was completely stripped from the Baidou Realm, many people who had been branded in the Baidou Realm suddenly bled into a coma.

Among them is the peach blossom with a splitting headache.She was also bleeding strangely.

But she is a fifth-order Nascent Soul cultivator, and her resistance is much stronger than others.

And a strange black and red pattern appeared on her forehead.Chu Shinian knew at a glance that this was a fairy text, Yue.

"Peach Blossom, I immediately told him not to strip the power of the Taiyin Immortal Lord."

"No." Taohua grabbed Chu Shinian to stop him. "It's just a brand of curse. I haven't reached the stage of despair. Fortunately, I have been promoted to the sixth level, and now I have the cultivation base of the late Nascent Soul. Let the Taiyin Immortal Lord leave, and the impact I will receive when I break through to the sixth level in the future will also change. Get less."

"But your ghost mark has already shed black blood."

"That's my Taiyin Stone Tower competing with it. It's okay. I should be in a coma for a few days. For the next few days, you just need to guard me. Don't stop Qilin from stripping it."

"Then I'm sure you're really okay."

"Don't worry, I know I can do it." Taohua said with an appreciative expression.

After she finished speaking, she closed her eyes completely, and then began to resist the brand of the Taiyin Immortal Lord together with the Taiyin Pagoda.

Although the Taiyin Immortal Lord was once far stronger than her.

But Immortal Lord Taiyin is much weaker now, she has already died once, and there is at most one fairy soul left, and it is not known whether it is complete or not.But her Taiyin Stone Pagoda has never let her down.

After Taohua passed out completely, Taohua's body appeared a contest between a clear and bright little moon and a black and red gloomy moon.

They used Taohua's body as a battlefield, fighting constantly.

Although the small moon in Qing Lingling is much smaller than the black and red moon.

But it is especially capable of fighting.

It is constantly absorbing the power of the sun from unknown sources, unyielding and constantly hitting the black-red moon, every time the black-red moon approaches Peach Blossom's head.The little moon of Qing Lingling immediately blocked in front of it.

As the two moons collided, Chu Shinian slowly discovered in astonishment that Qingling's little moon was constantly getting bigger and stronger.

It was a miracle.

"Hey, your lady, this Taiyin Stone Pagoda is absolutely mortal." Yuebai Qilin projected a projection onto the worried Chu Shinian.

"I have no problem with you stripping that guy off, but I have a problem if it affects my wife. I have a big problem..." Chu Shinian gritted his teeth and said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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