Chapter 1335
Bang bang bang, as the two moons collided continuously, the two moons seemed to dissipate some invisible energy every time they collided. Although the small clear moon was small in size, it was knocked farther every time it was put into it.

But it's extremely dry.And it is extremely flexible and extremely fast.

Every time the black and red moon wants to get close to Peach Blossom's head, it always arrives in time to drive the black and red moon away.


Yuebai Qilin suddenly let out a cry of astonishment.

"What's wrong?" Chu Shinian asked hurriedly.

"There is a mountain behind that little moon." Yuebai Qilin said.

"What does it mean to have a backing?" Chu Shinian asked in surprise.

"There is something constantly supporting that little moon from behind." Yuebai Qilin said.

Chu Shinian listened and looked carefully, but found nothing.

Yuebai Qilin looked helplessly at Chu Shinian who hadn't found anything, and thought that he was too young to do it, it was too bad.Even Little Moon was supported without realizing it.

Bang bang bang, the black red moon seems impatient.Fiercely ignited a black dirty black greasy flame, with a strange howl of thousands of souls, it slammed into the clear and Lingling little moon again, this time it transferred the black flame to the little moon as soon as it hit the little moon body.

The little moon was polluted in an instant, and it was covered with a layer of black.

Covered in black and flames, the little moon became visibly sluggish and inflexible.

The black and red moon suddenly grew bigger again, and then rushed up, catching up with the little moon as if to completely melt and swallow it.

The little moon struggled to get away from it, but how could the black red moon let it go away, clinging to it tightly, and even took the initiative to fuse part of itself with the little moon.As the fusion accelerated, half of Little Moon's body completely turned black and red.

The black-red moon seems to have been greatly encouraged and worked hard, accelerating the speed of fusion.

But just when its fusion was just over half the volume of a small moon, suddenly a huge puff of green smoke burst out from the unfused body of the small moon, and then directly covered the entire black-red moon up.

woo woo woo...

Thousands of souls wailed, and with the inexplicable tremors of the black-red moon, layers of green smoke entangled the black-red moon tightly.

woo woo woo...

The black and red moon seems to have finally realized that he has been tricked. This is a trap.

This time the struggle to escape became it.

But the green light is not extraordinary, it consumes the power of various negative attributes very quickly.

What kind of black dirt, what kind of whining hobbies, what kind of black and red moon are all melted and purified in its package.

However, the small clear moon that was half fused with the black and red moon has now transformed into a nine-storey small pagoda of moonlight, and the other half of the huge emerald green fog gradually appeared in the sky above a green book. appearance.

"What are these things?" Yuebai Qilin was dumbfounded.

"I heard that it is a spiritual treasure that once appeared in our original world." Chu Shinian said.

"What spirit treasure?" Yuebai Qilin looked like you were kidding me.

"This is the treasure of the origin. This is definitely the treasure of the origin with the power of good fortune that was conceived for hundreds of millions of years in the original sea of ​​a certain big world. I said how could they do it better than the Taiyin Immortal Lord's curse.

The key point is that one of these treasures is extremely hard to find, so why does your wife have two? "Yuebai Qilin asked puzzled.

Chu Shinian looked puzzled, "Our original world is said to be a fragmented world of the Great World of Shenting. It bought a lot of such treasures associated with souls for many of its children of luck. Many of these treasures were taken away by Shenting. The power of the great world has been taken away.

Could it be that a large number of original treasures have gathered in that world? "

"Do you mind if I check your memory?" Yuebai Qilin asked suddenly. "I'm just looking into the companion treasure for that."

Chu Shinian's face darkened immediately, and then he simply took out a jade cocoon, recorded all the things he remembered about the companion treasure in a jade cocoon, and then threw the jade cocoon to Yuebai Qilin.

After Yuebai Qilin saw it, he left suddenly, and he came back not long after.

"I went to check other people's companion treasures. Although they are also treasures, they are ordinary spirit treasures at a glance. But the two that your daughter-in-law got are definitely not ordinary spirit treasures."

"Could it be that the world we were born in deliberately left this original treasure in Peach Blossom's sea of ​​consciousness? It also made a bunch of companion treasures as a gimmick. Who is this guarding against?
Moreover, why does a dilapidated small world have such an original treasure? "The more Chu Shinian thought about it, the more he didn't understand.

He couldn't figure it out, actually Yuebai Qilin was also very confused.

"Do you know? This kind of original treasure, the original sea of ​​each big world, either never conceived, or only one can be conceived. In a certain universe, they are the same as fairy roots and have uniqueness. The world There can only be one. At the same time, they hardly agree with one master." Moonbai Qilin "So how did your wife become their master?"

"You said almost, but not all of them." Chu Shinian said with a black face.

At this moment, the green mist directly melted the black-red moon into a small clear ball full of mysterious black lines.

And the little ball and green mist that the little tower of the moonlight had left long ago let them continue to fight.It's a bit like watching a battle from the sidelines, but also accumulating strength and resuming the posture later.

So the small ball, wrapped in green mist and dissolving, writhed frantically and wanted to escape.

But it is too difficult.Although it was only a green mist, the mist was so controlling that the ball couldn't escape at all.

Seeing this, Yuebai Qilin's expression became serious.

Suddenly, a faint silver radiance shot out from Peach Blossom's sea of ​​consciousness.At this moment, the brilliance directly hit Qingliang Xiaoqiu's body, and the weird black lines on its body disintegrated into ashes in an instant.

At this moment, both Little Green Book and Little Pagoda rushed forward frantically, and the family tore away half of the ball.swallowed.

Followed by both the small tower and the little green book have grown several times.

It seems to be full all of a sudden.

In the blink of an eye, the two little things turned into two beams of light and flew into Peach Blossom's sea of ​​consciousness.

"This is..." Chu Shinian and Yuebai Qilin looked at it dumbfounded.

ah ah ah ah...

At the soul level, whether it is Chu Shinian, Yuebai Qilin, or any creature in the Baidou Realm, they all heard the terrifying and angry screams and roars.

(End of this chapter)

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