Chapter 1336
All kinds of grass in Yuebai Qilin's heart! !
It's not that he's ignorant, but it's also the first time he's seen something share the origin of the Immortal Lord Taiyin like this.

"In the past, I always saw her devouring the origin of the world and ghosts, the origin of gods and gods. This is the first time I saw her origin being eaten."

"Then when the Taiyin Immortal Lord died that year, how could he not be taken away by the beheader?" Chu Shinian asked curiously.

"I didn't see it. I don't know if she was taken away by someone when she was beheaded. I knew she was dead and begged me to bury her here. But it depends on how greedy she was later. Devouring my origin, I think her origin either dissipated when she was killed, or was taken away by someone."

"Then why was she beheaded?" Chu Shinian asked curiously.

"Why else, the deeper and stronger the origin of this universe, the faster these immortals grow, and they can even break through this universe and fly away. It's a pity that the origin of the universe is too deep, which is also a sin. Some other forces discovered this Fang Yuyu, they came to fight with the immortals, but the ancient immortals failed. Not only were they all killed as prey, but even the origin of the universe was taken away.

Otherwise, how could I develop so slowly?
Forget it, anyway, no matter how slow I develop, I will leave here one day. "Yuebai Qilin said very embarrassingly, "For our family, there is no universe that cannot be separated from. "

"You'd better grow up here, An Sheng. Don't go outside and be discovered by other forces, who will also take away your origin." Chu Shinian said angrily.

This kid Yuebai Qilin must have forgotten, the longer the time, the more accidents are likely to happen.Otherwise, how did he reincarnate as a human?
It's better to be an individual, he has a very human heart now.

Bang bang bang... boom boom boom... the sky is cracking, the sea is rolling back, mountains are falling and the earth is cracking...

"I'll go, she finally can't control it anymore." Yuebai Qilin suddenly gloated.

"What's wrong?" Chu Shinian was puzzled.

"I think your daughter-in-law is fine. Her condition is stable, and she will probably be able to wake up after sleeping for a while. At that time, she will completely get rid of the imprint of the Taiyin Immortal Lord. Hey hey... there is not one.

Your daughter-in-law is really powerful. She severely injured the Taiyin Immortal Lord and devoured part of her origin.

Immortal Lord Taiyin relaxed for a moment because of his excitement.As a result, a dozen or so escaped.It's all the most important, hahaha, most of her karma has not been shared.Hahaha……

There are millions of people who have been inspired by the mark, even if there are millions of people, but in the end, not many help the Taiyin Immortal Lord to share the karma.Especially the ten or so most important people have all escaped.Hahaha……"

Yuebai Qilin smiled happily, and when Taiyin was unhappy, he was happy.

"She suffered a heavy loss this time. Oops, I have to add insult to injury." After speaking, the projection of the moon-white unicorn disappeared.

And in the sky above the White Fighting Realm.Hang Xinghe and the others looked at Baidoujie with shocking faces, as if half of a mooncake had been gnawed off, and they confirmed the boss.

On the other hand, they also saw a fairy corpse that was almost the size of a world.

An ancient fairy who seems to be sleeping is lying in the void.Following the energy flow in the void, it slowly floated into the Baidou world.

This is a dead body.

"Report to the sect. This is a big game. I'm afraid this fairy corpse will cause too much trouble." Hang Xinghe said with a heavy face.

"Who would have thought that ancient immortals really existed!" Chen Min, who was at the seventh level, had a condensed expression.

Zhang Beihai of the seventh rank also had a serious expression on his face.

Hang Xinghe looked at the two of them, angrily wanting to spray someone.

Obviously they came together, and he encountered the two of them when he entered the Tao, but now they are all at the seventh level.He is still in the sixth rank.It's annoying.

When will his luck be as good as theirs.

"But it's also good, at least it's out of the Baidou world." Chen Min said.As long as he is not in the Baidou world, the Baidou world can still recover after hundreds of millions of years.

The problem is that Baidoujie never thought of recovering for so long.

Yuebai Qilin suddenly ran in front of Chu Shinian again, "Ask you something, are you really not going to restore the original world?"

"What's the matter? I think it's good to be a human being. Are you planning to take back Bai Haijie?" Chu Shinian asked.

"How do you know that Bai Haijie is also me?"

"Bai Dou Jie, Bai Hai Jie." Chu Shinian thought to himself, do you think I'm stupid? "The White Sea Realm is still so close to you."

"That's right, back then you had the Skyfire Realm and the Molten Flame Realm. You've played both, so it's not surprising that you can see what I'm doing." Yuebai Qilin said.

"However, you are quite courageous, and even placed your normal origin in the Baihai Realm." Chu Shinian felt that this guy was also quite reckless.Although the Molten Flame Realm has been preserved, its origin is only a fraction of the original Skyfire Great World.

But even a fraction of it is not something his current human body can handle.

So let the original source of the past pass.

He intends to rebuild his original sea from the sixth level.

"Anyway, you know everything, and I don't plan to talk to you anymore. I'm going to merge with the White Sea Realm."

After saying this, the Moon White Qilin flashed again.

And then there's 30 years of world fusion.

It is not too much to say that the sky is falling apart, and the vicissitudes of life are also transformed in front of everyone.

Absolute Beginning Sword Sect was simply unexpected.

The Baihai Realm and the Baidou Realm are actually in the same world.Their origin is one.

So once the world fusion starts, it cannot be reversed.

On the one hand, the detached fairy corpse caused a great shock in the entire universe.Countless race masters finally smashed the fairy corpse, one piece for each person.No one less.

The avenue of the immortal corpse is similar to the avenue that everyone is practicing now, but it is also contradictory.

So someone got the fairy corpse and kept breaking through.Some people got the fairy corpse and got very little.

From the beginning to the end, no one heard of any changes after obtaining the fairy corpse.

But is there really no mutation?

neither knows.

Seeing that Baidoujie is trying to destroy half of the world and kick out the fairy corpse, one can imagine that the fairy corpse is not so easy to deal with.

At the very beginning, the Sword Sect proposed that there seemed to be remnant souls in the corpses of the ancient immortals.

But when everyone dismembered the corpse, no immortal soul appeared.

So in the end everyone felt that the fairy soul might have died out.

Or it was an accident that caused the immortal soul to leave.

This guess is not reliable at all.

In the end, the ancestors of the Taichu Sword Sect ordered the Taichu Sword Sect not to participate in the matter of the immortal corpse.

Fast forward 30 years, Baidou Realm and Baihai Realm merged again into a huge world.

Mountains, seas and streams, an ancient scene.

(End of this chapter)

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