The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1337 Ancient Spiritual Qi and Present Spiritual Qi

Chapter 1337 Ancient Spiritual Qi and Present Spiritual Qi

"Even the aura has changed." Hang Xinghe sighed.Standing beside him was Li Xuankong.The garrison envoy of the seventh-rank lord Baihaijie had a particularly bad complexion.

Originally a good garrison envoy, unexpectedly caught up with the rare fusion of worlds in tens of millions of years.

Well now, he and Hang Xinghe are both garrison envoys now, but he needs to add a deputy before his name.

Speaking of which, his cultivation base is higher than Hang Xinghe's, but his qualifications are not as good as Hang Xinghe's.

He is from a small world.He is a genius in the small world, who was later discovered by the masters of the sect and brought into the sect to practice.Later, it grew step by step to the present.

Although later he also joined a faction of the sect.

But Hang Xinghe is different. He became famous at a young age and has a deep foundation. Both his parents' families are rooted in the sect.There is no clear number of high-level monks in the clan.

Like this kind of family, even if the sect is destroyed, they can go to another world with other families to form a new one.

Moreover, Hang Xinghe himself is also struggling. He has been unable to break through to the seventh level, not because he can't, but because he doesn't want to.He wants to break through with the right foundation.

To put it bluntly, he still lacks a crucial breakthrough resource.

This breakthrough resource has not yet appeared.

Not even a fairy corpse.

Anyway, he is already at the peak of the sixth order, he is not too old, he still has a lot of time, and no one in the family is urging him.

After all, if Hang Xinghe really succeeds, and breaks through to the seventh level with that item, then he can be regarded as one of the top group of monks of the seventh level, and it will even increase his breakthrough chance of breaking through the eighth level in the future.

Such a good thing, the Hang family is not stupid, how could they disagree.

But Hang Xinghe surpassed his seventh level with the sixth level, and Li Xuankong felt his face was slapped.It's almost ashamed to see people.

"Isn't it good that the spiritual energy has mutated? The more similar the spiritual energy here is to the ancient spiritual energy, the more abundant the resources in the new world will be?" Li Xuankong said lightly.

Hang Xinghe: "..."

The variation of the spiritual energy in the New Baidou Realm can't be called a bad thing, but it can't be called a good thing at all.

The matter of the fairy corpse is not over yet.

Hang Xinghe felt that the fairy corpse was definitely a hidden danger.

Speaking of the variation of aura, Taohua also asked Chu Shinian, "What is the difference between this ancient aura and the current aura?"

"Well, it should be said that the two kinds of spiritual energy are not the same thing at all." Chu Shinian said.

"Although they are not the same thing, their essence is still the same. Let's put it this way, if the current spirit energy is composed of individual spirit particles, then the ancient spirit energy is a special big spirit particle composed of that spirit particle.

It is far more powerful than the effect that the current Lingzi can bring.

For example, the current spiritual seeds can make an ordinary chicken triple in size and become a giant chicken, then the ancient spiritual seeds can make ordinary chickens mutate into phoenixes and vermilion birds.That's a whole new and powerful mutation. "

Tao Hua was dumbfounded when she heard this, "Then according to what you said, wouldn't the immortal energy absorbed by the ancient immortals be even stronger?"

"The era when ancient immortals existed was too much for rescue, and I have never seen immortal energy. I have only seen ancient spiritual energy." Chu Shinian recalled.

"It seems that your memory of being the will of the world is constantly recovering?" Taohua asked in surprise.

"It's just some scattered and broken memories. After all, the world will of the former Skyfire Great World has already exploded. How can there be no price for dying once?" Chu Shinian said.

Anyway, she is my daughter-in-law, so what bad thoughts can she have?
Chu Shinian had already told him about Yuebai Qilin telling him that he used to be the will of the Skyfire Great World.

He also confessed to Taohua that Yuebai Qilin helped him recover some memories of his previous life.

Tao Hua deeply reflected on whether she hadn't taught Chu Shinian well, or why he couldn't hide something. This kind of sensitive past life shouldn't be hidden even from his wife and son. ?

Why did he tell himself all that?

"It's a pity that I don't know what the ancient aura looks like?" Tao Hua said regretfully.

"What's so difficult about it?" Chu Shinian directly grabbed a large ball of spiritual energy, then twisted and twisted it in his hand, and a strange cyan spiritual energy appeared in front of Taohua.

As soon as this aura appeared, Taohua felt her body faintly yearn for it.


"Did you notice that your body desires this spiritual energy?" Chu Shinian asked.

Peach nodded.

"This kind of spiritual energy is very attractive to living beings. There is no real ancient spiritual energy in the newly integrated Baidou world. When the ancient spiritual energy starts to appear, it will be lively here. Many void beasts in the void will also come of."

Chu Shinian smiled.


"There are also many creatures in the void. They are constantly migrating, chasing opportunities in the void, and looking for precious resources such as ancient spiritual energy and immortal energy hidden in various worlds."

"Then if the ancient aura attracts the void creatures so much, wouldn't every world with the ancient aura be in danger of constant infestation by the void creatures?" Tao Hua asked again.

"This is natural. Even if the world can cover the breath of the ancient aura, most of the void life can follow the subtle induction. Why are there so many giant creatures in the world with the ancient aura? The gods and demons are not because of the constant visits of those void creatures. Every time they suck up the ancient aura, they will also sow their own life seeds in the world.

When the ancient aura recovers again, their descendants can also absorb the ancient aura and grow together.When they grow to the point where they can fly directly into the void, it is time for them to leave.

Because the world has run out of resources to feed them.

When they are gone, they will sow more seeds of the younger generation in the world.Let the world continue to raise the next generation for them.

Until the source of the world is seriously lost, and the ancient aura will no longer be born. "

"It's okay?" Taohua opened her mouth wide in surprise.

"It's like stealing the origin of the world all the way." Chu Shinian commented on some emptiness.

"Actually speaking, the ancient immortals may also be imitating the cultivation method of the void life to become immortals." Chu Shinian said. "The flowing aura on that ancient fairy's corpse is somewhat similar to the aura of the void creatures practicing energy."

"The only one who suffers is the world." Tao Hua said.

"They actually accelerate the death of the world. It takes a very long time for a world to go from birth to death, but if the middle source passes away, this process will be accelerated. The same is true for the universe."

(End of this chapter)

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