The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1338 The world collapses

Chapter 1338 The world collapses
"Speaking of which, we rely on plunder to get rich and upgrade." Taohua said with a sigh.

"Only by doing this can you upgrade quickly. The monks are actually doing the same thing." Chu Shinian said.Just like locusts, they eat up one world and then go to another world.At most, some high-level bosses know that they have sucked up the origin of the world too much, and they are afraid that they will lose their homes.

That's why I subconsciously protect the world I was born in.

The Great World of Shenting is under their protection, and places like Baihai and Baidoujie are their plundering places.

After hearing Chu Shinian's words, Tao Hua sighed again.

"Then why does the Baidou Realm become what it is now? Why does Yuebai Qilin keep transforming the current aura into the ancient aura?"

"Because he wants to restore the Baidou world to a seventh-order world." Chu Shinian said. "Without the immortal corpse's constant encroachment on its origin, it has absorbed the clone of the White Sea Realm again. It intends to restore its peak strength."

"Revert to the seventh-order world? Why? The Absolute Beginning Sword Sect controls the world now, how could they just sit and watch the Baidou world recover to the seventh-order world?" Taohua was suspicious.

"No, they will just sit and watch the Baidou world recover to the seventh level, and even help out." Chu Shinian said.

"Why?" Taohua was even more puzzled.

"Think about the situation of our chubby Lingshan itself," Chu Shinian said. "Does that special aura remind you of anything?"

"Ancient spiritual energy?" Tao Hua immediately came to her senses.

"That's right, that's the ancient aura." Chu Shinian nodded and admitted.

"Eh, that's not right, if those special auras are ancient auras, they completely reject low-level spiritual things, so how can mortals continue to live in the Baidou world?" Tao Hua was puzzled.

"Elimination. The Baidou Realm will continue to select the life that can survive in the Baidou Realm. From mortals to birds and beasts. From dust to bacteria and algae. It wants to cause a qualitative change in the spiritual energy on the surface of the entire world, completely turning it into a seventh-order, then It's not that easy either.

In his opinion, this process is just a time to doze off, but in the eyes of human beings, it has to go through at least thousands of years of evolutionary selection.

So there is still plenty of time. "

The key is how it does it will not affect the future development of the Chu family.

So Chu Shinian was quite determined.

"What about the eliminated creatures?" Tao Hua frowned.

"Creatures that don't adapt to the constant changes in aura will become weak and die. Therefore, if you find mortals and monks who are weakening rapidly, just send them away immediately. As for other creatures, follow natural selection."

If he was not a human race at this time, he would actually choose to screen all members.

The weak directly become the food for the growth of the strong.

"That's not bad." Taohua can accept sending people away.If the mortals and low-level monks of the family are allowed to die.Anyway, she couldn't make it through.

"Where are those with weak symptoms sent?"

"Send it to Qianvine Realm," Chu Shinian said.

"Where is Qianteng Realm?" Taohua was surprised.She didn't seem to have heard of such a world around here.

"This is the dilapidated world that the white unicorn, that is, the Yuebai unicorn, discovered earlier. It doesn't know why it raised it again. This world is smaller than the original White Sea Realm. But it has raised it very much. it is good.

His real name carries power, and this Bai Qi is a pseudonym he gave himself.We will just call it Bai Qi from now on.

Bai Qi intends to use the Qianteng Realm as his world guardian. "

"This is the first time I've heard that there is such a thing as protecting the world?" Tao Hua asked in surprise.

"Yes, and many worlds have their own guardian worlds," Chu Shinian said.

"What is the main purpose of protecting the world?" Taohua asked puzzled.

"The original reserve pool." Chu Shinian said.

Cough cough cough, Tao Hua coughed violently a few times, and then asked softly, "Is that what I think?"

Chu Shinian directly pursed his lips and smiled, "That's what you think."

"Then is Qianteng Realm willing to serve as the original reserve pool for Baidou Realm?"

"For Bai Qi, the Thousand Vine Realm is also itself. It's an incarnation outside of the body. What should we pay attention to with ourselves?" Chu Shinian laughed.

"No wonder he dared to kick out the fairy corpse so resolutely." Tao Hua said with emotion.

"In fact, he regretted it a long time ago. He shouldn't have let the fairy corpse come in. The power of the fairy corpse is so strong, as long as it chooses to refuse, the fairy corpse will not come in. He was fooled and let go That thing comes in.

If he hadn't put that thing in at the beginning, he wouldn't have lost so much of his origin.Perhaps he has already been promoted to the eighth rank. "

While Chu Shinian complained, he deeply felt that Bai Qi deserved it.

"Then with the origin of Qianteng Realm, is it difficult for him to advance to the eighth rank?" Tao Hua asked in surprise.

"No, how can it be so easy to advance to the eighth level in the world? In fact, the smaller the size, the easier it is to advance. You see, the human race is a race that is particularly easy to advance. Those of the foreign races are particularly difficult to advance. But their lifespan It's long, even if you progress a bit slower, it's okay.

Similarly, the larger the world, the more difficult it is for them to advance.

It is easy to promote in small spaces such as Dongtian and Fudi.

It's not too difficult to develop.

But the small world does not work.Only small worlds with special attributes have to be promoted to the fifth level before they can be promoted to medium-sized worlds.

There is no growth type in any medium-sized world.Only when the medium-sized world where the self was born continuously evolves and upgrades, and is promoted to the fifth-order peak, can it evolve into a large-scale world.As soon as the large-scale world was born, it became a sixth-order world.

But you look at the universe, how many seventh-order large worlds are there?

Many large worlds have not evolved to the seventh level from birth to death. "

After hearing this, Taohua said, "..., are there not many large worlds in our universe?"

"That's right, the universe is so vast that there is only one large world at a very long distance. Among the many adjacent large worlds, there are even tens of thousands of small and medium worlds." Chu Shinian said.

"There are so many?" Tao Hua said in shock.

"There are really so many. Some big worlds have many small and medium worlds in the middle, and some big worlds have no world in the middle. There are also some big worlds that are broken, forming hundreds of millions of broken small spaces." Chu Shinian said.

"What? It can also form hundreds of millions of broken small spaces?" Taohua was shocked. "If the world is broken, won't Yingai be completely annihilated?"

"Ahem, that's not necessarily true," Chu Shinian said. "It depends on what kind of broken it is. If it is broken, it is normal to form hundreds of millions of small spaces. If it is broken by itself, most of them will be annihilated, but there will still be some small and medium-sized worlds left, and there will be broken space." small space.

In short, how could such a huge world be completely annihilated? "

(End of this chapter)

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