The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1339 Variation

Chapter 1339 Variation
The changes in the New Baidou Realm have indeed brought great disasters and troubles to the mortals who originally lived in the White Sea Realm.

"How is it?" A family in a small village, the whole family is waiting for the eldest son who came back late.

The young people all went to the middle-aged and old people and said with a smile on their faces, "It's good. It's just that the hill behind our house has changed too much. If it wasn't for the litter of puppies, I personally fed them. , I'm afraid I won't even come back."

"It's good to come back. Now the mountains and seas near our existence have changed greatly. Even the hill behind our house has become a high mountain. Isn't that the yellow mist constantly rising from the halfway up the mountain, and I won't let you Go up and check. I was worried that something might happen.

In the village next door to ours, for some reason, a cold well suddenly appeared in the village.As a result, the well burst out in the middle of the night, and many villagers froze to death at night.

I'm worried that the yellow mist is also something weird. "

The young man laughed immediately after hearing what his middle-aged father said, "That thing is indeed a bit weird. But it is a good thing."

"What good thing?" The middle-aged man was surprised.

"Father, do you remember, when you took me to buy the Bodiless Pill last time, I fell in love with a copy of "Rare and Strange Tales". It costs a full 60 yuan of spirit stones, and you couldn't bear to pay for it at the beginning , I still took out the private money I had saved with great difficulty."

"It's "The Strange Tales" published by the Chu family? That book is too expensive, unless your kid insists on buying it, who would buy it?" The middle-aged man said painfully, "Is it easy to save some spirit stones? Let your kid be a prodigal."

The young man immediately laughed and said, "Oh dad, if I didn't have that book, how would I know that there is something good out of it?"

"What? That book introduced what the yellow smoke is?"

"Yes, Dad. The thing above is written in the books. It's a good thing. When I go to the county town and make a formation to seal the hole, that hole will be an opportunity for our village in the future." The young man said.

"What the hell is it?" It was the old man who asked this time.

"Grandpa, let's talk about it when we go back. I'm starving to death, let me eat something, can I say it?"

"Hahaha, okay, what's wrong with that?" The old man smiled.

After the young man had eaten and drank enough, he continued to explain to his family, "There is a Xuanhuangyan pool on it. I read in the book that Xuanhuangyan is a first-class spiritual thing of the earth system. If it is dug out, then Can sell a lot of spirit stones.

But the best way is not to use it like this.

Xuanhuangyan will continue to produce Xuanhuangqi.If these mysterious yellow gas is dissolved in water, it will form a kind of mysterious yellow liquid.This kind of psychic liquid, if soaked by humans, can awaken blood and improve physical fitness.If you drink it for a long time, it is also beneficial to the birth of babies and children. "

"It turned out to be such a treasure. Then our village..."

"Everyone in the village can use it. But I don't know if this kind of treasure can be treasured or how long it can be held." The young man smiled wryly. "However, for the time being, when others don't know, it can still be used more."

"If the people in the village keep it secret..."

"It can't be done. Our village is not a village of one surname. Other surnames in the village..." The young man continued to smile wryly.

"If it's the same surname." The old man looked at his grandson and then at his son. "It's not impossible. Leave this treasure cave to our Yang family."

"But Dad... how many surnames do you have in the village?" the middle-aged man said.

"You are so stupid. There are several surnames in the village, but in the entire village, or in the nearby villages, only our Yang family has the most monks and the highest cultivation level. In this period of change, people are not for themselves, and heaven and earth are destroyed.

Maybe our Yang family can use this treasure hole to rise. "The old man's eyes are shining.

"Let the eldest grandson arrange the array later. The matter of this treasure cave is kept secret from the outside world. I will tell the clan that we will keep this treasure."

After hearing this, the middle-aged man thought it over carefully and said, "That's good. I'll take the spirit stone and let the boss go to the county seat overnight to buy the formation."

"Let me go tomorrow."

"Aren't you full, come with me immediately, what a fool."


This scene continues to be staged in the New Baidou world.

The world is changing, and various opportunities continue to appear.

Someone who ate a piece of fruit became a great monk.

There are also villages, towns, and counties that died overnight.No one knows who the murderer is.

Although Wuyuan Mountain, the Lingshan of the Chu family, is still near Nuguan Pass, there are many coastal villages, towns, islands and fishing villages on the islands near Nuguan Pass.

The nearby sea has become a rich sea area with many sea animals, sea fish and other resources.

But the mutation of aura brings more hidden dangers.The fish schools on the bottom of the sea are flourishing day by day.Two months ago, there was a small group of yellow-spotted spirit fish, and it became a large group of thousands in less than two months.

And the big fish are swimming with densely packed small and medium fish.In the past, they swam away from the fishermen, but now when they see the fishermen fishing, they deliberately overturn the fishing boat and drag the fisherman into the deep sea.

Moreover, the aquatic plants in the shallow sea, which were originally harmless, began to become more and more dangerous.They have learned to prey on humans and fish.

On land, all kinds of spiritual wood, ordinary wood, and spiritual plants are constantly mutating.

The non-toxic ones became poisonous, and the harmless ones became extremely aggressive. The spirit trees that could not run before, Lingzhi grew legs and learned to hide.

No one dared to eat the fruit hanging on the spiritual fruit tree without examining it.It might be poisonous.

If you eat it, you will die.

Even the golden sunflower, the golden sunflower fruit hanging on the tree has grown a thick wooden shell.

No birds, beasts or people can easily smash it open.

Only the monks can cut the wooden shell outside the fruit with special sharp instruments.

The Baidou world is becoming more and more mutated.

Plants are changing, animals are changing.

Abnormalities also frequently appear in various places.

It is becoming more and more difficult for mortals to survive.But mortals are changing, their physique is growing.The bones also became harder and harder, the qi and blood became more intense, and the strength became stronger and stronger.The absence of spiritual roots only appears in children, middle-aged people and old people also show spiritual roots one after another, and they embark on the road of cultivation inexplicably.

Of course, there are also those who completely treat the mutated spiritual energy as poisonous gas. Under such an environment, their bodies become weaker and weaker, and they are about to die.

The Absolute Beginning Sword Sect simply removed such extremely unsuitable people on a large scale.

Anyway, the world controlled by the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect with thin aura has gone too far.

Because the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect moved too fast, before the Thousand Vine Realm appeared, they removed all the unsuitable humans.

This exceeded Bai Qi's expectation.

As a result, Bai Qi was not released from Qianteng Realm for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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