The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1346 Sold one clean

Chapter 1346: Sell one clean

"It depends on what you do." Chi Qian called Zhou Li closer and quietly made arrangements.

Zhou Li nodded repeatedly while listening.

Mr. Zhu Han listened and took the initiative to put his head over, giving advice from time to time.

What the three of them thought was quite beautiful.

Within a few days, someone came directly to Chu Shinian. This person is Senior Brother Zhang. He was someone who had some friendship with Chu Shinian.

"I heard that Junior Brother Chu has a little girl who has grown up?"

"Why did Senior Brother Zhang think about asking about my daughter?" Chu Shinian narrowed his eyes slightly. Although this Senior Brother Zhang did not offend Chu Shinian in his conduct and behavior, it did not make him dislike him. But what if this disaster arouses his daughter's bad intentions.

Chu Shinian didn't intend to spoil him.

"It doesn't matter if boys start a family and start a career later. But girls are different. If you want to find a good husband, you have to do it as early as possible. When you get older, other girls will get married. Then you can find a good husband. It’s difficult to find a suitable one.”

The person in front of me is a sword cultivator from the Taichu Sword Sect. He is at the peak level of Nascent Soul Realm, but he is very far away from the sixth level of Evolution Dao Realm.

It can even be said that there is no chance at all.

The main reason is that when Senior Brother Zhang was young, in order to pursue powerful swordsmanship, he kept overdrawing his longevity and foundation.

As time goes by, this defect will be gone and no magic medicine can remedy it.

As a result, not only can his cultivation level be no longer improved today, but he can only rely on pills to maintain his original state.

He also has to face the embarrassing situation of running out of life, not to mention that if there is no good medicine to extend his life, his cultivation will decline rapidly.

So he was a crispy Nascent Soul, and he might have died directly in that battle.

As a result, Senior Brother Zhang was not a very good member of the Taichu Sword Sect. Many people were laughing at him and planned to wait for him to die as a melon-eater.

Because no one has good intentions, he usually doesn't have much contact with other brothers and sisters and keeps to himself.

This guy is alone, but he comes to talk to him about his daughter, which makes him feel weird no matter how he looks at her.

"Senior Brother Zhang, are you planning to introduce a suitable husband to my daughter?"

"Haha, I also fell in love with a really nice young boy, so I thought of introducing him to you."

Chu Shinian laughed. "What kind of outstanding young man can win your favor?"

"He is definitely a good young man. If you choose him, you will definitely not lose out." Senior Brother Zhang encouraged.

The smile on Chu Shinian's face was faint at this time. "My daughter is still too young, and I haven't planned to find a family for her yet."

Senior Brother Zhang was stunned for a moment. "Junior Brother Chu, do you think I will trap you?"

Chu Shinian shook his head. "I just don't want my daughter to get married and leave my wing. I plan to find a son-in-law for her."

Ah poof.

Senior Brother Zhang looked at him in shock. "The more talented a young man is, the more arrogant he is. How can anyone be willing to be a door-to-door son-in-law? Aren't you cheating on your daughter? Besides, your family business has already been inherited by your son. Why don't you keep your daughter in your arms? , What will you do if the brothers and sisters fight for the family property in the future?

"It's impossible to fight for the family property. We only have two children in my family. The clan's property belongs to the clan. Whoever is the clan leader controls it. Our own family property is divided in half between the two children, which is exactly one share for each of us." Chu Shi Nian said confidently.

"I see that you two are not very young. What if we have another child in the future?" Senior Brother Zhang was surprised.

"After dividing the family property for the first time, my wife and I will buy some more properties. When we have another child, we can divide it again." Chu Shinian was particularly thoughtful.

In his own family situation, the only relatives in his heart now are his children besides his wife.

Chu Dashan, a peach blossom family, had divided the family property among his children early.

Whoever gets married takes away his share. Chu Shinian thought that his father-in-law's division was good, and the children at home had no conflicts over property issues, so he thought it would be good to do what his father-in-law did.

Senior Brother Zhang was speechless as he listened to the other party's plan for a while before saying, "Actually, I really didn't mean to trick you. In the early years, I owed Senior Brother Zhou Li a favor. His family has a young son, who is the oldest among his children. Those with talent for cultivation can also be the best among the talented young people of the Taichu Sword Sect.

It is said that the boy has the appearance of the seventh level.

What his family means is that they want to marry you and let their kid, the little guy named Zhou Nuo, marry your eldest daughter.

I feel that if this marriage takes place, everyone will benefit.

What do you think? "

"You have to give me some time to think about it carefully," Chu Shinian said.

It's hard to say whether Zhou Nuo is really a genius.

What Chu Shinian cared about was that the other party wanted to get married.

And he also gave a candidate who is very good even in the Taichu Sword Sect.

"Well, marriage is a big deal. It's right to think about it carefully." Senior Brother Zhang nodded in agreement.

"What's going on with Zhou Li?" Chu Shinian asked again. "Does he and his family have any following in the Taichu Sword Sect?"

"It really does." Senior Brother Zhang smiled. "Listen to me and tell you carefully."

Although Senior Brother Zhang is not very popular in the Taichu Sword Sect, this does not mean that he does not gossip and does not know anything about the sect's affairs.

On the contrary, he is a very gossipy person and loves to inquire about all kinds of privacy.

So when Chu Shinian asked, he became interested in talking.

He simply took Chu Shinian and while drinking and eating, he complained about the twists and turns within the Taichu Sword Sect.

But Zhou Li didn't know that Senior Brother Zhang was such a person.

I didn’t even know that Senior Brother Zhang could actually find out so much gossip about this sect.

Although Chu Shinian was favored by the Taichu Sword Sect's Supreme Leaders in the Baidou World, his relationship with his fellow Sword Sect brothers was relatively average.

He is not as good as his own wife, Chu Taohua, who has rich connections in the Taichu Sword Sect.

So Zhou Li wanted to get married, but there had to be a middleman.

There are people who know him and Chu Shinian, but it is more difficult to choose someone who can talk to Chu Shinian and talk about his daughter's marriage.

Fortunately, Senior Brother Zhang came out.

Although Senior Brother Zhang was not doing well in Taichu, no one paid much attention to him.

But he once went on an adventure with Chu Shinian, and even helped Chu Shinian fend off a sneak attack. It's a bit of a friendship.

So Zhou Li asked Senior Brother Zhang to come forward.

At this time, he didn't know that Senior Brother Zhang was a talent, and that he had completely sold out his family's and his own trivial affairs.

After a drink, he found out everything about Zhou Li, and Chu Shinian felt that it was pretty good.

Senior Brother Zhang also thought it was very good. It was easy for him to find a sincere listener. He knew so much gossip and finally had someone to talk to.

It's so rare.

(End of this chapter)

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