The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1347 Senior Brother Zhang

Chapter 1347 Senior Brother Zhang

Senior Brother Zhang, whose real name is Zhang Teng.

He looked like a middle-aged man in his thirties, but he was actually over a hundred years old.

He is a strange person who has tasted almost all kinds of life-extending spiritual fruits in the world of Shenting. Recently I have become very obsessed with the various life-extending elixirs and fruits of the Chu family.

"I said you would sell me one of your peaches. Really, I want one." After telling Chu Shinian all the nonsense about the Taichu Sword Sect, Senior Brother Zhang began to pester Chu Shinian again. He sells his spiritual peaches.

He knew that the Chu family had a lot of spiritual peaches above the sixth level.

Spirit peaches above the sixth level are no longer simply spiritual fruits, but treasures of heaven and earth.

A sixth-level Qingyang spiritual peach extends life for fifty years without running away. Of course only the first time.

Starting from the second pill, the life-extending effect is halved. In the end, no matter how you take it, the life-extending effect will be lost.

Senior Brother Zhang was lucky enough to have eaten one. Since then, he has never forgotten it. He came to Jichu Shinian whenever he had nothing to do, and wanted to buy another one.

"Although my sixth-level spiritual peach can extend the life of mortals, for you, a sword cultivator who has lost his origin, the repair effect is simply a drop in the bucket and has no effect at all. Why else do you buy it? It's so expensive." Chu I was so tortured by him that I had no choice but to surrender voluntarily.

"Why is it useless? I know that my body feels better. As for extending my life, I don't really care. I can only live for a hundred and eighty years at most. I naturally hope that I can live happily, and It’s not like living in pain.” Senior Brother Zhang grinned and complained. "If I keep suffering, I might as well leave early so that I can be freed early. I feel comfortable, and so does the sect."

After hearing what he said, Chu Shinian nodded in agreement, "You'd better hurry up and reincarnate."

"I asked you why you can't speak so well. I'm gone. What if I don't awaken Su Hui in the next life, or in dozens of lives?"

"Wouldn't it be even worse if you awakened Su Hui and found out that you have no talent for cultivation?" Chu Shinian said.

"You..." Senior Brother Zhang almost got angry when he heard this.

"You can't just shrink away from liberation just because you're afraid of reincarnation, right?" Chu Shinian provoked him. "Have you never thought that if you were reincarnated, not only would you be talented, but you would also awaken Su Hui very quickly?"

"Impossible. If I were talented, it would be absolutely impossible for me to awaken Su Hui." Zhang Teng suddenly said with great certainty.

"I don't understand, why do you say that, Senior Brother Zhang?"

"Come on, let me tell you a secret that many cultivator families know, but will never tell outsiders. In fact, there are reincarnated people among the descendants of each cultivating family. If the reincarnated person's qualifications are average, then let the little one The child awakens Su Hui. If the descendant who awakens Su Hui is willing to stay in the family, he can stay in the family. If he is not willing to stay in the family, he can just let him go.

But once you leave the family, you are no longer a member of the family.

But if the child has an amazing talent, then in order to keep the little guy in the family, cultivate his sense of belonging to the family.

People in the family will use tricks to prevent him from awakening to Su Hui.

Let him grow up like a child born in your heart.

After such a child is raised, even if he awakens Su Hui in the future. He also has a strong sense of belonging to his family and will take good care of his family even if he leaves the family.

Just like our Taichu Sword Sect, there are many Supreme Elders who have actually returned from the catastrophe. They all have two or even three families. "

"Ah?" Chu Shinian was stunned in surprise. "Really, I was surprised at first, so I secretly inquired. Let me tell you, among the elders alive today, at least more than thirty are people who have reversed tribulations, and there are several people behind them. family."

"Then the original family and the later family don't fight?" Chu Shinian asked in confusion.

"What's there to fight for? Even if the Supreme Being is trying to reverse the calamity, who doesn't have a backup plan? Who doesn't have the disciples and disciples to take care of him? He has the resources, the background, and the relatives and friends to take care of him. There is nothing he can do about the Supreme Being turning the calamity around. Naturally, the original family was not willing to give up such benefits, and the subsequent families were not willing to obtain the opportunity of such benefits.

With the experience of their previous lives, it is not too difficult for the Supreme Beings to return to their peak, or even get one step closer.

As long as there is support from the Supreme Being and follows the Supreme Being, the family will develop into a behemoth sooner or later.

Who is willing to let go?

In the end, no matter what everyone's thoughts were at the beginning, they had to carefully restrain themselves, listen to the Supreme Leader's words, and follow the Supreme Leader. "

"What you said makes sense. With so many people and so many branches in the Taichu Sword Sect, it is indeed difficult to get along." Chu Shinian said.

"It's hard to mingle wherever there are a lot of people." Zhang Teng rolled his eyes at him. "The Guanghan Sword Sect is such a gangster. Why did you get out of the gang?"

Chu Shinian laughed sarcastically.

"Actually, you are very smart, and you naturally know the situation you are facing." Zhang Teng added, "I am going to die. You can treat me as a dying person, and my words are good. In your current situation, how about you?" You join a big force and donate Wuyuan Mountain, or help the new sect build a few more Wuyuan Mountains.

Then you can calm down and develop silently for hundreds of years. When you are truly strong, we can talk about it later.

Otherwise, you can escape with Wuyuan Mountain, leave the Baidou World, and flow in the universe. Anyway, as long as your Wuyuan Mountain is not destroyed, your entire clan can stay in the void for a long time.

But you have never wandered in the void, and you don’t know how dangerous it is.

You may not imagine that the biggest danger in the void is not some giant beast or monster, but nothing at all. Or a desperate situation that suddenly appears and can never be escaped.

Don't look at your Wuyuan Mountain. The aura is very strong now. If nothing can be replenished for thousands of years, Wuyuan Mountain will collapse, and everything on it will become nothing. There are no people, no objects, everything will collapse, even the mountains will collapse into debris.

There are also some Jedi who appear suddenly. I once fell into a time and space Jedi. There is a strange time barrier outside. As long as you see it, all your life span will be gone in a few seconds, your beauty will turn to white hair, and your prime years will turn into withered bones.

I was literally trapped somewhere for two hundred and sixty years, and I don't know how I survived.

Later, the space barrier that trapped us there disappeared overnight, and the rest of us survived by chance.

There were originally millions of people, but in the end there were only six of us left. "

Zhang Teng said with a sad face.

After hearing this, Chu Shinian fell silent.

Don't tell others to be kind if you haven't experienced their suffering.

Chu Shinian had indeed never experienced Zhang Teng's experience, so even though he could hear the despair and pain in the other person's words, he didn't say much.

(End of this chapter)

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