Chapter 1348 Talk

"You are bringing a whole family with you. I say you'd better be cautious and think carefully. Don't make a decision easily." Senior Brother Zhang said again.

Chu Shinian nodded.

After seeing off Senior Brother Zhang, my daughter came over on her own initiative.

"Dad, I heard that someone wants to marry me? Dad, will you send me out for marriage?"

Chu Junlan asked pitifully.

Chu Shinian was speechless, "Did Dad sell you to me?"

"Then who knows. Anyway, I know you haven't liked me since you were a kid."

Chu Shinian was even more speechless, "How did you find out that I didn't like you? Why did you beat me as a child?"

"My brother said it. My brother said you don't like me and I don't like him. You don't like anyone except your mother." Jun Lan opened her mouth and sold her brother.

Chu Junshu, who had not yet taken a step into the house, immediately wanted to take back his feet, then turn around and run away.

"Jun Shu." Chu Shinian called him coldly.

"Dad." Chu Junshu looked bitter. His sister cheated on him! !

"When did you find out that I don't like you or Jun Lan?" Chu Shinian's eyes were filled with daggers, and they pierced Chu Junshu's body directly.

Xiao Chu was crying.

"I was just teasing my sister. Who knows that she has a good memory and doesn't remember anything else, but she remembered what I said to tease her."

"You're teasing her? You're teasing her and saying I don't like you brother and sister? Are you quite talented?!" Chu Shinian took out a punishment stick directly from the storage ring.

"Hey, hey, dad, you can't use your mouth but your hands." When Chu Junshu saw that he was going to be beaten, he immediately started running away.

"You stand down for me, how dare you run?"

"Help, help, my dad is going to kill someone."

Chu Junlan watched helplessly as her father chased her eldest brother away, feeling horrified in her heart. "Oh my god, I'm going to get beaten again. Should I ask my mother to save me? Forget it, brother, I'd better run some errands."

This guy completely forgot that if it weren't for her, his brother wouldn't have been beaten.


When Chu Junshu was rescued, he was already lying on the bed and couldn't get up. My butt was smashed.

I didn't even cry, it hurt too much.

"Dad was too cruel. I am his biological son, his biological son. Mom, look at how he beat me. He almost beat me to death."

"Yes, I'm sure you are his biological child. Otherwise, he would have knocked out all your bones." Taohua said.

" I your biological child?"

"If you weren't my biological child, could I come here to give you medicine and help you heal your wounds?" Taohua asked in a funny tone.

"Mom, why do I think you are gloating?"

"I'm just gloating. I remember when you were little, you were like a little devil, making mischief and destroying my things. At that time, your mother couldn't do anything to you when you were little. Fortunately, you have grown up. Yes, resist the beating.

This way your father and I will have the opportunity to punish you for all the sins you committed when you were young. "

Chu Junshu turned pale when he heard this.

"Mom, can I still live in the future?"

"That's for sure. If you don't repay your debt, how can you die?"

"Hey... Is it still time for me to run away from home?"

"Brother, why don't you run away? You can go to your renter's father or your uncle." Chu Junlan also gave him some advice.

After hearing this, Chu Junshu wanted to get up from the bed, but only halfway up he fell back with a squeal. This was followed by several more screams. "It hurts, it hurts so much." "Brother, how are you? Do you want me to call a doctor for you?"

"The doctor just left." Taohua finished applying the ointment, cleaned up and put the porcelain bottle in place.

"Mom, I can't feel anything below my waist. My father won't cripple me, right?"

"Every time he beats you, you will complain and scream for days. At most, he will hurt your butt, but how can he really hurt you?" Taohua rolled her eyes angrily.

"Hey, it's okay if he doesn't beat me. Why do you have to beat me until I'm lying on the bed?"

"You forgot what you said. Your father just wants to give you a memory. Let you tell your sister everything."

"...I'm just talking about it for fun."

"Your father only plays for fun."

Chu Junshu wanted to cry but had no tears.

In their family, the father and mother are the united front.

The baby looks like he was picked up from outside.

When he was a child, he felt that he and his sister were redundant.

He comforted the unlucky Chu Junshu who was beaten and arranged for Chu Junlan to take care of him.

Taohua was invited to discuss the important matter of the new marriage news delivered by the Taichu Sword Sect.

"I think this is a signal that the Taichu Sword Sect is not willing to wait any longer and wants to completely engulf us." Chu Ziyan said.

"What do Zigong think?" Chu Shinian asked.

"I also think this is a signal, but I think it should not be the entire Taichu Sword Sect, but a certain force within the Taichu Sword Sect."

"Whether it is the Taichu Sword Sect as a whole or just one force within the Taichu Sword Sect, isn't it the same to us? Our Chu family either accepts the fate of being annexed or retreats. Judging from the current size of the Chu family It's not big, but it's actually not too small either.

We want to retreat calmly, but under the heavy pressure from the Taichu Sword Sect, I'm afraid it won't be easy. "Zi Yan said again.

"We still have many forces in the Bai Dou World. For example, the Bai Dou Sword Sect may also be useful." Zhuang Zihan interjected.

"I think that in the face of overwhelming strength, a small counterattack is meaningless. I still recommend pushing away directly, even if the sacrifice is greater." Chu Ziyan added.

He dared to say it.

The question is how big must this sacrifice be and how must it be arranged?

"What does the head of the family think?" Fei Zigong asked.

"The family has always relied on itself to develop." Taohua said. "And we're doing great."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Perhaps we are facing more difficulties now. Even if there is hostility, the forces are quite large. For example, the Taiyin Immortal Lord, the Guanghan Sword Sect, and the Taichu Sword Sect. We have risen from the corner of the corner, and in the eyes of others Even the lower Liba people, no matter how they live, it is wrong.

Even breathing is polluting the environment. "

Her words immediately caused a cold light to flash in the eyes of the young family elders present.

"I also know that many people hope that we will directly join the Taichu Sword Sect, or the Guanghan Sword Sect and serve as cows and horses for the rest of our lives." Taohua said again.

Everyone's expressions turned gloomy again.

"But why? Who is willing to sacrifice himself to achieve others?" Taohua said again.

"Taohua, do you want us to retreat and leave the Baidou World?" Chu Shinian asked.

"It is inevitable to leave the Baidou World. The resources here are too good, and it is still the original territory of Taichu Sword Sect. No one wants us to stay here forever. It's just that we couldn't leave before, so we have been stuck here.

But now that I've given birth to a baby, that obstacle that has been limiting me no longer exists. So it's time to leave. "

(End of this chapter)

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