The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1349 Trend

Chapter 1349 Trend

"Of course you want to leave?" Zhuang Zihan was still a little uncomfortable. Baidu World is so rich in resources that people don’t want to leave. The key is that Wuyuan Mountain continuously absorbs a large amount of earth energy from the earth veins here, and is obviously transforming towards the seventh level.

He still doesn't know that the Wuyuan Mountain's core Five Elements Spiritual Peak area is moving towards the seventh level and going further.

"We are not just a few people, but a family, especially a family with a spiritual mountain. In the eyes of the Taichu Sword Sect, we are just stealing other people's property." Chu Shinian is such a clever person, he had already guessed it The thoughts of the senior officials of the Taichu Sword Sect.

The reason why they were not touched before was not only due to their own internal conflicts, but also because he and others had helped them drive away the Taiyin Immortal Master in the Bai Dou Realm.

"After all, Wuyuan Mountain is too eye-catching." Chu Shinian said with a serious expression.

At this point, no one in the Chu family present felt this way.

Speaking of which, Taichu Sword Sect also has many spiritual mountains and is developing well. But it depends on who you compare with.

The Chu family's Lingshan, ahem, the elixirs planted on it are too dense, too many.

"It's just that we have to leave. Where are we going?" Chu Ziyan asked sadly.

"I have finally thought of a place. Let me tell you now." Taohua said confidently.

Sure enough, the head of his family is still the same head.

Always take at least a hundred steps before taking one step.

After everyone listened to Taohua's suggestion, everyone fell into deep thought. Finally, Fei Zigong asked, "How can we take Wuyuan Mountain away? It's too big to take away."

"What I mean is, dismantle it and take it away." Taohua said.

"Dismantle? Oh my god, that is Lingshan. If it is dismantled into small pieces, it is called fragments. Is it still called Lingshan?" Chu Ziyan exclaimed in shock.

"I told you, Taohua, you should be more cautious." Chu Shiluo couldn't help it at this time. "Our Chu family has a wonderful Daling Mountain. If you demolish it, have you ever thought about whether it will be sad?"

"I've made inquiries, and it seems that there is a lack of a number of fortress-type shipyards there. It just so happens that we can take the dismantled Lingshan, disguise it and love it, and convert it into a fortress specially responsible for transporting supplies and repairing shipyards."

The Void Fortress is actually a large void warship.

There are various forms. Some are simply Lingshan, or modified by Small World.

After all, during the intermission between battles, no one is willing to continue squatting in a military camp or warship where the atmosphere is particularly tense.

Who doesn’t want to relax a bit?

"But once the structure of Dalingshan is dismantled, it cannot be put back together. After all, Lingshan has its own spirit. Once disassembled, the spirit will only be attached to the core area, and the spirituality will be greatly reduced." Chu Zixian couldn't bear it. He said loudly.

"After it's dismantled, at least the Taichu Sword Sect won't be staring at us so closely." Taohua said.

Everyone: I have to say that the head of the family is right.

But their Dalingshan.

poor thing!

You are about to go from high-energy to mentally retarded.

"But after being dismantled, is the Lingshan still a sixth-level Lingshan?"

"The main body is broken into small pieces, and Lingshan will definitely degrade. However, the foundation of the sixth level is still there. As long as it is raised for a few years, there is still a chance to grow back to the sixth level." Taohua said again.

"That's such a pity." Chu Zixiang cried.

"Everyone take good care of it. When the time comes and we regroup, we may be able to directly break through to the seventh level." Taohua said. "Huh?" Everyone was shocked.

"This is the splitting of the sixth-level Lingshan, not the cultivation of new Lingshan. Each of them is a split of the main body." Taohua continued to explain to everyone.

"Master, do you mean that the spirit will be split into separate parts by then?" Zhuang Zihan asked in shock.

"Yes, that's it." Taohua said, "We are not cultivating a new sixth-level spiritual mountain. That would be troublesome, and the spiritual mountain has broken through to the sixth level. Do you think it is so easy to break through? How much effort did we waste in the beginning, and it was still luck? Fortunately, Lingshan was able to break through.

When we come to the outside world, at least after a little inquiry, everyone will be able to understand the spiritual mountains in the outside world, and it is easy to advance to the sixth level. But the strength is not bad, and there is almost no development potential.

There is almost no one in a thousand who can continue to advance to the seventh level or even higher.

Since our Lingshan was built, it has been promoted from a small Five Elements Blessed Land to the later stage, from the first level, the second level, to the sixth level. I don’t even want to think about how many spiritual things I ate during this period.

Likewise, since it was promoted to level six, I haven't felt any signs of exhaustion of its potential.

Why do people from both the Guanghan Sword Sect and the Taichu Sword Sect keep an eye on it? Isn't that why?

With such a good foundation, it would be a waste of money for us not to use it.

But we are not as well-established as the Taichu Sword Sect. We are a large sect that has accumulated countless years of experience. Now everyone can see that we can cultivate a sixth-order spiritual mountain and advance to the seventh-order spiritual realm. Which force do you think would be happy? For the sake of their own face, they will also stop it. "

"So, head of the family, you plan to break it into pieces." Chu Moyan also spoke up at this time.

"Yes, we can't get bigger, but we can get smaller. As long as we are the Wuyuan Mountain that collapsed by ourselves, who can care where we go? It's just not giving face. If we don't want to, let Taichu Sword Sect, as long as we have it in our hands. The dazzling Wuyuan Mountain makes people jealous.

With hundreds of people like the Chu family, what does it matter if they have some ability to cultivate spiritual herbs? "Taohua said to everyone.

A month later, there was a rare thunderstorm in Bai Dou Realm that affected a large area of ​​the sky.

It's like the Milky Way pouring down water. In some areas, it rains for a month.

When the thunderstorms and heavy rain stopped, Wuyuan Mountain, which had been deeply embedded in the ground nodes, suddenly disappeared.

Feeling deeply that they had lost face, the Taichu Sword Sect directly issued a wanted order, searching for the Chu family and Wuyuan Mountain, the spiritual mountain.

But in the entire territory of Shenting World, it is strange that it cannot be found.

Where did that huge spiritual mountain go?

And how did it leave the Baidou World?

Two hundred years later, the Baidou Great World has been marked by the Shenting Great World as the top of the four levels of the universe, the Yu Zi level.

The big world has undergone many transformations and evolutions, and both the spiritual creatures and humans here have transformed towards the most primitive species.

Especially in the human race, there have been various variations.

All kinds of bloodlines and physiques appear as if they cost nothing.

This caused many major sects in Shenting World to spend a lot of money and come here to recruit disciples, or simply set up branches.

Many monk families have simply moved their families to the Great World of Bai Dou so that they can take advantage of the environment here to raise their new offspring.

In just over two hundred years, the entire world of Shenting has been declining.

(End of this chapter)

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