The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1350 Fort Wu

Chapter 1350 Fort Wu

A huge fortress-like spiritual mountain, protected by thirteen or four large and medium-sized void warships, leisurely anchored in the airspace outside the Baidou world.

The large and small docks on the fort dock were opened one after another.

Various small warships flew out of the dock one after another and rushed into the world of Bai Dou like birds flying into the forest.

Those large and medium-sized warships that were like escorts were silently guarding outside Baowu Lingshan.

"Is that Baowu Lingshan in the Northern Wei Qiu War Zone?" On a large warship passing by, a middle-aged male monk looked at the huge figure outside the window with envy.

"Yeah, it's the new Baowu Lingshan in the three world mixed war zones of Beichuan, Wei'an, and Qiulin. I heard that this type of Baowu Lingshan is particularly profitable. Many forces have their own large and small fleets. " said a female monk with sharp eyebrows beside him.

"In the past fifty years, there have been more and more flexible and maneuverable castles in the Lingshan Mountains almost every year. I don't know which forces have transformed all the Lingshan Mountains under their own command into such castles and incorporated them into their own fleets. "The middle-aged monk said again.

"It won't work if we don't change it. Nowadays, the void caravans in all the big worlds are having difficulty operating. Selling the resources of the big worlds over long distances takes a long time, and the cost remains high. It's not like those Baowu Lingshan, where you can go all the way. Local specialties from all over the world are processed into high-value armor, weapons, elixirs and various cultivation resources. You can make a lot of money before you reach any place.

With them in front, it turns out that the void caravans are beginning to decline. "

The friar nodded. "Because they are sold everywhere, many originally high-priced resources have not only dropped in price significantly, but have also become cheap resources. Many specialties of the big world have also gone from being sought after by everyone to being less popular.

The emergence of Baowu Lingshan has simply changed the business model of each company. "

"Well, this kind of thing that was born in the war zone, because of its strong adaptability, quickly spread to the entire territory controlled by Shenting. I heard that even many big worlds outside Shenting have become popular in this kind of production, processing and trafficking in Baowu Lingshan pattern.”

With this small and flexible Baowu Lingshan that can travel freely, many big worlds are no longer so popular.

"I heard that there are plans to add 50,000 Baowu Lingshan in the war zone over there?" The male monk suddenly raised a new question.

"Ahem, this is difficult. To put it bluntly, our Shenting world is also rich in resources. Now we can transform nearly two hundred thousand such Baowu Lingshan. If there are more, there will be none. There are many big and small worlds. These spiritual mountains cannot be transformed," the female monk said. For example, if the Lingshan is used for stocking or raising something, it can be transformed into a fortress. If there are too many people, it will easily disturb the things in the Lingshan.

"I heard that the situation in the war zone over there is also very complicated, and the fighting is also very fierce. Some areas are like a grinding mill, with many monks from large and small forces involved?" the male monk asked with a slight frown.

"You have never been there. The water there is very deep, and it is very penetrated by outsiders." The female monk sighed and said, "Over there, your best friend today may not be him tomorrow. ”

The monk was very embarrassed when he heard this.

"So scary?"

"That's not it. The strangers in the big world over there are a little weird. They can easily invade the bodies of our monks, or parasitize the bodies of mortals, and they don't even know.

There are also some alien races that can infect and control mortals and monks through various parasites and parasitic bacteria.

I heard that some Nascent Soul monks were parasitized, and all the internal organs in their stomachs were eaten away, and they couldn't even feel it. "

When the friar heard this, he felt a chill running down his spine.

At this time, a harsh whistle sounded suddenly from Baowu Lingshan in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, the large and medium-sized warships also began to adjust their status one by one, getting ready to attack. The target of the attack was vaguely aimed in their direction.

Their warship was also moving quickly, evacuating this area quickly.

As the big ship evacuated, the middle-aged men and women saw that not far behind the big ship, a small fleet of ships was quickly revealing their figures. But each warship was actually covered with piles and clusters of colorful mushrooms.

"It's over. So many bacteria have grown. I'm afraid there won't be any survivors left in those warships." The female monk looked horrified.

"How can those ships still come here if there are no survivors?" The male monk was horrified.

"Control the corpse to fly." The female monk looked like you are really weird.

"Over there in the war zone, a large number of these corpse ships participate in the war every year, causing us a lot of losses every time." The female monk continued.

"Notice, notice, the warships and caravans that have approached the Baidou World in the past ten days, Baowu Lingshan have stayed in place and are not allowed to move. Please check yourself. If you find any kind of aliens that have infiltrated, please be sure to report it immediately. "A group of young escorting monks on the warship hurriedly walked away, telling the surrounding monks who were staying in the cabin or outside the cabin.

"Everyone try to stay outside the cabin. This kind of spacious place with many people is not easy to be penetrated and infected by foreign races." At this time, the experienced old monks also spoke out to remind the rookie monks who had not experienced these things. .

"Everyone must be careful not to let strangers approach you casually. If the other party approaches forcefully, please avoid or attack him directly. Nine times out of ten, the other party is a monk who has been contaminated and lost his mind."

At this time, the experience provided by the veteran monks is not only valuable, but can actually provide a chance of survival.

The colorful mushroom fleet was destroyed by the combined efforts of many large warships before it even approached Baowu Lingshan and Baidou World.

A large chunk of that space was shattered and turbulent. Various colored hyphae swept everywhere along with the space storm.

Near each fleet, the fleet once again fired a large number of various kinds of heaven and earth spiritual fire burning and exploding arrows. Because the arrows were shot too densely, they ignited the void.

Like artificially created seas of fire.

After a long time, the sea of ​​​​fire extinguished.

The colorful mycelium also disappeared.

Warships everywhere have begun self-inspections, not only to check whether there are various infiltrating aliens, hyphae and other terrible creatures lurking inside the warships, but also to check the fighting monks everywhere to prevent them from being contaminated but not themselves. Know.

Now that the warships and people have flown into the Baidou World, they feel comfortable. They are all circled and checked in the Baidou World.

Those who didn't have time to go down had to stay anchored and endure.

Anyway, Baidou World will not allow them to go down within ten days.

(End of this chapter)

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