The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1351 Zhu Biao and Qiao Lin

Chapter 1351 Zhu Biao and Qiao Lin

A small fleet quickly conducted self-checks on its fleet and then began to move closer to Baowu Lingshan.

When their fleet approached a certain range, a small spaceship flew out from Baowu Lingshan to greet them. The small fleet here saw another small spaceship coming, and three middle-aged monks flew out of the flagship.

As soon as they saw them coming out, a middle-aged monk also flew out of the small spaceship.

"What's the matter with you?"

"We are Jinming Pavilion's caravan. There are thirteen ships in total, three medium-sized ships and ten small ships. We have completed the self-inspection and plan to berth in your dock."

"A medium-sized ship will be anchored for 60,000 low-grade spiritual stones in ten days. A small ship will be docked for 13,000 low-grade spiritual stones in ten days. If you plan to enter Lingshan for supplies, you will have to pay extra. You will also have to undergo alien testing within Lingshan."

"No problem. We don't plan to leave the dock and enter Lingshan, but we need some living supplies. Especially clean food, water, elixirs, etc."

"Okay, we will arrange puppets to prepare various supplies for you. By the way, we also have a small courtyard-type cave over there at the dock. You can rent it if you need it."

"Is the rent for a small cave mansion expensive?"

"In order to prevent the infiltration and contamination of alien races in the small cave over there, the materials used to build the cave have been specially treated, and various special spiritual plants are planted inside the cave, so the rent is not cheap.

If you want to live there, you need at least a thousand spiritual stones in ten days. "

"That's okay. It's always too expensive."

"We have been operating in the void for a long time, and it is impossible to get any outrageous prices. If we are cursed as profiteers by our caravan colleagues everywhere, life will be difficult in the future."

"Haha, let's discuss next. Can we rent that dock?"

"This is a map of temporarily vacant shipyards. You can choose one of your own." The other party directly threw a piece of photo jade over.

Several monks discussed back and forth several times before deciding where the small fleet would go.

Wait until the small fleet is guided into the dock one by one.

Inside the dock, in vitro testing of various parked warships, large and small, has also begun.

If there is no problem, people on the warship will be allowed to disembark and move around. As long as they do not leave the dock area, no one will care.

Several small families, parents with their children, or grandparents with their children and grandchildren, got off several small or medium-sized warships one after another. Then they looked for service puppets in the docks and applied to settle in various courtyard caves here.

Some people who stayed on the warship were very puzzled by the behavior of those people. "It's just ten days, just stay on the warship. Why go down and rent some cave?"

"That's different. On a warship, you have to keep one eye open even when you sleep. If you go to live in a cave, you can sleep peacefully."


"You must have never lived in that kind of special cave, right? This kind of cave inside Baowu Lingshan is specially refined and has a strong ability to detect alien infiltration. When you go there, you and your personal belongings need to be tested.

And the cave over there will always help you detect various dangers.

So when you go to someone else's cave, you can basically eliminate the surrounding dangers and wait with peace of mind. "

"That's so good, why don't you go?"

"I'm waiting for my brother to pack his things and leave now."


Thirteen warships, including the managers of the entire caravan, all settled in the small caves with beautiful scenery and spiritual plants in the dock area.

There are many small fleets and medium-sized fleets like theirs. At least one-third of the entire queue parked outside Baidoujie went to Baowu Lingshan to park.

This made all the large and small shipyards on Baowiling Mountain extremely noisy, with spacecraft coming in and out.

Alarm sounds were also heard from some shipyards.

But soon a large number of combat puppets will rush into the dock to solve internal problems.

Although there were several docks, at least hundreds of warships had unexpected situations. But the vast majority of them did no harm and nipped the danger in the bud.

Only three or five warships were not occupied by new guessing mushrooms, and the people on board were completely killed.

Those ships were all warships that were said to have never been close to the mushroom fleet.

There was one mushroom that was far away from others across the huge battlefield, and it was unknown how it was infected, and then the whole ship died.

These captured warships were notified by Lingshan to other warships staying in the fort as well as various warship formations in the surrounding space.

With the continuous escalation of the war in the Northern Wei Qiu War Zone, it has become increasingly difficult for Void to mix recently.

Just when some fleets and some people living in temporary caves were enjoying life leisurely, one fleet after another began to have problems.

First, some personnel were contaminated and completely turned into petri dishes for mushrooms. Then, the warships lost contact or encountered many problems.

However, within ten days, the number of warships floating outside was reduced by 10%.

It's simply terrifying.

Many monks who participated in void travel for the first time were so scared that their spines went cold.

The world of Baidou has just been reopened and continues to accept foreign warships.

A large number of warships other than Lingshan have flown into the big world again, accelerating various commercial activities.

Baowu Lingshan still stays outside the Baidou world and is very stable and reliable.

Zhu Biao, who controls the fort, handles various complicated general affairs while overseeing the continued renovation and construction of his own fort. "I heard that more than a thousand loopholes were detected this time, allowing mushroom hyphae to penetrate."

"Those hyphae mainly follow people in." His deputy Qiao Lin said seriously.

"You come in just as you come in. Anyway, it's not an object, it's a person." Zhu Biao rolled his eyes directly. "We have probably set up thousands of plans for tissue mycelium penetration, and it has actually been penetrated in more than a thousand places. In this year's Lingshan ranking, maybe we will be at the bottom again."

"Our Lingshan Mountain has been in operation for less than 30 years. What happened to being at the bottom? Isn't it normal to be at the bottom? If we were at the top, we would have gone deep into the Northern Wei Qiu War Zone." Deputy Qiao Lin looked rogue. said.

"I want to go there too, but it's a pity that I'm not strong enough." Zhu Biao cried. He is probably the one who said his heart is as high as the sky and his life is as thin as paper.

"Can you stop being so angry all the time? That shoe-rake face of yours is already ugly enough. I really hope it won't continue to be ugly." Qiao Lin stabbed him hard again.

"Qiao Lin, I still think you are my good brother, but you actually stabbed me in the heart?"

"Aren't you the one who insists on being uglier?"

"Where can I get it?"

"What I said is not wrong. It's just that you cry all day long, making your ugly face look uglier and uglier."

(End of this chapter)

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