The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1352 Bai Dou and Shenting

Chapter 1352 Bai Dou and Shenting

"How many people say that I am elegant and handsome, but who says that I am ugly? Who is it?"

Zhu Biao looked around.

Several scribes were working with their heads down one by one, not daring to raise their heads at all.

"Me. I said you are ugly. What do you think?"

"Qiao Lin, don't think that you are a secret guard. I can't beat you, so you keep ignoring me. After all, I am older than you. I am higher than you in the ranking of family talents. too much.."

"You just studied well when you were a kid, so you took advantage. How about you rank higher than me in the talent rankings?" Qiao Lin complained angrily. "I am ranked higher than you in the order of merit."

Whether it is the talent sequence or the merit sequence, it is an important list used by the family to recruit new talents.

Anyone who can make the list is an incredible talent.

Therefore, both Zhu Biao and Qiao Lin performed well among rookies.

"You only have fifteen more small skills than me. That's all you have. I will surpass you within this year." Zhu Biao said angrily.

Qiao Lin let out an angry breath. "snort."

He also knew that Zhu Biao controlled Lingshan, and based on this alone, the meritorious service he received every year was higher than him.

"By the way, there are many ordinary people in the White Dou Realm this year who feel that they can't survive anymore and want to go to various battlefields. Our branches in the world alone have been asked tens of thousands of times. They all hope that Fort Wu Lingshan can carry them there." Qiao Lin didn't want to continue arguing with the shameless Zhu Biao, so he changed the subject directly.

Zhu Biao shook his head directly, "I have received a message from the headquarters, saying that the major sects in the Shenting World have changed and want to adjust the policies of various battlefields. They will no longer accept the emigration of ordinary people from the Baidou World.

So we can no longer help them migrate.

Let the stewards everywhere tell them. "

"Why, the major sects and families in the Baidou world have squeezed the ordinary people too hard. Everyone will not be able to survive. If we stop them from migrating, won't we force them to die? ?" Qiao Lin asked with a frown.

"Can our family stand up to so many big sects? This is a collective decision. What is the effect of our opposition? If they crush us, it will be like crushing an ant." Zhu Biao said angrily. He glanced at Qiao Lin.

Qiao Lin was born as a secret guard, and those who can use their fists will never use their heads.

This caused his brain to look like a free one. I am always impulsive, questioning this and that every day, why?

What the hell, why do you think so?

Just because the family doesn't dare to expose their identity easily, just because they live like mice every day.

"See the facts clearly." Zhu Biao said, "We can't help anyone because we are still too weak."

Qiao Lin: "..." "I still find it too irritating. The ordinary people in Bai Dou Realm are too pitiful."

"In fact, as early as sixty years ago, some people spread that if the ordinary people in the Bai Dou world continued to stay in the Bai Dou world, they were afraid that they would not be able to survive in the future. But at that time, the ordinary people living in the Bai Dou world were still reluctant to leave and survive. They had not left their home for hundreds of years and continued to reproduce, causing the number of mortals in the Bai Dou Realm to skyrocket.

Until now, people have been fighting for their lives and I have been fighting for their lives, and I can’t leave even if I want to. Zhu Biao said.

"What? There was a legend sixty years ago?" "Well, there was a legend at that time, saying that it was not good for the mortals to stay, and called on the mortals of Baidou to leave the Baidou world and go to other worlds." Zhu Biao said. "At that time, a large number of ordinary people did leave, but there were only more left.

In fact, the family's original shop, various properties, manor, and elixir mountain in Baidou Realm also took action early at that time and completely withdrew from Baidou Realm. "

"No way? The family received the news so early and evacuated decisively?"

"Our family is small, but the head of the family is powerful. He can always be one step ahead. Therefore, our family has been developing at a high speed over the years. Examples like the withdrawal of Bai Doujie are not uncommon." Zhu Biao said.

"Then do we still have a fixed channel for our current transactions with Bai Doujie?"

"What fixed channel should we use? We just need to sell our treasured items to various auctions and large caravans every time we come. Even if they lower the price, we will still make a huge profit."

Qiao Lin quite agrees with Zhu Biao's words.

Because Lingshan serves as a large logistics base, every time we go to the big world, the various commodities sent out by Lingshan are extremely valuable treasures. Those high-quality and cheap goods were sold by Lingshan to passing caravans, organized by small and medium-sized worlds and some large vagrants wandering in the void.

Speaking of which, the larger the world, the more tightly controlled the major forces of the Divine Court are, the smaller the total amount of items Lingshan trades with them. But I can make a huge profit every time I sell it.

"What we are selling this time are ice souls that are over a thousand years old. I don't know how the sales will be?" Qiao Lin asked again.

"Ice soul has always been easy to sell. The supply is almost in short supply." Zhu Biao is very optimistic about his specialty ice soul.

Baowu Lingshan generally has its own specialties. The core territory of their Baowu Ling Mountain is an eternal glacier. Specializing in the production of various thousand-year-old ice souls. Almost every five or six years, dozens of special ice souls are produced, which look like thousand-year-old ice souls no matter how you look at them.

In terms of quality and use, it is even better than the Millennium Ice Soul.

Anyway, they are selling it as Millennium Ice Soul.

"Hey, I just don't understand. How come the great world of Bai Dou has only been developed for a few hundred years and has been turned into what it is now by the great forces and great families of the Divine Court?"

"Greedy. I always want to eat more and take more." Zhu Biao said with a sarcastic smile. "Obviously I have so many resources, but I don't want to make good use of and maintain my original resources and develop more resources and sources of wealth. But I always want to rob others. I feel that as long as I continue to plunder and feed war with war, You can make a lot of money and become more powerful. It's just a fantasy.

I think the world is going to be drained by them. "

"In recent years, the Great World of Shenting has been in a state of depletion of various resources. I think they don't even want to maintain it. If any large mineral vein was excavated in the past, they would still think about getting a mineral core back and then backfilling it. The mines were closed and mined again after thousands of years.

Obviously, when they finished digging, they just evacuated their people and pulled them down without taking into account the deep ravines they made on the ground. It caused complaints among the ordinary people in his own big world. "

The two brothers complained one after another.

After all, it is true that some forces have done something that is unjustifiable recently.

The Bai Dou world is obviously becoming more and more prosperous, but ordinary people are becoming more and more unable to survive.

The Divine Court is obviously the foundation of all major forces and major families. But recently, we have been faced with various problems that no one cares about or maintains. Decline that was destroyed by people in various ways.

(End of this chapter)

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