The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1353 Flesh and Blood Resources

Chapter 1353 Flesh and Blood Resources

In the world of Baidou, Qin Rui looked at the old and young people kneeling down in front of him.

My heart is also very tangled and complicated.

It is said that he is just a steward, and he is only responsible for purchasing spiritual materials.

How could he help this family of more than 300 people move out of the Baidou Realm if he didn't have much power?

"Old Zhao, it's not that I don't want to help. It's that I can't help you. If you don't want to say anything else, let's just say that if you want to leave the Bai Dou Realm, you must at least pay for everyone's ticket for a long-distance journey in the void. The distance from here to In the recent big world, each ticket costs 40,000 spirit stones.

Can you afford a boat ticket? "

The gray-haired man kneeling in front of him had a petrified expression for a moment.

"But sixty years ago, didn't they also move the entire village?"

"At that time, there was a shortage of people in those big worlds or battlefields. They were all free of charge at the beginning. Now there is no such good thing everywhere." Qin Rui felt that he was innocently entangled, and he wanted to be depressed. Vomiting blood.

"How could it be? Isn't this forcing me to die?" A man in his thirties kneeling next to the old man shouted angrily.

"It's no use shouting at me. The ticket price is this now. The farther away you are, the more expensive the ticket is. It's really not the past. Sixty years ago, the void was not so dangerous. The spiritual mountains and aviation in various big worlds The team may not be able to encounter an alien infiltration team for decades or hundreds of years.

Now, we have encountered countless alien infiltration teams along the way.

Every time we encounter them, our warships and manpower will be damaged.

I don't know if other forces have lost many warships and manpower.

But I understand ourselves. From June last year to now, oh, by the way, it’s April now, and there are still two months left to make a year. But we have lost more than 3,000 warships and more than 50,000 boatmen and guards. "

Fortunately, the ones next to their main house were not very good and they were the first to escape.

Our main force is spread across Lingshan and Lingshan, and we have never suffered a lot of losses. At most, some large and small warships will be damaged.

But even so, the annual compensation for death in the line of duty amounts to tens of millions of spiritual stones.

Tens of millions of spiritual stones are now enough to recast a small spiritual mountain.

"The void outside the world is so dangerous now, and you are all ordinary people. If there is any problem, you will definitely not be able to save the lives of the whole family. I think it is not a good choice for you to leave the world of Baidou."

"But if you stay here, all kinds of exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes will not give you a way to live at all." The sturdy man in his thirties said.

"Then just run." Qin Rui said.

"We just want to run away, but unfortunately we can't move at all."

"I'm not talking about leaving the Baidou Realm through warships or spiritual mountains. This method requires paying a lot of spiritual stones, which you don't have." Qin Rui said very impressively.

"Then where do you think we can run?"

"I think you have forgotten where the Taiyin Immortal Lord came from?"

"Underground." "Sir, you mean underground?" A glint appeared in the eyes of the kneeling old man.

"Although you are all ordinary people, you are all born and raised in the Bai Dou Realm and are strong and healthy. Even if you don't become monks, you can still live by hunting, men farming, and women weaving. If you really can't survive on the ground, why bother? How about going down?

Others may not know, but I don’t believe you don’t know that the world of Kongyou underground in Bai Dou is so big that even high-level monks cannot explore many places.

Run in and find a way to survive. "

"But even high-level monks don't dare to go underground. Can we go down? The whole family won't die down there, right?" A look of struggle appeared on the face of the man in his thirties.

"Looking at you like this, you are not as decisive as your father."

"That's right." The old man stood up directly from the ground. As soon as he stood up, the men around him also stood up. "It's just for survival. Back then, your great-grandfather and a group of old, weak, sick and disabled were able to lay down a foundation in our Guitou Ridge.

The old man can do it, your father and I are not afraid of death.

We can definitely do it too. "

"You can prepare more things in advance. If you need various resources, I can also help you introduce some managers.

To be honest, it is not easy for you to save some wealth. Even if you recommend a few clan members to leave the Baidou Realm with ship tickets, what will the other clan members do? Waiting to die?

It's better to just buy some things for land reclamation and start a new road. "

"If Mr. Qin has more affairs, please point out a way for us to survive." The old man said very seriously. "I may not be able to repay your kindness, but the descendants of my family will remember your kindness. If you need anything, our family will do our best to help you."

"Don't say that." Qin Rui sighed and said, "I myself was born and raised in the Bai Dou world. I also know why people torture us so much, bully us ordinary people, and deny everyone a way to live. Hey, it's not about blood and war. The body's fault.

I don’t want to ask what bloodline your family has or what kind of fighting body you have.

I can only tell you that there is only so much I can help you with. "

Alas, these ordinary civilian families who were targeted were really unjust. They just didn't want to be penned up like cattle and sheep, and then continue to wait for generations to be slaughtered and have their blood and fighting bodies extracted.

"As long as you are targeted, just stop thinking about leaving openly. Like I said, secretly, buy things quickly, and then run away with your family. This is the right way."

"Yeah." The old man responded heavily.

"In addition, no matter what you say outside in the future, I will never admit that I gave you such an idea. So if you run away, you can only have an idea and come up with your own ideas."

The old man didn't know whether to laugh or cry after hearing this.

However, he was also very decisive. Once he made up his mind, he immediately spent all the spiritual stones in his hands and bought a lot of things with Qin Rui's help. Then he quietly took his tribe and left under the cover of night.

A young boy frowned and stood beside Qin Rui, "Master, why do you think of giving them such an idea? The fate of the remaining people in the Bai Dou world has been clearly arranged by them. What are you doing? You want to show them another way? And this way will probably cost them most of their loved ones, and they will not be able to survive in the end. "

"The ordinary people in Bai Dou Realm were originally slaves transported from various places. The number was not even one ten thousandth of what it is now.

And there were no special bloodlines or combat bodies at that time.

Who would have known that in just over two hundred years, the ordinary people here would have grown into a particularly cherished flesh and blood resource. "

(End of this chapter)

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