The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1354 Means

Chapter 1354 Means

"Why are the big and small forces in Shenting's world so crazy that they force them to betray themselves willingly and join their sect? They just hope that these ordinary people will become their docile cattle and sheep, so that they can seize their blood and fighting bodies at any time.

As long as they are pushed to the extreme, they will default to the assumption that they and others want or need to sacrifice. By sacrificing those tribesmen who have awakened their bloodline and fighting body, they can live well.

Then gradually they will develop a sense of servility and dependence.

As long as they find that a child of the same clan has awakened their bloodline or their combat body, they will take the initiative to capture the sacrifices and send them away without the master saying anything.

More ferocious and loyal than those guard dogs. "

"Master, how do you know?" the boy asked in surprise.

"Because I have seen it. Before I left the Bai Dou Realm, I saw with my own eyes how the forces in the Bai Dou Realm kept ordinary people in captivity. They kept these ordinary people in a manor and a city. But anyone who has awakened his bloodline And the people in the war body have all become sacrifices for their success in gaining the favor of their master.

Children can chop their parents, and parents can torture their children until they are dying.

Ming knew that after he reported it, his relatives would suffer a miserable fate and lose their lives. They even went to report it with great interest!

What a bunch of lunatics.

Those forces and those families just want to breed such perverts. The more such perversions there are, the more stable their annual harvest will be. "

"Master..." The boy was so angry that he couldn't help but feel angry. "It's so unethical of them to do this."

"But you can't deny that this will greatly improve the combat effectiveness and future cultivation potential of the low-level monks within your own force." Qin Rui sighed and continued.


"I always feel that something is going to change today, otherwise there is no way to explain it..." Qin Rui said again.

"Master, have you obtained the quota of policy councilor immediately?" the boy suddenly asked happily.

"Well, in about a month or so, the appointment letter will be in my hands." Qin Rui said.

"Then Master, have you already obtained the quota of policy councilor?"

"Well, my assessment was completed three months ago." There was not much joy on Qin Rui's face.

These are troubled times.

Family affairs and external affairs all made him feel a sense of depression that a storm was about to come.

"Master, you have obtained the qualification of a policymaker, do you need to leave our Eternal Glacier?" The name of the Baowu Lingshan Mountain within the family is the Eternal Glacier. Naming it after the resource area is the way the Lingshan Mountain is named within the family.

"No, each Lingshan has seven policy advisors. What I obtained is the first policy advisor qualification of our Eternal Glacier."

"Then Master, you will be one of the ten powerful rulers in Lingshan in our family from now on."

"Well, I will be ranked fourth in the future. Just behind the mountain master and the two deputy mountain masters. After all, I am the first among my seven policymakers to take office." Qin Rui curled his lips. Coming first is also a kind of seniority, and it is also the same as being in power. Whoever takes office first is the elder brother, and whoever takes office later is the younger brother.

"Master, do you think those who just left can succeed?" the boy asked again.

"Yes, because they are one. Those forces never thought that some ordinary people would dare to fight desperately and run underground. As long as there are no high-density traitors in their clan, they will have the opportunity to escape underground. .

As for how many people will survive in the end, I have no idea. "

"If all the forced people fled underground, wouldn't the Baidou world be in chaos?" The young man chuckled evilly.

"Impossible. If there is a large-scale escape, the Taichu Sword Sect will definitely take strong action to stop it. By then, more ordinary people will be suppressed and unable to survive. Either die or kneel down and become cattle and sheep. Of course. , it may also lead to riots.

However, riots are not that easy to occur. It depends on whether there are still some careerists in the Baidu world. "

"I wonder if we can see more follow-ups?"

"There is probably no chance. We should hurry up and purchase various spiritual trees. Recently, more and more warships have been damaged, and the family has begun to discuss whether to outsource the task of repairing warships to other forces."

"Ahem, master, no, can you? Can the warship be outsourced and built by others?"

"Have you underestimated the heroes of the world?! Many forces outside are more professional in shipbuilding than us. It's just that the shipbuilding materials are not as good as ours, so it seems that our warships have more combat effectiveness in the void.

In fact, if everyone uses the same materials to build ships, the warships they build will not necessarily have lower combat power than ours. "

"I was a little embarrassed when I first heard about it. My own brother is also a shipbuilder. He always brags to me that our family's warships are the best, and that the shipbuilding masters trained by the family are the best. A master craftsman or something.

I admit it, I was a little confused by his boast. "

The young boy is indeed a disciple who can be taken by Qin Rui. Smart, quick to respond, and good at self-awareness.

He may have really thought that his family's shipbuilding skills and shipbuilding talents were the best in the world of Shenting.

But as soon as his master said it, he recognized from his master's words that maybe what his master said was right. So I immediately changed my mind.

"Your boy is quite smart, but he is too careful. He still needs training." Qin Rui did not mention his disciple's other shortcomings. In his opinion, the little guy still needs some training.

"Steward, someone is selling spiritual wood again. He said his surname is Bai."

"Invite someone in."

A young monk in brocade robes quickly walked into the room under the leadership of another waiter.

"Qin Rui." The other party suddenly shouted when he saw Qin Rui.

Suddenly, the four pieces of white round jade hanging around them cracked.

Qin Rui quickly hung a purple jade pendant on his chest. Worried that it would not be enough, he escaped and hung up four more. He also quickly hung up five pieces of purple jade for his apprentice.

Not only that, he also quickly threw a signaling arrow into the sky.

The arrow flew into the air and exploded, and anyone who was not blind could see the pattern in the air within a thousand miles.

The man who led the young man in suddenly screamed, lay down on the ground and turned purple all over, and then lost his breath.

Qin Rui grabbed his little apprentice and looked at him on guard.

The visitor also had a look of astonishment.

"What's in your house and hanging around your neck?"

"This is a special magical weapon designed to defend you foreign bastards." A masked man dressed in black with a knife on his back suddenly appeared next to Qin Rui.

(End of this chapter)

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