The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1355 Little Apprentice

Chapter 1355 Little Apprentice

"You retreat first, leave this guy to me." The masked man in black said to Qin Rui behind him.

"Are you kidding me? I am their target. I can survive longer with you, so I can wait for support. If I leave early, wouldn't I be putting food in the mouth of the evil dragon?" Qin Rui was angry. Complaints.

Man in black mask: "..."

"Master, you are so thoughtful."

"It's okay. If I had been less narrow-minded, I would have died long ago." Qin Rui boasted. He is a strategist, not a force bearer. It is natural that he is mostly behind the combatants. After Qin Rui finished speaking, he carried his little apprentice and leaned behind a certain body.

A certain human shield: "..."

"I have long heard that the secret guards of Tianzhu Pavilion are very powerful. It is a great honor to have the opportunity to learn from each other this time." As soon as the young man finished speaking, he suddenly opened his mouth and sang a strange and unpredictable tone.

Chaotic and terrifying fragmented sound waves were continuously ejected from the opponent's mouth, directly sweeping across a fan-shaped attack area.

Click, click, the purple jade pendants worn around the necks of Master Qin Rui and his disciples cracked.

The young apprentice's ears, eyes, and nostrils were bleeding.

Qin Rui put a black ring on his little apprentice's finger with a look of pain on his face.

The young apprentice's facial features, which had turned ferocious like an evil spirit because he could not withstand the sonic attack, finally recovered. He had a lingering look on his face, feeling as if he had just been fished out of the deep sea of ​​terrifying strange sounds.

Almost suffocated to death.

"Master, please support me if my legs are weak. I feel like my brain is going to explode just now."

"It's okay. You will adapt to this situation more often in the future. This should be a ghost." Qin Rui frowned slightly and put a few more dark green talismans on himself and his apprentice.

When the other party started singing, a certain masked man went out to attack, and now the two of them were fighting like thousands of demolition workers.

The two of them had to tear down half of such a big house.

Qin Rui took his young apprentice and retreated slightly.

Always stay within the protection range of your own human shield.

Seeing a group of guards inside the market hurried over under the leadership of a general-armored monk, he immediately shouted loudly, "Stop, there is a ghost here, and he came to assassinate an important person in our Tianzhu Pavilion." , you must prove that you are not an infiltrated alien species before you can pass the exam. I will activate the Tianzhu Pavilion self-destruction token and you will die."

"What?" The visitor stopped in shock.

"Tang Gui?"

"Who are you?" Qin Rui asked loudly again.

"I am Zhao Xueci, the manager of Lanshi Market," said the leading armored monk.

"This is a high-level ghost, very good at possession and sonic attacks. Where he came from, I don't want to know. But can you tell me, is Lanshi Market still safe now?" Qin Rui said loudly, with a heavy tone. asked worriedly. Half the market knows your voice, okay?

The corners of the visitor's mouth twitched violently.

"I don't know either. I've only been here for three days." Zhao Xuici didn't want to take any responsibility.

"What should we do now? Can we still stay in this market?" Qin Rui asked again. "You are really a ghost. This market will definitely be closed for several months. You don't want to go out," Zhao Xuici said.

"How can I dare to walk around before the supporting fleet arrives? I don't see people coming to kill me? I don't understand. Our Tianzhu Pavilion is obviously just a small shop. It's not a big one. Power, why are they being targeted by foreigners?" Qin Rui shouted. "The neighboring shops have already been infiltrated, and we are the only new ones left. That's why we were left to deal with them last."

As soon as he said these words, there was silence around him.

There was no sound of people in the surrounding shops.

Qin Rui seemed to realize something and immediately screamed.

"Brother, help, they have completed infiltration here. It has become a stronghold, let's run."

A certain human shield suddenly kicked away a young man who was struggling with him. He ran over, picked up Qin Rui, picked up his apprentice, and started running away with lightning speed.

A certain armored monk also realized something and chased after them without saying a word.

The armored monk threw a mini boat to his feet while running, and then threw Qin Rui and his apprentice into the boat.

"Hurry up and maneuver the boat and see where we can fly to survive." After saying this, he directly picked up the long knife and slashed away the armored monk who had been chasing behind them.

"Brother Feng, why did you chop him? He doesn't look like he was penetrated..." the young apprentice said in horror.

At this time, Qin Rui had already rolled and climbed to the position of the boat. He accelerated the boat and rushed out a wave of clouds in a certain direction.

"What do you know? He is not the same as us. If you take him with you, you will be a mere hindrance." said Feng, the human shield.

"Yes, the children of big forces will do tricks on themselves before they are sent abroad to prevent them from betraying the force and family. If he follows us, he will be like an eye, exposing all our trump cards.

You must pay attention to this when you go out to do things by yourself in the future. Don't expose us all just because of a little unnecessary sympathy. "

The young apprentice looked shocked.

This was the first time he heard of such a thing.

"No wonder Master, you said that I will follow you to practice outside for at least ten years."

"That's natural. Your experience is short and your heart is not hard enough. In the end, when you reach a high position, it's not the descendants of the family who will be harmed. I don't have the habit of teaching my disciples to deceive future generations. So you'd better be good to you. Master, learn from it. If your character is really bad, then Master has no choice but to arrange a suitable place for you to retire."

Qin Rui looked at him with an expression that said I wouldn't be able to do anything about it then.

"Master, I understand. I will study hard." The young apprentice said helplessly.

"You don't have to be too strict with him. His father has long said that as a young son, he has no big requirements. As long as he can complete the elementary trial and finally have a place to eat, it will be fine. You lead the apprentice quickly There are a hundred people, right? I heard that you have more than ten disciples who have been promoted to strategists. No matter what happens to this kid, it will have nothing to do with you, so don’t be nervous about him."

Human shield Feng Dao.

"I'm not nervous about him. He likes him as he likes. I have so many disciples, and I have never seen any weird things. They make me vomit blood, break my teeth with hatred, and make my heart and heart ache with pity. , what haven’t I experienced?

I think this is the last one, so I will teach you more. If it really doesn’t work, forget it. "

"Master, I think I can still save something. Why did you bother so much? I was given up too early." The young apprentice cried.

(End of this chapter)

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