The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1357 The health pond is boiling

Chapter 1357 The health pond is boiling

The jade mirror suddenly turned dark.

At the same time, some people said to Zhu Biao, "We're here."

The head of the human shield Feng suddenly twisted and exploded, and a thin vine protruded from it.

Then Qin Rui's heart burst into a huge blood hole.

There was a ball of black gas inside, which flew out. "Get out of here." Qin Rui shouted angrily, but his body was unable to stand and he slowly fell backwards.

Qin Rui's little apprentice exploded into a ball of blood mist. The same black gas flew out of his body.

Boom boom boom...

All kinds of spells were directed towards the cane and the two balls of black energy to encircle and suppress the attack.

In particular, a masked man with a sword on his back rushed directly to the human shield Feng. With a strange glove, he directly reached into his neck and pulled out a white penis that had already grown five or six. Roots, two strange little plants with young vines.

The other party seemed to have spent a lot of strength to grab the small plant.

The little plant kept resisting and wanted to escape.

It's a pity that my body is pinched to death.

On the other side, the two masses of black energy were consumed by a steady stream of spell attacks, leaving not the last bit left.

Qin Rui also received treatment from a group of men in black masks at this time.

But even though he took the elixir, his heart was directly exploded this time and his body was seriously damaged. It cannot be recovered in a short time. I need to rest for at least a few days.

"My apprentice, Lao Feng..."

A masked man who was twisting the little plant threw the little plant into a medicine cauldron with the help of two other masked men. Once the spiritual fire burned, it didn't take long for the small plant to be refined into three or four black crystals and one green crystal.

"Look, who is Lao Feng? Get him out quickly."

"This, this looks like it."

"Where is Lao Feng's body?"

"The elixir has been incorporated into the body. But if the head is cured, he will have to enter the health pool to recuperate for at least a few days."

"Throw Lao Qin in too."

"good idea."

"No, I can just find an ordinary cave to cultivate myself." Qin Rui struggled weakly. He felt that he could still be saved.

Health pool sounds nice, but in fact, that place is simply hard to describe.

"Don't delay, send them all. There are people over there to take care of them, so we won't be too busy and have no manpower to take care of Lao Qin."

"I don't need you to take care of me. My apprentice, my apprentice..."

"Your disciple is too weak, his soul is gone." The masked man said coldly.

Lao Qin's expression froze.

Seeing his stiff face, the masked men around him didn't say anything, and just resisted him and took away Old Feng's body with his head cut off. As long as it doesn't completely burst into pieces, there is still a chance to save it. If it explodes to pieces, it really can’t be saved with the family’s current technology.

A group of them quickly cleaned up the surrounding traces, and then left with Lao Qin and Lao Feng.

Every time they walked, four or five human-shaped black smoke flew over quickly, and then turned into human shapes one after another.

"What's going on? Failed? We went to the Sky Spider Pavilion, and we were able to fail one after another?" one of the black smokes said.

"I've told you before, don't underestimate the human race. The power on the surface of Shenting's world is definitely not its true foundation. This power has been destroyed and reappeared many times. Even if we join forces, we can't completely eliminate it, but we can still let it be reborn. He recovered again. "It's like having immortality. We, the Shadow Clan, have hunted down and destroyed three human forces. This is the fourth one."

"Haha, I didn't expect that you, the Shadow Clan, would also miss one after another?" Another figure in the black smoke said.

"In short, you fog demons will know it once you come into contact with them. Even if we discover them again, humph, we may not be able to destroy these human forces."

"I didn't expect that we actually found the human race and several demi-human races here." Another strange voice of a man and a woman came from the drifting black smoke.

"Come on, you soul race are the best at chasing and detecting. You must have discovered them a long time ago. Are you planning to devour more human races and eat more human souls by keeping silent?"

"It sounds like you don't want it. Whether it's our Soul Clan, your Shadow Clan, the Mist Demon or the Evil Ghost, aren't everyone here for other people's spirits?

Although there are many races in this universe of ours, none of them have a soul as delicious as human beings. hey-hey……"


Several black smoke dumplings showed evil smiles.

"Let's go back to Lanshi Market first. The feast is still waiting for us. It seems that the vassal races are becoming more and more greedy. Before we have had enough, they pounce on us and grab the food. It's really annoying."

"Just kill some shameless ones. We only need docile people as a vassal race."

"Yes, especially those mindless dead mushrooms, they really need to be cleaned up."

"Come on, when there are no humans with a lot of souls to eat, I still have to eat some mushrooms. You should be gentle, but don't make the mushrooms extinct."

"Then you evil ghosts are really perverted. You actually like to eat mushrooms. I'm convinced."

"Who doesn't have a little hobby? What about eating mushrooms? You're not asked to pay for mushroom seeds?"

"Okay, do you still want to leave? If you don't, I'll leave first."


Whoosh, whoosh, several groups of black mist quickly flew away again.

There is a hidden area of ​​a huge warship somewhere in the sky. Stone pools are embedded in secret chambers with formations and layers of seals.

The milky white liquid exuding a strong medicinal fragrance is boiling in each pool. There are probably one or two pools in each secret room. It won’t fit in any more.

The door to one of the secret rooms was opened, and then two humanoid objects were thrown into the pool. They were skinned one after another like hairless little white sheep.

Qin Rui's face was twisted in sadness, and his body was sinking and sinking in the boiling liquid.

It hurts so much.

It was this floating hair that reminded him of boiled mutton.

However, there is a kind of restriction in this pool. No matter who comes in, they can't scream.

So he drifted here for a few days, enduring the pain day and night.

What the hell, he was lying flat and floating even though he didn't have to come in.

He can cultivate himself without anyone taking care of him.

As for Lao Feng, Lao Feng has no head now and can't feel pain. Can he still accept the days of lying down for treatment? perhaps.

While the two of them were recovering from their injuries, news that certain people had died in the battle was passed back to the family headquarters and forwarded to their relatives.

As the war in the void continues to escalate, there are more and more news of family members dying in the war.

Now it has developed into a huge professional department to deal with the affairs of members who died in the war.

(End of this chapter)

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